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Social Psychology Fall 2013 Applicants


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How are everyone's application process coming along?

I'm slowly getting everything accomplished. I have all of the basic application forms (name, address, etc.) filled out, & my GRE and transcripts ordered. I have to give my LOR writers the actual LOR packets but that can be taken care of Monday (I know from past experience they won't actually submit my LORS until Thanksgiving weekend anyway). Besides that, all I have left is to get my personal statement done and then I can finally start submitting everything. I definitely have my work cut out for me, but it's manageable. How about everyone else?

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The Statement of Purpose is kickng my butt. Everything else is in order including LORs, transcripts and GREs. If anyone would like to exchange SoPs or talk about a good way to approach it shoot me a PM.

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I'm only applying to one social psych program but things are going pretty well... like the rest of you, it's mostly my statement of purposes that is putting me in a "holding pattern"- that plus I'm trying to wrap up 2 things to add to my CV before I submit my applications. Fun fun :-)

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Watson- Do you by any chance know if Alice Eagly at Northwestern (where I see you're attending) is accepting graduate students for Fall 2013?

Thank you!

Slow to the game, but useful advice for future applicants: Alice Eagly no longer takes students, and will not be taking any future graduate students ever again. She's still active in research but I think she wants to keep open the possibility of going emiritus without having to worry about students. She last accepted a student like 8-9 years ago, although she's open to working with people who have a different primary advisor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've officially submitted everything as of this morning! And one of my 3 LORs are in everywhere. <Deep breath>. Now on to the 100 other aspects of my life that I haven't been paying enough attention to...


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Congrats digits2006 & PsychGirl1!

As of about an hour ago, I have 6/8 apps submitted. The remaining two are paper apps and aren't due until Jan & Feb so still plenty of time. They are both finished but I'll have to wait until Monday to mail them as I don't know the correct postage. Now to keep an eye on the LORs, and make sure each school received my transcripts/GRE scores.

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Mailed my last two applications Wednesday (both paper apps), so all of my applications are now in. And all of my LORs are in as of yesterday (first deadline was today so that stressed me out a bit!). I'm pretty sure all schools have received my transcripts & GRE scores, so one more check (and probably a double-check lol) sometime this week and then I will do my best to forget about this for the next month or two. Easier said than done, but I'm going to do my best.

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Congrats everyone!! I have 5/7 in....next deadlines are not for 10-15 days but now I'm on a roll and just want them DONE!! It feels AMAZING to have them in. Not feeling stressed about the waiting part yet but we will see how I feel come January....

Edited by boris
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It sounds like we are applying to a lot of the same programs. I am interested in the neural bases of emotion regulation, so I have applied to both social and cog-neuroscience areas, depending on the school. Good luck everyone!

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Wow nice. Me too. I have not appleid to cog-neuroscience programs though. I hear Dr. Tor Wager is amazing in Boulder. I assume you're applying with Ocshner, Gross, Mauss, Levenson, Davidson, Kross, McRae? All excellent choices. I looked at Davidson's lab, but I don't have the background that he requires.

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I have multiple POIs at most of the schools, but the faculty you mentioned are among them. I was originally interestd in UW-Madison for Davidson, but ran into the same thing you did. I was ready to cross it off my list when I discovered Wen Li and her lab.

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You may want to consider checking out faculty in the psychiatry department at Madison as well. A lot of them do basic emotion research as well as clinical stuff so it would be worth it to consider people outside the psych department.

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