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Need help choosing my last 3 schools

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Hey guys, I'm at a crossroads here trying to figure out which last 3 schools to apply to for Stats PhD


I'm between: Virginia Tech, U Conn, U Mass, University of Iowa, Michigan State.


I like all the places and their faculty, so I'm really just trying to pick based on which 3 I might have the best shot at.


Right now I'm thinking Virginia Tech, U Conn, and U Mass.




My quick stats:

OSU undergrad, Economics major, Math minor

GPA: 3.56

GRE: 163V, 159Q, 5.0 AW

Undergrad Economics research experience for 1 year

Math classes: Lin Alg, Diffy q, Real Analysis, Probability, Numerical Analysis

Stats: A few regular stats classes, Econometrics

Rec letters: 1 from research prof, 1 from stats prof, 1 from econometrics prof




Edited by OhioStateStudent
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I don't have the money for all 5 myself (or even 2).


My parents won't pay for me to apply to more than 8, either. In their eyes, if I apply to 8 and don't get into any, applying to 2 more would be a waste, which I disagree with, but, there is nothing more I can do.


I've applied to 5 so far, so now I have 3 more to choose.

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I agree with your picks and think that the chances are best for those 3. I would think they could be high enough to substitute Michigan St or Iowa, if you prefer them over the first 3, and still have very good chances of more than 1 acceptance.

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Is faculty the only reason you're choosing among those 5 schools? What are the other 5 schools you applied to? I think it could be a good idea to do maybe like 2-3 reach schools, 3-4 realistic schools, and 1-2 safety schools.


If I had to choose 3/5 from that list (without knowing anything about your personal preferences) I'd choose UConn, U of Iowa, and Michigan State.

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No. I have considered other factors.



Basically, I am essentially equally interested in all 5 schools, so I just want to choose the three that I have the best chance of admission.



Are you suggesting those 3 based on your preferences, or based on my chances of getting in?

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No. I have considered other factors.



Basically, I am essentially equally interested in all 5 schools, so I just want to choose the three that I have the best chance of admission.



Are you suggesting those 3 based on your preferences, or based on my chances of getting in?


Preferences. Would be tough to know your chances unless I was on the admissions committee :)

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No. I have considered other factors.



Basically, I am essentially equally interested in all 5 schools, so I just want to choose the three that I have the best chance of admission.



Are you suggesting those 3 based on your preferences, or based on my chances of getting in?

why don't you shoot each of the departments an email and ask for their admit % rate over the past few years (and also the # of apps they get).

i've found that most departments are quite willing with such information.

Edited by sisyphus1
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