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Fulbright 2013-2014


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I was rejected. I kind of expected it, but I feel way worse than I expected... all that work for nothing... and I've made such a huge deal of it to my close friends/family... Sigh. 

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Just got my email, Netherlands Finalist! Email started with....."I am pleased to inform you that the National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education (IIE) has recommended...."!!!! Omg, I was just screaming in my office. 

It was hard to hold it in , sitting here in my little cubicle!

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I just got Rejected.   :( ..........I obviously did not eat enough oreos today to tempt the gods.....


CONGRATS to everyone doing the happy recommended dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Rock that house!

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Not recommended :(

Congrats to everyone who made it through and best of luck in the next round!!!

My plan now is to postpone my graduation date to study abroad in Heidelberg so that I can be more prepared to reapply in the fall...either way I get to go to Germany so I guess there is a silver lining!

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Not recommended :(

Congrats to everyone who made it through and best of luck in the next round!!!

My plan now is to postpone my graduation date to study abroad in Heidelberg so that I can be more prepared to reapply in the fall...either way I get to go to Germany so I guess there is a silver lining!

Heck yeah that's a silver lining! I put my graduation back to study in Germany for a semester, and I would do it again in a HEARTBEAT!!

It was so worth it! :) Keep trying!

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Nope! Me neither! I'll be signing off now! I don't know if I'll reattempt in the near future. Can't put some more baby-making on hold forever! ;)

I sincerely wish you all the best of luck in the next round!!

Now time to focus on full time tenure track faculty positions for my hubby! Goodbye! It was wonderful chatting with all of you while we waited for this news!

Edited by Here'sHopin'!
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Bleh I know this is conceited/full of myself. But I wish I could know why I was rejected. I had a really really strong application. (I thought?) I applied for voice, and I just won a huge national vocal competition (which I would say is more competitive, at least in the vocal field, than the Fulbright...) I also studied German for a number of years, have done summer programs in Germany, and come from a top university and a top masters program. My recommendations were overflowing with praise. I had an affiliation letter from a top conservatory. I know they say you can't ask, but I wish I knew so I could have a better application next year...

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I was rejected. I kind of expected it, but I feel way worse than I expected... all that work for nothing... and I've made such a huge deal of it to my close friends/family... Sigh. 

*hugs* I'm so sorry. That work is not for nothing though, if you reapply, I PROMISE it will be a huge help your next time around.

I made a huge deal to my friends and family the first time I applied too. Trying to keep it a little more hush hush this time, I remember how hard it was to tell people. Hang in there!! And try again, gosh darn it!

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Bleh I know this is conceited/full of myself. But I wish I could know why I was rejected. I had a really really strong application. (I thought?) I applied for voice, and I just won a huge national vocal competition (which I would say is more competitive, at least in the vocal field, than the Fulbright...) I also studied German for a number of years, have done summer programs in Germany, and come from a top university and a top masters program. My recommendations were overflowing with praise. I had an affiliation letter from a top conservatory. I know they say you can't ask, but I wish I knew so I could have a better application next year...


I want to know the same. Because, I want to know if it is because of my profile, or because of my project. Cosi e la vita...

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