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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2013

Mike D.

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I think this person is at best confused and at worst, trolling. Nothing has been released for SSHRC. He/she is probably relaying information about NSERC results or maybe Vanier, which have been released. I don't think we'll hear for another 2 weeks, but that's just speculation. 

Agreed. SSHRC results are not out. They send out acceptances and rejections at the same time (or very very close to the same time) and I don't expect we'll be hearing anything before the end of the month.

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Agreed. SSHRC results are not out. They send out acceptances and rejections at the same time (or very very close to the same time) and I don't expect we'll be hearing anything before the end of the month.

i desperately hope you may be wrong :)

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i desperately hope you may be wrong :)

I hope I'm wrong too! It would be lovely to get unexpected mail that would end the wait. Fortunately for the moment I have MA term papers to write so they are distracting me. Once I hit around the 17 or 18 though I will be out my most major distractions! On the upside, a book I ordered off amazon arrived today so my trip to the mail box wasn't completely disappointing :)

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I hope I'm wrong too! It would be lovely to get unexpected mail that would end the wait. Fortunately for the moment I have MA term papers to write so they are distracting me. Once I hit around the 17 or 18 though I will be out my most major distractions! On the upside, a book I ordered off amazon arrived today so my trip to the mail box wasn't completely disappointing :)


haha, i also have papers to write, but the wait seems to be the distraction from the papers rather than the other way around :) and my book has not yet arrived, but i am hopeful. 


ps. which city are you in Nerd_For_Life?

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I got my letter on May 2 last year (in Vancouver). My guess is it will be similar this year.


The waiting sucks and the competition these high stakes fellowships breed (within departments) is my least favourite thing about grad school.


Best of luck everyone.

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I got my letter on May 2 last year (in Vancouver). My guess is it will be similar this year.


The waiting sucks and the competition these high stakes fellowships breed (within departments) is my least favourite thing about grad school.


Best of luck everyone.

Agreed. I faced some pretty nasty hostility because I was the only from my cohort that was forwarded by my university. It's like, bitches puhhhhlease, it's my third time trying. Chill. I'm already defeated as it is. 1st doctoral try was passed on by my host school and got a low score. 2nd time, didn't get forwarded by my university. This time ranked high by department and forwarded but who knows?


Sigh. My marks were too low to apply during my MA. 

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I'm worried about my undergrad GPA. I'm now in the second year of a PhD and don't know how much emphasis they place on the undergrad transcript, but my GPA is really low... It's like a permanent stain on my file. My MA GPA is ok, and my current PhD GPA is better than the MA. I can only hope they put more weight on the grad transcripts, but who knows... I don't have an awesome professional background to make up for it either, so we'll see. 

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I'm worried about my undergrad GPA. I'm now in the second year of a PhD and don't know how much emphasis they place on the undergrad transcript, but my GPA is really low... It's like a permanent stain on my file. My MA GPA is ok, and my current PhD GPA is better than the MA. I can only hope they put more weight on the grad transcripts, but who knows... I don't have an awesome professional background to make up for it either, so we'll see. 

I'm pretty sure that at this point in your academic carer they no longer look at udergrad marks. :) So you may be in the clear from that perspective:)

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The waiting is getting too long... Even the Béso scholarship is out (for the students of the university of Ottawa at least). Unfortunately I was rejected for the Vanier scolarship ( I was ranked 113 on 160) and now I am more and more worried about the SSHRC scholarship... I am French and I am scared because I got most of my experience abroad Canada. I have applied as a first year phd student (I am finishing my first year) I cannot translate my marks but for the research part I included 7 conferences, 5 articles peer reviewed, 3 accepted articles (peer reviewed) and one article (no review). I was reading here that publications are not the most important part so I am starting to wonder if I did not waste my time and if I should have rather do some volunteer work (which is not seen as an amazing thing in France compare to Canada... For instance being in a french student union is not good at all for us because it means you might annoy the administration... France and strikes...)

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Yeah i'm going pretty crazy. Just like last year. I never want to go through this experience ever again. But it will probably be required of me. 


Well, it's something we'll all have to get used to, right? I mean, whether it's funding applications, postdocs, job applications (!), tenure decisions, publication decisions, waiting for someone else to make decisions about your abilities is pretty much the name of the game... 

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Well, it's something we'll all have to get used to, right? I mean, whether it's funding applications, postdocs, job applications (!), tenure decisions, publication decisions, waiting for someone else to make decisions about your abilities is pretty much the name of the game... 

not quite sure all of these fit in the same category... 

Once you have a tenure track position, while grant applications may be frustrating, at least your standard of living will no longer depend on the outcome...


but hey, that's just my impression, and perhaps my materialist concerns are rather pedestrian...

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The waiting is getting too long... Even the Béso scholarship is out (for the students of the university of Ottawa at least). Unfortunately I was rejected for the Vanier scolarship ( I was ranked 113 on 160) and now I am more and more worried about the SSHRC scholarship... I am French and I am scared because I got most of my experience abroad Canada. I have applied as a first year phd student (I am finishing my first year) I cannot translate my marks but for the research part I included 7 conferences, 5 articles peer reviewed, 3 accepted articles (peer reviewed) and one article (no review). I was reading here that publications are not the most important part so I am starting to wonder if I did not waste my time and if I should have rather do some volunteer work (which is not seen as an amazing thing in France compare to Canada... For instance being in a french student union is not good at all for us because it means you might annoy the administration... France and strikes...)


I wouldn't worry about the volunteer thing - it really doesn't factor into SSHRC unless it's something related to your professional work (maybe an internship if it's prestigious and research-focused) but even then I think something like a paid research assistantship in your field would be more valuable. I think a student with absolutely no volunteer experience could get a SSHRC. From the SSHRC site (http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/programs-programmes/fellowships/doctoral-doctorat-eng.aspx#a6):



Multidisciplinary selection committees evaluate applicants solely on academic merit, measured by:

  • past academic results, as demonstrated by transcripts, awards and distinctions;
  • the program of study and its potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge;
  • relevant professional and academic experience, including research training, as demonstrated by conference presentations and scholarly publications;
  • two written evaluations from referees; and
  • the departmental appraisal (for those registered at Canadian universities).


Are you worried about volunteer experience because of Vanier? I think it would be very tricky to get Vanier without any community experience (it's one of their criteria), but there is no such consideration for SSHRC - it really is all about your academic potential and achievements.


Hopefully we all find out soon! Good luck. :)

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The FRQSC results are now out - I just got my notification and I didn't receive an award. Out of 18 applicants in my discipline, they gave out 5 awards - and I ranked 6th. I guess this is good news? I think my SSHRC application was a lot stronger, so I'm staying hopeful. For any other FRQSC applicants out there, here's my score (please share yours if you received an award - I'd love to know more about how they grade the applications):


Dossier universitaire (6 pts): 5.117

Aptitude et experience en recherce (6 pts): 5.113

Qualite et interest scientifique du projet du recherche (8 pts): 7.15

TOTAL (20 pts): 17.4


I think my lack of publications probably lowered my research experience marks a bit. I'm happy being ranked first on the waiting list, though, and it seems like a good score - I really hope this means my SSHRC has a good chance!

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wrenochka, you have a really great chance! I know someone who was in your position (can't remember if she was first or second on waiting list actually), and she got a score of 16.8, which is slightly lower than yours!! She heard in around July that she got the award! Good luck to you!!

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