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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Personally: I fell in love with the country after studying a semester in Bangkok in 2010 and traveling around the north, northeast, central and south of Thailand. Wherever we went we were greeted with smiles that welcomed us there, and when we left there were smiles that invited us back. The food was amazingly spicy, and the country is so filled with natural beauty with misty mountains in the north, raw beauty in the northeast, crystal beaches in the south, and metropolitan Bangkok. I taught English in Chiang Mai for 8 weeks and it was one of the best moments of my life. Not only did I get to teach English, I also got a chance to spend Christmas working to spread God's love through telling Bible stories about hope throughout the northwestern region of Thailand.

Professionally: Thailand is a key nation to maintain regional peace and stability through working with USAID to prevent and control human trafficking and emerging diseases. After Fulbright, I want to get involved with USAID to create health and education initiatives targeting underrepresented yet critical regions to secure stability and growth. With native fluency in Vietnamese, proficiency in Mandarin, and (hopefully) acquired fluency in Thai, I will be able to fully communicate with regional population and mediate the relationship between the U.S. and Southeast Asia/China.

I hope this was clear in my personal statement and statement of grant purpose, I feel like there's so much more I should've added to the application.

Wow, these are all great reasons! I am sure this was clear in your application! Good luck!

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For those of you who have applied for the full/research grant--Do you already have you project design completed or are you in the process of designing it?

Mostly designed, I am going to complete finite element modeling (using a computer), so I know what I want to investigate. I will have to learn how to use the program used in the lab I will work with. I have been told that you can modify the project, since your plans usually change.

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Hey Decaf,

I've also applied for a full research grant to India--based out of Kolkata (to research some dead people in the newspaper industry--Early Press in India and the Bengal Renaissance). What's your proposal? Good luck to you!

Speaking of fulbright 2013-2014, does anyone know if we could have a spreadsheet similar to previous years of people who have applied? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc How has this been gone about before?

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Speaking of fulbright 2013-2014, does anyone know if we could have a spreadsheet similar to previous years of people who have applied? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc How has this been gone about before?

There is this google doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc which may be the exact one as the one you posted. If you look at the tabs, you can see that each yearly group for the past few years has not created a new speadsheet; to make it easier for us future applicants to find all the info, they started compiling it all in one place.

Once it hits January and the first round is done, that's when those who have made the first cuts put their info in a new 13-14 tab on this spreadsheet- if they want. So in January we should just make sure that this link resurfaces. I believe the file is editable by anyone, since it's been passed down from several previous application years already.

Ok, so before I said I would stay away from January... I'm mostly doing well at this! Haha... I've at least toned down the stress level. What will be, will be!

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Thanks Here'sHopin'!,

Yeah, that's the same spreadsheet. I think there was someone who maintained that spreadsheet last year, as I remember my girlfriend, a current fulbrighter, emailing that person to add her information. Till January, then!

I just realized that everyone newish to the forums is called "decaf." That was dumb of me.

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hi all!

I applied for a Fulbright as an arts applicant, for voice, to study and specialize in German opera. I just got an email that I passed the first round and have been invited to audition, which is super exciting!

I don't know if anyone here has ever applied as an arts candidate, but I am wondering if anyone had thoughts-- I go on auditions quite a lot and I usually start with my French piece, since it shows me off quite well. My German aria is nice but not as flashy. However, since I'm applying to go to Germany, I wonder if it would look odd to start with something in French (though I will also indicate that a German piece is offered.) Any thoughts?

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hi all!

I applied for a Fulbright as an arts applicant, for voice, to study and specialize in German opera. I just got an email that I passed the first round and have been invited to audition, which is super exciting!

I don't know if anyone here has ever applied as an arts candidate, but I am wondering if anyone had thoughts-- I go on auditions quite a lot and I usually start with my French piece, since it shows me off quite well. My German aria is nice but not as flashy. However, since I'm applying to go to Germany, I wonder if it would look odd to start with something in French (though I will also indicate that a German piece is offered.) Any thoughts?


I also applied as an Arts applicant too, for creative writing. Anyone else an Arts person here?

Personally I like starting with the French--it's different than what they'll hear all day in the Germany auditions. Good luck!

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Does anyone know how undergraduate applicants are thought of with respect to the full grants? (rumors from advisers, etc.)

I applied for a full grant for a country with average competitiveness and have strong letters of affiliation and prior research experience. Obviously there's not much I can do about it now, but curious if anyone has info on this...

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Awesome! Congrats! I guess the arts that require auditions works a little differently than others. I wonder, does that mean it is already narrowed down to the finalists in the arts for Germany? That would mean you have about a 1 in 3 or 4 chance now. Usually you only hear if you reach this step in January!

My husband applied for a Full to Ireland in the arts, specializing in photography. He had to upload photos to an online portfolio type thing.

It seems like the arts are encouraged depending on the country. Hopefully that gives him a boost.... who knows!

Also regarding the spreadsheet, it says to email


to make changes. Maybe someone who'd like to volunteer to update that info can email that person to share/get permission to edit the file.

The holidays will make this all go faster.

