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Which school is your top choice?

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...but probably about $100k more expensive than WWS. :wink: Though that's probably a choice you'd kill for: "Hmm...Harvard or Princeton? Decisions, decisions."

yes that would be a pretty amazing position to be in! i have some money from an employer for school so that's a little bit less of an issue, although princeton would still be a significantly better set-up financially speaking.

oh and as for my reasons for my top choices, i am going into government (contract is signed sealed and delivered) and it seems to me these two programs have the clearest pattern of developing leaders in government, just in terms of the number of graduates who end up in high level gov't positions, number of faculty who come from gov't or go back and forth (e.g. Dean of WWS is leaving to be head of policy at State Dept). I just feel like these programs would put me on the fast track careerwise and just have the most resources in general.

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My top choices are Fletcher or Georgetown for Security Studies. I'm not sure which I would prefer but I already gt accepted to Fletcher so I'm not too stressed, just waiting to hear about financial aid. (if anyone wants to give advice about this choice I'd be happy to hear it)

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I feel like I should be listing an ivy, but honestly, George Washington is my top choice. Their MA program in Philosophy and Social Policy is perfect for what I want to do.

But UW comes in a close second, I really like their MPA program and the school in general. They also have a really cool program in Political Communication, which, if I'm feeling ambitious, I would consider picking up as a dual-degree.

Still waiting to hear from both. Sigh.

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Depends what is most important for me. Obviously, the $ issue looms large so we will need to see what comes of scholarships.

$: WWS

Academic Match: Fletcher

Location (fun): LSE

Location (practical): GWU (much closer to relevant organizations where I might intern than Georgetown)

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I really want to go to the University of Kent in England to study with Chris Shilling. I've been accepted and I e-mail with Chris Shilling weekly - he is helping me work on my funding proposal - but now I just need to secure some funding! I won't know until June. Ugh.

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Financially, I'd have to say Princeton. The only negative is that my husband is applying to law school as well, so we'll have to live in new brunswick or something else midway to nyc.

All-around happiness: GSPP. I'm pretty sure I just jinxed it by saying so. :shock:

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My top choice would be HKS I think.

That said, mind if I use this board to ask for opinions on the two schools I have got into so far (Fletcher-MALD, SIPA-MPA)?

My interest is international development - I'm focused on microfinance/microinsurance and other financial-related interventions.

Accepted: Fletcher-MALD, SIPA-MPA

Still Waiting: HKS-MPP, NYU-Wagner MPA

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I like to keep things simple with Minnesota and Washington at the top of my list. Honestly I'm torn between the programs and it will likely come down to financial aid if I am accepted to both.

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Top choice: WWS, followed by SAIS

That said, I think I would have difficulty justifying SAIS without funding (which I hear is very difficult to obtain)...so at this point I think its Pickering Fellowship or bust for SAIS! Speaking of which, anybody else apply to the Pickering Graduate Fellowship? If so, any idea when we will hear?

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