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PhD applications for 2013-2014 chit chat...


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Yeah, I posted the Doctor of Theology result yesterday.  I accidentally posted a second acceptance to Duke under theology on the same day.  Miscommunication with cyber space.  Ignore the second acceptance.  Mea Culpa.
Thanks for the info! Did you get the call from the committee or POI?
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I know personally of one internal applicant who was accepted to the PR section.  It seems like, at least for the internal applicants, UChicago Div sent out individual acceptances/waitlists/rejections yesterday evening, alphabetically by department (which is why there were gaps in when people were being notified - Ethics before Theology, for example).  I have no idea whether this was for all applicants, or just the internal ones.

Thanks for the inside scoop, DivSkool. Painful news, but good to know it nonetheless. I've done quite a bit of work on Marion, so it would have been nice to study with him.

Tell your friend to make good use of that spot!

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I know personally of one internal applicant who was accepted to the PR section.  It seems like, at least for the internal applicants, UChicago Div sent out individual acceptances/waitlists/rejections yesterday evening, alphabetically by department (which is why there were gaps in when people were being notified - Ethics before Theology, for example).  I have no idea whether this was for all applicants, or just the internal ones.


There seems to be non-U of Chicago applicants who were waitlisted yesterday, though

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There is a new acceptance (U of Chicago Divinity) on result search and reportedly the applicant was notified today. Anyone else got an email today rather than yesterday?

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I know personally of one internal applicant who was accepted to the PR section.  It seems like, at least for the internal applicants, UChicago Div sent out individual acceptances/waitlists/rejections yesterday evening, alphabetically by department (which is why there were gaps in when people were being notified - Ethics before Theology, for example).  I have no idea whether this was for all applicants, or just the internal ones.


Not sure if it is helpful to anyone else, but I was not an internal applicant and I still heard yesterday.


It's sort of hard to discern what is going on from the search results, because not everyone lists the program.

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Not sure if it is helpful to anyone else, but I was not an internal applicant and I still heard yesterday.


It's sort of hard to discern what is going on from the search results, because not everyone lists the program.


I'm guessing that they notified all the positive results, acceptances or waitlists, yesterday, together with internal rejections. 

Though I don't quite see the logic in this, yet there are only two rejection records from yesterday.

Edited by la sarar
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I just asked a professor at U of Chicago Divinity and it is now CONFIRMED that all acceptances in Hebrew Bible have been sent by yesterday. 

So I got rejected and unfortunately, I guess everyone else who hasn't hear a word is indeed rejected. 

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Well, I personally haven't heard of anyone getting interviewed over in the Religious Ethics program, but that doesn't mean it isn't true, either. My email didn't say anything about an interview. I was only told that I will receive a form to accept or reject my wait list status, and that if a spot opens up for me, I will be offered admission (so no interview.)


I wouldn't lose all hope. I only see one acceptance to Islamic Studies posted. It's still possible they are sending out decisions later....unless you know for sure the program you applied to sent out interviews. Otherwise, I'd say it isn't over until it's over. 


As a relative "insider," I know that despite only one acceptance to Islamic Studies being posted, at least all the internal applicants to that field have been notified of their status.  So it seems that for UChicago Div, the decisions - acceptances, waitlists, and rejections - went out on Friday evening.  That being said, I personally know of at least a couple people who have been admitted to various PhD programs in the Div School after having been waitlisted or even outright rejected, so I definitely wouldn't lost hope and I would get in touch with your POIs to see what the situation might be or become for your field.  

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As a relative "insider," I know that despite only one acceptance to Islamic Studies being posted, at least all the internal applicants to that field have been notified of their status.  So it seems that for UChicago Div, the decisions - acceptances, waitlists, and rejections - went out on Friday evening.  That being said, I personally know of at least a couple people who have been admitted to various PhD programs in the Div School after having been waitlisted or even outright rejected, so I definitely wouldn't lost hope and I would get in touch with your POIs to see what the situation might be or become for your field.  



Is there any way you could possibly let me know if they'll be accepting anyone to the Anthopology/Sociology track? I haven't heard anything and I'm going insane.

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Is there any way you could possibly let me know if they'll be accepting anyone to the Anthopology/Sociology track? I haven't heard anything and I'm going insane.


I'll see what I can find out and then PM you.  Hang in there!

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The unadulterated joy of my informal acceptance at LSTC on Friday has been replaced by a gnawing worry that the financial aid offer won't be good enough. Waiting for it sucks. Of course today is President's Day, and of course there is a 0% likelihood that I'll receive any notification of the details of my offer today. 


Damnable civic holy days! I shake my fists. I grit my teeth. I stomp my feet. I do laundry, try to get back to writing my thesis, and keep telling myself that the offer will likely be good.

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If it makes you feel any better, you won't be the first guy to break a department's heart. They know how the game gets played; and not only that, but they're smart and have a whole list of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes who the department will be more than happy to shower with affection should you choose someone else. 

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Texas or Toronto?



Also, not to rub salt in the wound for anyone that doesn't have an acceptance yet, I completely struck out last year so I've been there; but, does anyone else with more than one acceptance feel guilty like they're in some weird academic love triangle and are leading on their suitors? I've been feeling bad for the last week or so when I got my other offer. I couldn't put my finger on why until last night when I realized it feels just like I'm leading women on, showing interest in them, but still flirting with others all the while knowing I'll have to dump all but one. They're all so positive and optimistic about our futures together...I feel like a cad. Maybe I should take this to the psychology forum.

ha ha.  i'm not in that love triangle having only one acceptance and one wait list though i did receive four emails from folks at loyola chicago.  with boston college (where i really want to go) i received an email saying "i hope you'll keep thinking of us because we're thinking of you."  but of course i'm not accepted there!

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with boston college (where i really want to go) i received an email saying "i hope you'll keep thinking of us because we're thinking of you."  but of course i'm not accepted there!


Haha - that almost sounds like a Valentine! Please tell me you got that email last Thursday.

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Texas or Toronto?


Texas. Sorry, I'm from Texas, so there's only one UT in my mind. I'll be more specific in the future. 


Also, not all universities are taking today as a holiday, so there's still a chance that information will go out today. 

Edited by fsm
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