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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Hey CrystalDee,

Just an FYI: my post wasn't directed at you, I don't want you to feel singled out or offended in any way! Also out user names appear in the grey/blue bar at the top of our posts :-).

No offense taken! I am really getting some good ideas from this board. There is comfort in numbers. My friends and family here have never tried for a scholarship like this, so they don't really understand what the anxiety and stress is like. I just appreciate reading what everyone is saying. Thanks for letting me jump in here.

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... That moment when discover that Germany Full Grant applicants have been notified on the Tuesday of this week in March for the past 3 years. 

... then that moment when you realize that today is Tuesday and 5PM EST is in one hour.....

Edited by IchBinIch
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... That moment when discover that Germany Full Grant applicants have been notified on the Tuesday of this week in March for the past 3 years. 

... then that moment when you realize that today is Tuesday and 5PM EST is in one hour.....


I understand... UK applicants have been notified on Monday or Tuesday in the past 3 years as well, but it's totally unknown since the interviews are so late.


However, this also means my stress levels increase exponentially as the time approaches 5 pm EST. While it is nice to bond with everybody over the worries/uncertainties of life and this process, anybody have suggestions on dealing with and managing all the stress and anxiety that comes with waiting? (Besides trying to work on other things, because it isn't working out so well). Part of the difficulty comes from the fact that we're supposed to be notified this week/it's expected any day or minute now....

Edited by Anon314
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Random question, and this might vary a lot depending on country: does anyone know when (if you're an ETA candidate, at least) you find out what city you're going to? I was under the impression it was not at the same time you received the notification email. Or maybe in countries that aren't Russia, you have more of an idea of what the potential sites are? 

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Random question, and this might vary a lot depending on country: does anyone know when (if you're an ETA candidate, at least) you find out what city you're going to? I was under the impression it was not at the same time you received the notification email. Or maybe in countries that aren't Russia, you have more of an idea of what the potential sites are? 

 I believe you won't find out your city placement for some time after you get notification about whether or not you were accepted. Obviously only if you were accepted :) I have heard as late as June, but that was for Germany.
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I understand... UK applicants have been notified on Monday or Tuesday in the past 3 years as well, but it's totally unknown since the interviews are so late.


However, this also means my stress levels increase exponentially as the time approaches 5 pm EST. While it is nice to bond with everybody over the worries/uncertainties of life and this process, anybody have suggestions on dealing with and managing all the stress and anxiety that comes with waiting? (Besides trying to work on other things, because it isn't working out so well). Part of the difficulty comes from the fact that we're supposed to be notified this week/it's expected any day or minute now....

I don't really have any advice for you. All I can say is that I have spent the last week and a half/ two weeks in a stateof high anxiety. I think my brain just decided I couldn't continue to pump out much adrenaline every day and to cut that shit out. 
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Did anyone else apply for a Germany ETA grant? Did you have to submit an application in German? I was told by previous Germany ETAers that they had to in previous years for the second round, but I haven't received any information about that. All they asked me for after I received my recommendation was my preference for placement in different German states. Thanks! :)



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 I don't really have any advice for you. All I can say is that I have spent the last week and a half/ two weeks in a stateof high anxiety. I think my brain just decided I couldn't continue to pump out much adrenaline every day and to cut that shit out. 

Sadly my brain hasn't hit that stage yet.... Stupid brain. 

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Did anyone else apply for a Germany ETA grant? Did you have to submit an application in German? I was told by previous Germany ETAers that they had to in previous years for the second round, but I haven't received any information about that. All they asked me for after I received my recommendation was my preference for placement in different German states. Thanks! :)




This was true for years past but they changed it this year (I e-mailed the commission to be sure and this was confirmed). So all you had to fill out was the preference for Bundeslaender.

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Did anyone else apply for a Germany ETA grant? Did you have to submit an application in German? I was told by previous Germany ETAers that they had to in previous years for the second round, but I haven't received any information about that. All they asked me for after I received my recommendation was my preference for placement in different German states. Thanks! :)



 Hey Christine - I am a Germany ETA applicant.

Submitting further materials in German is no longer a part of the process, as far as I have heard, so I wouldn't worry about it anymore. SOmeone (I don't remember who) stated earlier in the forum that their FPA said that had been done away with this year.

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Did anyone else apply for a Germany ETA grant? Did you have to submit an application in German? I was told by previous Germany ETAers that they had to in previous years for the second round, but I haven't received any information about that. All they asked me for after I received my recommendation was my preference for placement in different German states. Thanks! :)



Word is that they cancelled the second round application this year. All I recieved was a request for my top three states as well. Also, longtime lurker, first time poster. Hello world!

Edited by theregoesdennett
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  I feel ya. My body isn't on high alert anymore, but that isn't stopping me from continuing to check the board regularly ;)

It's my new instinct when I'm browsing the Internet- instead of Facebook, I check this thread. Plus, since last year the selected candidates were notified before the ones who weren't selected, I want to find out if I should already mentally prepare myself for a nice big rejection email. =P

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It's my new instinct when I'm browsing the Internet- instead of Facebook, I check this thread. Plus, since last year the selected candidates were notified before the ones who weren't selected, I want to find out if I should already mentally prepare myself for a nice big rejection email. =P

 Hello, my name is "there'sanappforthat" and I have a problem;an addiction to this message board.

All 222? posts i have accumulated have been submitted to this thread. Yes, I know, it's sad, you don't have to tell me

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  Hello, my name is "there'sanappforthat" and I have a problem;an addiction to this message board.

All 222? posts i have accumulated have been submitted to this thread. Yes, I know, it's sad, you don't have to tell me

Hahaha all of my posts have been to this thread. I found this thread by googling information about Fulbright UK applications and the process. Do I also have a problem? Absolutely. As well as a lack of patience.

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Welcome to all the longtime lurkers coming out of the woodworks!

Does anyone else feel like they're living in shrodinger's box? I have two clear life paths right now, and im sort of half-planning for both. that one email is going to instantly direct it one way or the other. Too nerdy of a reference?

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It's my new instinct when I'm browsing the Internet- instead of Facebook, I check this thread. Plus, since last year the selected candidates were notified before the ones who weren't selected, I want to find out if I should already mentally prepare myself for a nice big rejection email. =P

 Indeed.  This, and looking up stupid stuff to try and avoid doing homework.  Not the best of plans. =)

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