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HGSE Fall 2013


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Nope.  Not yet.  Just that I did not get a merit scholarship, but I think there were only about two of those.  Congrats to whoever received them!  Would be nice if it was one of our gradcafe compatriots! 

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Has anyone received their Financial Aid Award Notification, yet?


The merit aid notifications have gone out already. If you didn't receive one of the few fellowship (Zuckerman, Urban Scholars, Leadership in Ed) offers then your "financial aid" will be a list of loan sources to contact about raising that 65-75K you'll need over the course of the program.

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Arghh. I can't join the facebook group. Most people at my workplace don't know yet that I'm leaving and facebook broadcasts group posts to everyone :( Is there a way to change settings to make posts private?


I'm not sure :( I think there's a way to "remove from timeline" but I think I remember concluding that that didn't necessarily remove it from people's newsfeeds :/ 




The merit aid notifications have gone out already. If you didn't receive one of the few fellowship (Zuckerman, Urban Scholars, Leadership in Ed) offers then your "financial aid" will be a list of loan sources to contact about raising that 65-75K you'll need over the course of the program.


Wait. Aren't there also need-based grants/scholarships that could be included in your financial aid offer? The fellowships were just the merit-based side of life, right? 

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Wait. Aren't there also need-based grants/scholarships that could be included in your financial aid offer? The fellowships were just the merit-based side of life, right? 


I think you are right Sunshinegirl, at least that is what I take away from the website.

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Gradcafe meetup sounds great !! and certainly not too soon for planning a get together...


Looking fwd to meeting you all 

Edited by askamy
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Arghh. I can't join the facebook group. Most people at my workplace don't know yet that I'm leaving and facebook broadcasts group posts to everyone :( Is there a way to change settings to make posts private?
I am in the same boat! :( only possible with a closed group and I can truly understand not wanting the burden of overseeing invites!
Fleshing out plans for a grad cafe meetup during admit weekend: too soon? 
Really interested! :) Anyone still looking for a roommate for Friday night? I can't stay in Cambridge the other nights, just found out I won't be able to get public transportation really late to/from the airport so I'll have to stay by the airport the other nights! :(
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Ok, so, my ONE friend in Cambridge actually went into LABOR yesterday evening! So clearly I'm not really able to ask her for meetup location suggestions like I was hoping to! However, I just got off the phone with Andy, the EPM program coordinator and he had a couple suggestions! 


First off, day and time? Is Saturday the best overlap between the Friday and Monday admit days? Or Sunday? Personally, I was thinking Saturday evening, after dinner but before people really start going out (so 7-8ish?). If that's the case, John Harvard's was Andy's top pick for being a "good introduction to Cambridge while also being big enough for a group" he also suggested downstairs of Tasty Burger as having a larger space that's less likely to be super crowded. How said The Druid is "rad old school" (quote!) and a good option, but much more likely to be crowded.


Or there's Sunday afternoon, or Sunday evening?


Anyone who's more familiar with Cambridge than me (aka anyone who's ever actually been there!) have any suggestions??



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I'm still not sure if I'm coming or not. I want to and need to for the sake of apartment-hunting (already got it down to 6-7 options, mainly because that's all I got due to my Akita), but it's just tough on account of price and the fact that I'm busy with my last month or so of undergrad. I'm going to come - it's just a matter if I'll do so now or in May, as I need to for apartment purposes.




I'll decide soon. :ph34r:

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John Harvard's was Andy's top pick for being a "good introduction to Cambridge while also being big enough for a group" 


Ha, John Harvard's is where both the Harvard and Stanford meetups were set when I was applying to those schools almost a decade ago. It seems to be the standard for meeting up.

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Hm, I was going to suggest Saturday lunch as an alternative in context of ASzofer and DNguyen but there's that One Harvard thing all afternoon - is anyone actually going to that? (the deadline to register is tomorrow, FYI :)

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I agree, merrysoprano. One Harvard does sound pretty redundant relative to the Open House schedule. The only thing that really stands out about One Harvard is the "Roundtable discussion." Then again, that might just be because my name is Lance. lol. #cheesy


The prematriculation site states that students from "historically underrepresented groups" are strongly encouraged to attend. That made me laugh because I immediately pictured myself being the token white guy, lol. Not that that matters, but it's still a funny visual considering I already look like a Twilight character to begin with.

Edited by CQE
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I'd prefer gradcafe lunch over hearing the same information over again personally.  I thought I'd explore Cambridge, housing, etc. on that Sat rather than take them up on OneHarvard.  

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^ do a poll! Doodle or WhenIsGood or the likes. :) 


I did RSVP for One Harvard just in case, but if it seems redundant and/or if I get sufficient information to make my decision at Friday's Open House, I'm down to join you guys anytime on Saturday.

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