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I don't think I'm a finalist... I'm not really sure honestly. I think I have to have my audition for the Fulbright in the U.S. and then I have to make ANOTHER recording to send to Germany (Germany is very particular about the music applicants, for obvious reasons.)

The website says after the audition, if I get recommended THEN I send an audition CD to Germany. Quite the long process! I'm optimistic though!

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Also regarding the spreadsheet, it says to email


to make changes. Maybe someone who'd like to volunteer to update that info can email that person to share/get permission to edit the file.

Well, I've gone ahead and emailed. I don't know if that means I've volunteered. Anywho, perhaps it's best to wait to Jan or, hell, why not now.

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2013/2014: in an unusual postion, midlevel 12 year cop Master Degree and first year doctoral student, applied for United Kingdom (Scotland), received 3 letters of invitation, public sector(police) and academia (University of St. Andrews). I applied under Police Scholar grant. Not so many people applying..I am wondering how many people apply under this grant. Wondering if there is a spreadsheet to show numbers.

Good thing is no Fulbright ever studied in the area applied in the UK and the agency too.

We'll see

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Anyone applying for a full research grant in India?

Hey Decaf,

I've also applied for a full research grant to India--based out of Kolkata (to research some dead people in the newspaper industry--Early Press in India and the Bengal Renaissance). What's your proposal? Good luck to you!

Speaking of fulbright 2013-2014, does anyone know if we could have a spreadsheet similar to previous years of people who have applied? https://docs.google....eG5XWktnY2k3bmc How has this been gone about before?

Namaste Aotis & Bernstea!

As I was scrolling through every page of this forum I thought, "where are all the India applicants?!" Glad I finally found a couple!

I have also applied for the full research grant for next year. Like everyone else who has submitted their applications, I'm extremely nervious and anxious for January. I feel like everyday goes so slow, and I really try hard not to think about it at all.

One thing that helps keep my mind off it is that I am currently finishing my Master's degree in Conflict Resolution at Portland State University, in Oregon. I have focused my degree on international conflict and development, intercultural communication, feminist theory, and human rights.

Last year I spent three months in India as part of my practicum for my degree. I worked at a micro finance NGO outside Pune, Maharashtra that gives loans to rural women. The NGO also has counseling centers set up for women who are have troubles in the home, mainly domestic violence. I spent two months documenting the resolution process that the counselors practice, and interviewing women about their experiences with the couselors, whether their cases were resolved, and what improvements could be made to further ensure their safety and healing.

The last month I spent in a small village in Rajasthan. This NGO was called Educate Girls, and spend their efforts increasing enrollment and literacy rates for girls living in some very remote villages. Raj has some of the lowest literacy rates for girls, and boys outweigh girls in school, especially after primary education. I spent my time facilitating group dialogues with young girls who were not enrolled in school as well as with those who were. As I was only there for one month I felt that I could have stayed with this NGO for a lifetime and have learned so much from this community.

I returned home in September 2011.

I decided, quite late in fact, that I would apply for the Fulbright Nehru grant in August 2012. One day, I just felt this rush, a push, that told me to go for it, regardless of how late in the game I was. I met with my campus adviser, and told her my experience in India and an idea for a research proposal that came to me from looking at my photos in Rajasthan. My grant proposal, The social and emotional impacts of gender disparity on young women in India, was widely accepted by the adviser and the campus Fulbright committee. I was elated and motivated. With less than two months I managed to gather all my resources, 3 letters of ref, my host affiliation (Educate Girls) and my language evaluator. Yes, I have applied to the CLEA and have already been studying Hindi since around June this year with a private, native speaker. Still very much a beginner but I can read and write!

So basically, my proposal is exactly what it sounds like. My experience from EG led up to this moment. I proposed holding group dialogues with enrolled female students from ages 13-15 for eight months (one month of establishing myself into the community) to discuss thier perspectives of their role as young women, challenges they have faced in education or their community, etc. The idea is to come up with ideas, creatively through journals, and as a group as to how they can be critical agents of change in their homes, among peers, with school, in India, and of the world.

I can't help but feel so good about this. I can't help but notice the signs that the Universe has been throwing at me that tell me this is the right direction. My love for India, my incredible time that I had there keeps my head up everyday for this. At the same time, I try hard to think about it, because of disappointment.

Aotis and Bernstea, I would LOVE to hear about what brought you two to apply for the Fulbright Nehru grant, and what your research proposal entailed. More than anything I am so excited to find others out there who share an interest in the country and have put so much time and effort into this crazy, emotional process! I'd love to read your proposals and statements, and would be happy to share mine. The "end" of January seems a milliion years away.

Have a great Thanksgiving, and I look forward to hearing from you both!

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Hi all,

I applied for a Full Research Grant in China as well as CLEA.

As I apply for other fellowships/internships/jobs I always have Fulbright in the back of my mind as my top choice.

Just have to be patient..

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Yes and I freaked out it was them already telling me no!

Haha same! Such a tease.

I didn't... I wonder if this is a problem.

It was just a survey asking you to rate the application process- I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Although it does feel weird to rate the application when we are still being rated, you know?

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