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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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Minnesota has started notifying!!!

I had my phone on silence during class and missed the call, but I found an acceptance on my voicemail!  :)

Congratulations!! What a pleasant surprise to have waiting for you after class! :D

Edited by It's (Not) About Me
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If you got in, you should come here. Unless you hate fun. We have mastered the art of kick-ass scholarship and having the best time ever. I am Thunderpaws and I will be at recruitment weekend. If you can guess who I am, you will do a shot with me. Unless you don't want to, then high-fives are acceptable.


hi pals!


new here, but have been watching! question one: do any of you know what the funding situation

is at austin? seems like it's all teaching? i would worry that this might skew time away from genuinely

developing course content, like at some of the places that also offer fellowship years? thoughts?


Funding at UT is mostly from teaching. Here's the thing about teaching though. We just turned down a totally awesome and perfect job applicant because he had no teaching record. Teaching is a vital part of getting a job these days, and UT makes sure you can do it well. But it doesn't do this at the expense of your research. As a first year without an MA, you TA which is 8-13 hour committement a week. Three hours of lecture, two of your teaching sections, 3 hours of office hours (which almost no one comes to so it's essentially work time for you). Somestimes you have meeting with your TA crowd, sometimes you have grading.


When you become an AI (which comes with a raise) you aren't taking 3 courses as you are the first two years, so while you're responsible for your own class, you're also not dying under lots of ass-in-chair class time.


The teaching load here is instructive, not suffocating, and I find the expirence very valuable. Fellowships are offered for dissertating students.

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But also, congratulations to everyone getting in places and feeling awesome!!! So happy for y'all. It's really exciting, seeing it all happen again.


And to my waitlisters, HOPE IS NOT GONE. I love my waitlisted kinspeople. I will pull for all of you the hardest.

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wants me! They really want me! No info on funding, but I got an email to check the website. Stoked! I applied under the Writing Studies emphasis.


Yeah, congrats! We have a really great department here and I have pretty much every professor I've come into contact with. I don't know how many other decisions you have to weigh, but if you have any questions as far as campus atmosphere or anything feel free to ask me. Anything but the graduate program specifically (ha) since obviously I don't know much about that realm.

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wants me! They really want me! No info on funding, but I got an email to check the website. Stoked! I applied under the Writing Studies emphasis.


CONGRATS! You have two fantastic programs to choose from!

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wants me! They really want me! No info on funding, but I got an email to check the website. Stoked! I applied under the Writing Studies emphasis.


Congrats! The writing studies emphasis leads to EXCELLENT placement in tenure-track positions!

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Can anyone claim the Yale acceptance? I know someone who was also accepted (same person? ha, it's small world...).


Now I get to bite my nails and have the most agonizing (re: tearful) weekend ever....


Edit: Oops, Princeton, I mean Princeton


it's been a long week

Edited by jazzy dubois
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Thanks everyone! I am stunned. I really thought I didn't have a chance with UofI! jazzy dubois, once I've processed all of these emotions, I will definitely take you up on that offer!

Congrats proflorax, that's amazing! Do you know if the majority of the acceptances have gone out yet?

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Congrats proflorax, that's amazing! Do you know if the majority of the acceptances have gone out yet?

No idea. It was an email letting me know that my status has changed, which led to a pretty standard letter congratulating me and reminding me to send in my official transcripts. I haven't seen any other admits, so maybe Writing Studies has its own timetable? I'll be crossing my fingers for you! 

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When you become an AI (which comes with a raise) you aren't taking 3 courses as you are the first two years, so while you're responsible for your own class, you're also not dying under lots of ass-in-chair class time.


The teaching load here is instructive, not suffocating, and I find the expirence very valuable. Fellowships are offered for dissertating students.


Fiona, I have a few questions about teaching.  How many courses are you required to take when you're an AI?  What's the teaching load like (how many classes taught each semester?  How many students per class?  Any additional work required outside of teaching?)?  Any feedback you can provide would be appreciated.


For the record, I have an MA, so if I choose UT, I'll be entering in the PhD phase of the program.  I'm very excited about recruitment weekend!

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Fiona, I have a few questions about teaching.  How many courses are you required to take when you're an AI?  What's the teaching load like (how many classes taught each semester?  How many students per class?  Any additional work required outside of teaching?)?  Any feedback you can provide would be appreciated.


For the record, I have an MA, so if I choose UT, I'll be entering in the PhD phase of the program.  I'm very excited about recruitment weekend!


I am an AI (came in with M.Ed) - PM me if you want more detail about the AI portion in general and my experience in particular.

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