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Fulbright 2009-2010


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I don't know what Jermaine was talking about, because I'm IN!!!! Jordan, here I come!

Anyone else heard yet? Good luck guys!!

Principal candidate. Jordan, here I come! :)

alhumdullilah mashallah mashallah.

(West coast here.)

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To all the Germany ETAs:

Grant authorization letters are supposedly being sent this week!

Does it matter if medical clearance has come through? Also, are they coming from New York or Germany? I'm so confused with all the different offices we have the keep track of...

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To the German ETAs and researchers: Does anyone know if Germany requires any extra testing for medical clearance? I've had some delays with everything, but now I'm ready to send it in (finally), and I just remembered the part of the letter where they said to contact the consulate or whatever (not the IIE) to find out if extra tests are needed. I really just want to send the form in, and I don't want to delay things more by trying and track down the right person at the embassy or consulate.

*Edit: I've now been trying to get in touch with the German consulate ALL day. No one seems to be able to help me and I keep getting transfered to dead ends. I would really, really appreciate it if someone who already sent in their medical stuff for Germany could let me know whether they were required to submit anything extra. Thanks so much guys.

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To the German ETAs and researchers: Does anyone know if Germany requires any extra testing for medical clearance? I've had some delays with everything, but now I'm ready to send it in (finally), and I just remembered the part of the letter where they said to contact the consulate or whatever (not the IIE) to find out if extra tests are needed. I really just want to send the form in, and I don't want to delay things more by trying and track down the right person at the embassy or consulate.

*Edit: I've now been trying to get in touch with the German consulate ALL day. No one seems to be able to help me and I keep getting transfered to dead ends. I would really, really appreciate it if someone who already sent in their medical stuff for Germany could let me know whether they were required to submit anything extra. Thanks so much guys.

I hope not. I didn't get anything extra and I sent mine in. the only extra thing I got was the hepatitis A vaccine, and that was only because my doctor recommended it for prolonged stays in Europe, not because the forms required it

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has anyone here been called by fulbright and asked if theyd considered doing an ETA or studying in another country? I am waiting for poissible funds to be allocated so instead of being a full grant I would be doing an ETA..either or I WILL DO RESEARCH!

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you mean the ones that will tell us which Bundesland we'll be in??

Does it matter if medical clearance has come through? Also, are they coming from New York or Germany? I'm so confused with all the different offices we have the keep track of...

All they said was, "The grant authorization letter will be sent out this week." That's all I know :/

The circular says that we need to book our flight by May 30. We can't book our flight until we know what Bundesland we're in, so I'm assuming the grant authorization will give us our placements. I think it said that in the circular too, but I can't find where.

I guess it's coming from Germany. That's who I emailed anyway. I sent in my medical clearance forms a few days after I got them, and I don't think anyone has received clearance yet, so I guess it doesn't matter. Didn't Charles Restrepo say that clearances had nothing to do with placements? Or maybe I'm getting things confused.

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No news from Egypt here on the west coast... why doesn't someone email Jermaine Jones and ask him about the status of notifications? I don't want to bother him any more but he always replies within about an hour and will tell you the status of our notifications!

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No news from Egypt here on the west coast... why doesn't someone email Jermaine Jones and ask him about the status of notifications? I don't want to bother him any more but he always replies within about an hour and will tell you the status of our notifications!

I just emailed him. I will hit you up with the update. I shouldnt be a bother. I have never emailed any of them w/ questions. I havent given the program much thought really. It just hit me like 2 days ago that I could be in egypt in like 2 months.... or not. We'll see. I dont have any hopes of getting it though. And if i do, well, I will be pleasantly surprised...wont i? :)

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I received my official grant authorization from Germany for Research. It had a list of the current Fulbrighters and some other info.

Was it mailed to your permanent address? I'm going crazy waiting for my ETA placement...

