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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Hola everyone. 

Applied to China for research, recommended. Woo!


Now my question to China applicants - who else proposed to do research related to an "ethnic minority"? I am curious to hear if anyone else was conflicted in writing the statement, since it's hard not to write about sinification of, say, Inner Mongolians without being negative towards the government, which in turn seems like a surefire way to get disqualified. It woud be interesting to hear how those intending to work with Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mosuo or whatever handled that thorny side of the China application. They do have a history of blacklisting researchers for writing critically about Tibet, Xinjiang, etc, after all. 


Furthermore, if anyone as an idea of trends in what kind of projects they like to choose, please share.

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Hola everyone. 

Applied to China for research, recommended. Woo!


Now my question to China applicants - who else proposed to do research related to an "ethnic minority"? I am curious to hear if anyone else was conflicted in writing the statement, since it's hard not to write about sinification of, say, Inner Mongolians without being negative towards the government, which in turn seems like a surefire way to get disqualified. It woud be interesting to hear how those intending to work with Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mosuo or whatever handled that thorny side of the China application. They do have a history of blacklisting researchers for writing critically about Tibet, Xinjiang, etc, after all. 


Furthermore, if anyone as an idea of trends in what kind of projects they like to choose, please share.


You can search grantee's by country and year, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmoTe-gJd4B9dFJ0aW1mYTVkYnhKcUEzR28yRTNwdlE&pli=1#gid=1

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I'm late. Just checked my email. Noooooooo!!! Lawdd, whyyyy??? Rejected. :( Not sure if I'll apply again next year. I'm scarred. lol


Well, I know it isn't nearly as prestigious, competitive or glamorous as the Fulbright, but I just got nominated for the Peace Corps.


Congrats to everyone who made it! Good luck on the next round. Hugs.

Edited by Deweyronomy
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Hey, Friends - 


Congrats to those who have been recommended and condolences to those who haven't been. I've been recommended for a full research grant to South Africa to work with University of Cape Town. I'm an economic Anthropologist, applied at-large, planning to look at the impact of private sector participation on black entrepreneurship. I'll be doing my field work in the wine lands. 


Obviously, I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I also am struggling with deciding what to do about my career in the mean time. I've been short listed for a Country Director position at a research consultancy; I'd be CD of their South Sudan ops, about a 15-20 member team. I currently live in Burundi and work as a consultant, which is pretty bleak, but Juba is a whole new level. I currently work as a consultant, but if by some grace I got both the Fulbright and the job, I'd be leaving the job after a year (UCT starts in January so I'd be one of those weird, mid-year starters) and I think that would look pretty terrible. Then again, what looks better? A year as a CD in South Sudan and then a Fulbright or multiple years as a CD in a conflict country? I focus on using private sector development to secure unstable or post conflict countries, btw. I was admitted to Cambridge on the master's track but their funding was terrible so I decided to decline. I still plan to do a PhD at some point but I'll focus on American institutions this time, I think. 


Sort of rambling... but seeing as you all are thinking through similar challenges, I'd love to get some feedback from this group!

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Sort of rambling... but seeing as you all are thinking through similar challenges, I'd love to get some feedback from this group!


Hey there MMcKay, congrats on the recommended status! I don't want to sound corny -- I know you at least subconsciously gotta think about what looks better down the line -- but my main advise would be forget what looks better. Focus on what you would enjoy more. All of your options sound like they are great opportunities that will serve you (and your resume) well. Therefore the best option is the one you will enjoy the most and will be able to speak most passionately about.


My two cents!

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Hey there MMcKay, congrats on the recommended status! I don't want to sound corny -- I know you at least subconsciously gotta think about what looks better down the line -- but my main advise would be forget what looks better. Focus on what you would enjoy more. All of your options sound like they are great opportunities that will serve you (and your resume) well. Therefore the best option is the one you will enjoy the most and will be able to speak most passionately about.


My two cents!


Very sound advice. Further -- yes, ordinarily leaving a job after only a year doesn't necessarily reflect well on you, but I think there's something to be said for the particular reason you would have for WHY you left the job so soon. I can't claim to know a lot about your field, MMcKay, but I would think your reasons for leaving so soon would speak for themselves. A Fulbright is a special and unique opportunity that not many people receive. The fact that you prioritized a grant over an employment position would not suggest you exercised poor judgment, in my opinion.

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I'm late. Just checked my email. Noooooooo!!! Lawdd, whyyyy??? Rejected. :( Not sure if I'll apply again next year. I'm scarred. lol


Well, I know it isn't nearly as prestigious, competitive or glamorous as the Fulbright, but I just got nominated for the Peace Corps.


Congrats to everyone who made it! Good luck on the next round. Hugs.


Glamor isn't everything... I think the Peace Corps is a wonderful opportunity and something that I personally hold in just as high esteem. Congrats on that, and good luck!

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Oh God, I'm the ONLY one in this forum that doesn't know if he's recommended or not yet. The email I used to sign up for Fulbright got deactivated, so now I have to wait until Monday so that my FPA can tell me the news.


