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So... this shows how pathetic I really am in waiting for notifications... but it may help...

If you are trying to figure out when you'll hear about your notices, I went to the actual department site and looked at the online room reservations for the department. In the one I searched for, there was a "fellowship meeting" and a "interview meeting" listed for the departments I applied to, so you can at least figure out when they're having these meetings and guess whne you'll receive an email.

I know...its sad that I actually came up with this, but hey, desperate times comes desperate measures. :)

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I greatly admire your resourcefulness and your obsessive tendencies.

You will someday win a nobel prize in stalking if they ever start awarding prizes in categories that really mean something. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are brilliant. I found one of my schools' room schedules and I am pretty certain that the adcom meeting for my area was last week and the recruitment activities are on Valentine's day weekend. So now I know. It's a good thing I looked into this because the FAQ on the program's website suggested that the recruitment activities would be in March. Thus I would have been waiting a couple of more weeks expecting possibly positive news. Now I can relax a bit....finally. A little disappointed, of course, but I knew it was unlikely I'd get in. Besides, I got into another really decent program so it just makes the decision process much more straight forward. :|

Nevertheless, i feel I still won't rest completely until I get the final rejection notice! I would hate if they strung me along until March or April because I know I will feel weird about accepting at another school before hearing the final word from this one.

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