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Done! Done, done, done and doooooone!

Seven applications sent out, seven decisions received, NO MORE WAITING!

I officially accepted my perfect match program 5 minutes ago and I am dooooooone!


Anyone else ready to climb a mountain and scream "I AM A GRAD STUDENT!!!!!!!"?

Here's your online mountain!


Haha, very nice. Feels good right? I got 10 applications out there, have 9 responses (pfft, Stanford, don't worry about letting me know my status), and accepted an offer from my post-interview favorite program. It was a pretty intense winter, getting the applications out and then waiting to hear back. But I was very happy with my decisions about where to apply and extremely happy with the places I heard back from and interviewed at. Knowing where I'll be moving to in half a year, physically and academically, feels amazing after so long of having no idea! :)



I think I'm about 2-3 weeks away, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Where are you guys going next year??

  socialpsych said:

Where are you guys going next year??

I'm off to Yale's neuroscience program. Not psychology, but there are a lot of cognitive neuro faculty (and even some molecular/cellular neuro faculty) doing amazing research that is very relevant to my interests. I can't wait for this fall :D


I haven't officially made a decision, but I just unofficially decided (in my head lol), and I don't think I'm going to switch this time. Yay!!!


It is nice to be done and to be excited about my choice. Somehow, everything worked out and I was accepted into my top choice program. I'm beyond ecstatic...yet my excitement is slightly tempered by the fact that one of my friends has yet to be accepted into a program, which is such a bummer because she's a fantastic student and I know she'd succeed.

I'm happy to share where I'm going if anyone wants to PM me. :) Congrats to all you others in this thread -- can't wait for the fall to come!

  MacDuff said:
It is nice to be done and to be excited about my choice. Somehow, everything worked out and I was accepted into my top choice program. I'm beyond ecstatic...yet my excitement is slightly tempered by the fact that one of my friends has yet to be accepted into a program, which is such a bummer because she's a fantastic student and I know she'd succeed.

I have two friends in that position, both with GPAs at least .3 higher than mine. I'm experiencing something akin to survivors' guilt.

Congrats, though!

  socialpsych said:
Okay...I'm done! I'm headed to Stanford next year for micro organizational behavior! :D

Congratulations! Good luck!


You know, Dr. A, it's more mixed than I'd expected. On one hand, yes, it feels FANTASTIC to have closure. On the other hand...well first of all, there's a sense of loss about some of the great schools I've turned down...and also, it's sinking in that my next job is to get a PhD! :shock: :lol:


Congrats on your official decision, socialpsych! Now, back to that thesis writing, eh? :lol:


Woohoo!! After getting rejected from 6 PhD (UCSD, Illinois, WUSTL, Harvard, Chicago, UC Irvine) programs in a row, I finally got accepted - to one of my top choices!! Wow what a relief, I finally can say that I have SOME source of money for the next 5 or so years.

  magbal8 said:
Woohoo!! After getting rejected from 6 PhD programs in a row, I finally got accepted - to one of my top choices!! Wow what a relief, I finally can say that I have SOME source of money for the next 5 or so years.

Congrats! Were you at the CNS interview at NYU? If that's the program you're heading to, extra congrats, it seems fantastic! :)

  cogneuroforfun said:

Congrats! Were you at the CNS interview at NYU? If that's the program you're heading to, extra congrats, it seems fantastic! :)

Thanks :). I'm going to be in the cognition and perception department, but I'll hopefully do some work with someone in CNS. I couldn't make it to visit because I've been out of the country, so I had a phone interview, which apparently went a lot better than I thought. I'm going to visit in a couple weeks when I'm back in the US.


Yay, Lorax!!! What kind of psych? I really love their social psych group--some great people. Would definitely have been one of my top choices if not for the location.

  dukegirl09 said:
Glad to finally be done as well :-) It feels amazing to have made a decision!!! Best of luck to all those who are still waiting.

Were you at the Friday of UIUC's official visiting weekend, or did you fly in on Saturday night for the pizza making party? Little creepy, I know, but I've been working for one of the professor's in social at UIUC for 3 years (So.-Sr. year), so was at the Friday festivities but had a bachelor party on Saturday so didn't attend those.

Congrats on your decision! I have loved my time in SPO at UIUC, and the graduate students there are absolutely wonderful.

  flyinglion said:
U of Michigan.

I am glad to reach a final decision!!!! And yes, Michigan!!!!!

Wow, congrats flyinglion!! That's fantastic.

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