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HGSE Fall 2013


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Well definitely a blizzard here in Cambridge this morning.  HGSE is still open but I'm guessing people may leave early so I'm going to resign myself to not knowing until next week.  Not impressed. :angry:

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Well definitely a blizzard here in Cambridge this morning. HGSE is still open but I'm guessing people may leave early so I'm going to resign myself to not knowing until next week. Not impressed. :angry:

Thanks for letting us know! Stay safe!! :)

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Yeah, a lot of people from my office just took the day off. lol when I first saw it, I thought as well, so much snow! ...better report to gradcafe. It's probably going to be next week :(


...But maybe we'll get a pleasant surprise?

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Well, Harvard, you got me. <waves white flag> I'm going on a trip out of the country today, and my internet access will be essentially non-existent. So, it's very likely I won't know anything about Harvard until I return in 10 days. :( I'm disappointed and anxious, but there's nothing I can do about it. I really thought we would have heard by now, but it looks like it won't even be this week, especially not with this blizzard today. (BTW - stay safe, Boston and Cambridge folks!)


To all my fellow GCers, whenever this crazy decision finally comes, I want to wish you the best of luck! I'm rooting for you all. It has been an honor and such fun sharing this experience with you and you all have kept me sane and laughing this whole time. No matter what school we attend, our futures are bright. :)


Have a great week!

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Well, Harvard, you got me. <waves white flag> I'm going on a trip out of the country today, and my internet access will be essentially non-existent. So, it's very likely I won't know anything about Harvard until I return in 10 days. :( I'm disappointed and anxious, but there's nothing I can do about it. I really thought we would have heard by now, but it looks like it won't even be this week, especially not with this blizzard today. (BTW - stay safe, Boston and Cambridge folks!)


To all my fellow GCers, whenever this crazy decision finally comes, I want to wish you the best of luck! I'm rooting for you all. It has been an honor and such fun sharing this experience with you and you all have kept me sane and laughing this whole time. No matter what school we attend, our futures are bright. :)


Have a great week!

Have fun and good luck!!! I hope that you come back to excellent news!

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Just got the official offer for the graduate assistantship at Vandy!  So excited, but it also means that I probably have to turn HSGE down even if I do get in, which just seems crazy.  But I don't think I can take out 60 grand in student loans vs. graduating debt-free from Vanderbilt even if it is Harvard.  :(  So crazy, but a great place to be in.  


Unfortunately, Peabody wants an answer before HSGE visitation day even if I do get in, which isn't cool....  I have a week to decide if I"m going to Vanderbilt.  GAH JUST LET ME KNOW HARVARD!!!!!

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Just got the official offer for the graduate assistantship at Vandy!  So excited, but it also means that I probably have to turn HSGE down even if I do get in, which just seems crazy.  But I don't think I can take out 60 grand in student loans vs. graduating debt-free from Vanderbilt even if it is Harvard.   :(  So crazy, but a great place to be in.  


Unfortunately, Peabody wants an answer before HSGE visitation day even if I do get in, which isn't cool....  I have a week to decide if I"m going to Vanderbilt.  GAH JUST LET ME KNOW HARVARD!!!!!

Congrats on Vandy! I wish HGSE had the kind of assistantships and scholarships that Peabody did.

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Congrats on Vandy! I wish HGSE had the kind of assistantships and scholarships that Peabody did.



Thank you so much!  I'm really excited.  And I agree.  If I thought I'd have this kind of opportunity at HSGE, it would carry a lot of weight, but I know I wouldn't.  And I highly doubt I'd get any aid at all.  But I would certainly like to have all the information before I make such a huge decision.  

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Just got the official offer for the graduate assistantship at Vandy!  So excited, but it also means that I probably have to turn HSGE down even if I do get in, which just seems crazy.  But I don't think I can take out 60 grand in student loans vs. graduating debt-free from Vanderbilt even if it is Harvard.   :(  So crazy, but a great place to be in.  


Unfortunately, Peabody wants an answer before HSGE visitation day even if I do get in, which isn't cool....  I have a week to decide if I"m going to Vanderbilt.  GAH JUST LET ME KNOW HARVARD!!!!!


Congratulations! Remember Peabody is the #1 school in the country. You've done well if you can graduate from there loan-free. I hope you get into HGSE... you deserve it, even if you won't attend. :) 




Also, on a side-note, the GIFs are delaying my page loads. I agree that they're funny, but at a point, it becomes too much. 

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Just got the official offer for the graduate assistantship at Vandy!  So excited, but it also means that I probably have to turn HSGE down even if I do get in, which just seems crazy.  But I don't think I can take out 60 grand in student loans vs. graduating debt-free from Vanderbilt even if it is Harvard.   :(  So crazy, but a great place to be in.  


Unfortunately, Peabody wants an answer before HSGE visitation day even if I do get in, which isn't cool....  I have a week to decide if I"m going to Vanderbilt.  GAH JUST LET ME KNOW HARVARD!!!!!


Congrats!  You're definitely in a great position. Given the $$$ disparity between the two, I definitely think Vandy is the way to go...unless, of course, you prefer the Northeast way more than the Southeast.


I may face a similar dilemma when deciding between Penn & Harvard, though. wakka wakka wakka


But yeah, HGSE needs to HTFU. It's becoming ridiculous.

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Congratulations! Remember Peabody is the #1 school in the country. You've done well if you can graduate from there loan-free. I hope you get into HGSE... you deserve it, even if you won't attend. :)




Also, on a side-note, the GIFs are delaying my page loads. I agree that they're funny, but at a point, it becomes too much. 


Not trying to argue, but it's also a 35-page thread with nearly 700 posts.  I'm sure that has a little to do with it as well.

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Congratulations! Remember Peabody is the #1 school in the country. 

I'm not trying to put down Peabody in any way, but those numbered US News rankings are pretty subjective, it can vary from program to program in each school.

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Blarg, I'm looking over the price tag of the program again and it seems less doable. I wonder if I should just take my paid program as well.


By the way- seeing as it's almost 4pm and they'll probably leave work at 5, it looks like we're back to the drawing board on Monday.

Edited by RobotinBlue
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Blarg, I'm looking over the price tag of the program again and it seems less doable.


HSGE?  Yeah... it's intense.  Plus living in Boston is way expensive...  (Don't mind me.  I'm talking my way out of Harvard before I even know if I'm in).  

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Seriously, congratulations ASzofer! I haven't heard back yet from Peabody on any financial assistance, and Michigan just sent me an automated email about how much it'll cost to go there per year. :( with that, plus being in the UK where it has rained/been cloudy ALL WEEK, PLUS injuring my foot, PLUS not hearing back from HSGE still... It has not been the most enjoyable vacation. Hopefully we get our decisions ASAP, as in next Monday. Meh.

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So many exciting things happening for our GradCafe corner... Congrats ASzofer! So excited for you. You're going to make an incredible difference no matter what!

Blarg, I'm looking over the price tag of the program again and it seems less doable. I wonder if I should just take my paid program as well.


By the way- seeing as it's almost 4pm and they'll probably leave work at 5, it looks like we're back to the drawing board on Monday.

Students from the past few years have actually found out after 4:30! DanMcD posted that they found out at 6:23 last year. So who knows? I think Friday at 6 PM is the smartest time they could send it out, haha. Does anyone know if HGSE closed early today?

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