Please, please be good news. *violently prays to Jesus*

Edited by kbui
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has anyone on here done a fulbright ETA before? maybe someone knows the answer to this question...


if you do end up being selected for the grant, how does the actual placement happen?

do they give  you choices? or are you randomly placed and have absolutely no say in where you go? do they have you rank some cities in order of preference?

i just read a blog of someone who is teaching in one of the worst and most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, and i'm just wondering if he was placed there or if he chose to be there? he seems to be very happy, but i would be scared!

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has anyone on here done a fulbright ETA before? maybe someone knows the answer to this question...

if you do end up being selected for the grant, how does the actual placement happen?

do they give you choices? or are you randomly placed and have absolutely no say in where you go? do they have you rank some cities in order of preference?

i just read a blog of someone who is teaching in one of the worst and most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, and i'm just wondering if he was placed there or if he chose to be there? he seems to be very happy, but i would be scared!

It's hard to say because ETA programs vary from country to country- different administrations and such. What country did you apply for?
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Oh God, I'm the ONLY one in this forum that doesn't know if he's recommended or not yet. The email I used to sign up for Fulbright got deactivated, so now I have to wait until Monday so that my FPA can tell me the news.


Please, please be good news. *violently prays to Jesus*


Sending positive vibes towards you! 

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ACCEPTED TO AUSTRIA- study grant/eta combo! Couldnt have been happier when I found out and wish I could have posted right away! Just go to read through all the news, so happy for all of you also moving on and sorry to the hear bad news as well but good luck to everyone in what you do next! Any ideas when the numbers for how many people got 'recommended' in each country are released?--if they do that at all?

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Hi. New user here. Recommended for an ETA in Brazil. It feels good to post this online anonymously since I'm not really telling anyone irl (I'm kind of superstitious lol).


Good luck to everyone.

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ACCEPTED TO AUSTRIA- study grant/eta combo! Couldnt have been happier when I found out and wish I could have posted right away! Just go to read through all the news, so happy for all of you also moving on and sorry to the hear bad news as well but good luck to everyone in what you do next! Any ideas when the numbers for how many people got 'recommended' in each country are released?--if they do that at all?


New user here as well, and I too was recommended to Austria. I know there are 13 spots for study/ETA, so I'm assuming they sent around 20?

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This is my second time applying to do my dissertation research in Chile.  I actually was quite calm (feeling a lot more prepared this time) until I didn't get a notification all day Friday nor Saturday.  I started telling myself, that old cliché, “Well, no news is good news!”  Saturday night still nothing, so I emailed my FPA who had been sick but responded back Sunday morning saying I was on her “not recommended” list but didn’t understand why I had not gotten an application status notice since I had gotten the survey request earlier in the process.


She’s going to contact an IIE staff member she knows on Tuesday so I’m keeping the faith that there may have been a mistake in what was sent to her.  Nevertheless, I’m still going to Chile in the fall as I’ve developed a great relationship with my Chilean Professors at the University where I would be doing my research.  Hope I get to report back an awesomely great mix-up story to the forum next week.  ;)   Nevertheless, I wished at the very least the committee gave applicants some form of feedback or rating score.  Obviously they used something to make their determinations.  I'd even settle for you were tails and we flipped heads on your review. Hah! Oh well… ¡Ciao Todos!

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So is there a common time over the past years that the majority of applicants heard about getting the awards? Or was it really country by country, spread out over months?

Edited by Anthro14
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So is there a common time over the past years that the majority of applicants heard about getting the awards? Or was it really country by country, spread out over months?

It seems, judging from past years, that notifications are made from country to country, spread out over months.  There are differences even between when full grants and ETAs are notified even if both are for the same country.  I believe the emails will be sent out in batches, though, country to country, but not en masse like it was for every country for the initial first round notification.  It'll be a long wait. 

Edited by Porshyen
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So is there a common time over the past years that the majority of applicants heard about getting the awards? Or was it really country by country, spread out over months?

This lovely spreadsheet has when each country informed people over the past few years. Might give you an idea. It helped me narrow down a time for Indonesia.


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I was recommended to Fiji and there isn't any data on when finalists heard a decision in the spreadsheets. Anyone advise for or against trying to contact the embassy responsible for the decision? I don't want to bug them but would love a little more info.

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New user here as well, and I too was recommended to Austria. I know there are 13 spots for study/ETA, so I'm assuming they sent around 20?


They send anywhere from 1.5-2 times the number of spots available. So 20-26 for Austria. 

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Hello guys,


I am new to this forum, and I am applying for an ETA to France. Today I received an email from Joddy stating the following:



I am pleased to tell you that the Institute of International Education's National Screening Committee has recommended you for a non-Fulbright French Government Teaching Assistantship.   Your name has been forwarded to the French Ministry of Education Teaching Assistant Program for consideration."


I was wondering if this means that I was rejected from the actual Fulbright ETA?


Any France ETA applicants??

Sorry if someone already answered this (takes forever to scroll down and see) but yes, it means you weren't recommended for further consideration of the actual Fulbright. But don't get too down on yourself--there are only a couple of "actual Fulbright ETAs" in France, and TONS of TAPIF grants (what you were recommended for). The program is essentially the same, it's just that the funding comes from a different source.


Best of luck for selection!

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Yea, my friend who has a full grant to India this year says they found out march 29... Which is my bday... So ill either get a great present or depression. Haha

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