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All they said was, "The grant authorization letter will be sent out this week." That's all I know :/

The circular says that we need to book our flight by May 30. We can't book our flight until we know what Bundesland we're in, so I'm assuming the grant authorization will give us our placements. I think it said that in the circular too, but I can't find where.

I guess it's coming from Germany. That's who I emailed anyway. I sent in my medical clearance forms a few days after I got them, and I don't think anyone has received clearance yet, so I guess it doesn't matter. Didn't Charles Restrepo say that clearances had nothing to do with placements? Or maybe I'm getting things confused.

This is fantastic news! I've been so excited to find out where I've been placed! The excitement of the grant really hasn't fully set in yet because I don't know where in Germany I'll be. I think once I find out, I'll be able to research the city and finally get excited because it will finally be real. Keep the forum posted once you find out! I'm curious where others will be too.

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yeah i feel the same way -- i'm so ecstatic to have received the grant yet it doesn't seem like i really got it, especially since whenever anyone says "oh so where will you be in germany?!" i have no answer.

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Rachel Holskin just told me that they will be sending out Croatia notifications tomorrow, but wouldn't say anything more over the phone.

Hey Ian, thank you SO MUCH for posting that information, I've been going nuts trying to figure out what's going on. A friend also notified me yesterday that Croatia had already made their decisions a while ago, but that the hold-up was apparently with the State Dept. Either way, good luck to you! :)

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So I emailed Jermaine Jones about Egypt and he said:

"The hard copy notification letters have not yet been sent out for you or any of the other recommended applicants for Egypt. My sense is that we may be in the final stages of the selection process, though, so I hope to be able to produce and issue these letters in the not-too-distant future (although I have no way of guaranteeing that at this stage

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I also gave in and called Jermaine today out of frustration, he told me basically the same thing, was very vague... I did email him about three weeks ago and he said that he was waiting for clearances and approval (I am assuming from the state department?) before sending out the letters. I am a little confused now that he is back to saying they are in the final stages of the selection process... I thought the decisions had been made and were only waiting for approval from background checks, etc. It now sounds like they may be very far back in the process... I have no idea what the hold up could be. I agree it's very irritating especially as we cannot plan anything else and a lot of us are at a point where we have to... my friend who got a Fulbright from Nepal basically told me that the US offices don't really know anything and that I should contact the office in my host country, so I emailed the Egypt director today and asked him if he could tell me anything. I don't expect a reply until Monday because apparently their office is only open Mon-Wed.

There are three others at my school still waiting for notification, so at least we are not the absolute last, but at this point rejected or accepted I would rather just know for sure! I will let you know if the Egyptian office can tell me anything more concrete and good luck!

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To Germany ETAs from Ines Horbert this morning:

"This is to inform you that we have sent out official grant authorization letters and important information via snail mail yesterday. You should expect to receive them within the next 10 days. Please notify us if you do not receive them within that period."

Just received this email. It's fantastic! But at the same time I'm like ugh... Please no more emails informing me about letters. :lol: This is like when Germany sent out the first cryptic email alerting us that "a letter had been sent." I want to know where in Germany already! At least it's more information. Can't wait to hear!

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That list of Germany ETAs is pretty interesting.

There is 1 Hauptschule, 2 Realschules, 10 Gesamtschules, 6 Grundschules, 8 Berufliches Schules and 84 gymnasiums. And then some schools that don't fit into any of those groups.

As far as the big cities go, there are 11 in Berlin, 3 in Frankfurt, 3 in Cologne, and 2 in Munich.

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I emailed a few people about my placement and was continously sent to the next organization (First I emailed the Fulbright people in NY, then in Berlin, then PAD). I did find out that I was placed in Hessen. Everyone will find out their Bundesland placement in the grant authorization letter, which will help with airfare. BUT, don't get too excited, because I was informed that we won't know the city/school until July!!!!!! That makes it rather difficult to find housing...grrrrr!

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haha i knowwwww you'd think if they knew which Bundeland we were placed they would also know the city and school and could just go ahead and tell us already. the constant state of waiting is becoming painful

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