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Phone Interview?


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So on Sunday afternoon I was sitting at home watching football with my family. I missed a call on my phone and thought nothing of it because I didn't recognize the number. The person didn't leave a message and I assumed if it was important enough they would call back. Well they did and it turned out to be one of my POIs! She asked if she could ask me some questions and I agreed. I think I did a decent job considering it was totally out of the blue. At the end she asked if I would be interesting in visiting and said she would call me back later in the week with info about when the visiting date will be and to answer any questions I have.


My questions are... Was that my interview? I think she wanted to catch me unaware, but I thought these things were usually scheduled ahead of time. And is it a good sign she asked me if I wanted to come visit? I mean she could very well have just thanked me and hung up. Probably reading too much into it though.



Edited by Shmanks
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This is great! It may have been like a pre-interview? Sometimes POIs like to just chat before hand to get a sense of who you are and what you are interested in. Seems like it went well since she invited you to come visit. I'd prepare for that visit to maybe include a more formal interview. Congrats!!

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Thanks, everyone! I was panicking because I didn't have any time to prepare. She also asked about specific numbers from my thesis and I didn't know one correlation off the top of my head, and told her a slightly different sample size (which obviously I know but I was so flustered I gave her the sample size after pairwise deletion rather than the beginning sample size we decided to report-since my study was longitudinal). I wish I could correct those, but I think I did fairly well for having no warning... The whole situation left me really worked up for the rest of the day, but I took it as a good sign she invited me to their visitation day. Thanks for helping calm my nerves! :)

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Do you all think I should take the opportunity of her calling me back to give her the number I didn't know off the top of my head and to elaborate about the reported sample size? The grad student I currently work with suggested I could do that if I wanted, though she thinks my POI was asking more out of interest than quizzing me...

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Do you all think I should take the opportunity of her calling me back to give her the number I didn't know off the top of my head and to elaborate about the reported sample size? The grad student I currently work with suggested I could do that if I wanted, though she thinks my POI was asking more out of interest than quizzing me...

I wouldn't. She probably wasn't quizzing you, and to me, it seems weird to call her just for that. If it's really bothering you, maybe send her an email?

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I think you're right. I spoke with her today and got more info on what my visit will consist of-I am definitely excited!


However, also received a rejection from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign so that is slightly disappointing! :(

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However, also received a rejection from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign so that is slightly disappointing! :(

Ha, at least you heard from UIUC. They still have yet to inform me of my rejection from last year! :) But focus on the interview and don't let the rejection bring you down!

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