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Archaeology Applicants: The Waiting Game - Fall 2013 - Share your progress!


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aetaival- CUNY/hunter us the last school i'm waiting on. i may send them an email today; i just received my acceptance to my second choice program(!!!), but they want my response by the end of this month. CUNY is a bit notorious for taking a while to send out decisions at all levels, so if i hear anything, i'll let you know. i submitted my materials by the 1/15 priority deadline for the MA in archaeology. 

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Thanks Pears! I submitted my application on December 1st for the PhD program, so I've been pretty worried that I haven't heard anything yet (they were my first choice). And congrats on your second choice acceptance!!!

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Has anyone heard from CUNY yet for archaeology?

A friend of mine was contacted by her POI at CUNY that she had been accepted late last week. She applied for a PhD in archaeology.

Edited by batcathat
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Congrats to everyone getting good news! 


I've been wondering...where are all the Mediterranean/Middle East archaeologists? I've lurked Classics, but those guys all seem to be the Greco-Roman epigraphy-obsessed types. I know this thread is in the Anthro forums, so makes sense to have a lot of hist. arch. and Meso represented, but I feel like there's no where for us Old World people to go if we're not into the language end of things. Anyone? Bueller? 


Sorry I'm late to the party! Pre-Roman archaeology here! I know what you mean - I hang out in the Classics thread a lot but feel a bit at odds interestswise with them (although they are all super lovely people). Anyway, I hope you've had good results so far! :)

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I'm also gonna de-lurk as another archaeologist on here. My research focus is (proto)historical US - hopefully doing foodways. :) Shout-out to fellow Americanists!  I'm sitting at an uncomfortable 1a/1w/1r-- still waiting on funding info from my one acceptance. Has anyone heard what is going on with UT Austin / College of William and Mary / Northwestern ?  Also, anyone apply for NSF GRFP? #lookingtoactualizemyanxietybecausemailonlycomesonceaday

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I know William and Mary informed three applicants of their acceptance abut 3 weeks ago. They have a waitlist (and don't usually let people know they've been waitlisted), but will probably sending decisions out sometime soon.

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I'm also gonna de-lurk as another archaeologist on here. My research focus is (proto)historical US - hopefully doing foodways. :) Shout-out to fellow Americanists!  I'm sitting at an uncomfortable 1a/1w/1r-- still waiting on funding info from my one acceptance. Has anyone heard what is going on with UT Austin / College of William and Mary / Northwestern ?  Also, anyone apply for NSF GRFP? #lookingtoactualizemyanxietybecausemailonlycomesonceaday


I've applied to Classics - Classical Arch at UT Austin and I was told by the department that they've been overwhelmed with a record high volume of applications; I have, however, seen many other people commenting that no one has heard from their respective departments over there. Perhaps it's possible that there's a lag over there in Anthro due to high volume as well?

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I'll join in here and stop lurking and post some results. I am a Mesoamerican archaeologist with a strong focus on the Maya, got my BA in May 2012 and was rejected at all schools for Fall 2013. So I did a little CRM and have a publication under review, and it seems to have lifted my acceptability in the eyes of admissions comittees. So far my season has been:


  • Vanderbilt (PhD): Accepted, 33k/year funding
  • UC-San Diego (PhD): Accepted, 20k/year funding
  • SUNY-Albany (PhD): Accepted, no funding
  • SIU-C (MA): Accepted, 11k/year funding
  • Tulane (PhD): Withdrew Application
  • CU-Boulder: Waitlisted
  • Boston University: Rejected
  • Brown University: Rejected
  • University of Arizona: Waiting
  • UT-Austin: Waiting

I'm really excited about both the Vanderbilt and UCSD offers and will definitely go to one of those schools. If anyone has any opinions on these programs, feel free to share them!

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  • 3 weeks later...

same here!Andean archaeology, the Incas!

Hello Andeanists!

I'm looking to apply next year and was hoping to get the scoop on some programs. I'm looking at UIC/Field Museum, Vanderbilt, UCLA, UCSB, and maybe an Ivy (just for kicks). Anything to share?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not an Andeanist, but I have heard great things about Brown's Joukowsky Institute for Central/South American, and I know UCLA has some fantastic people for Andean archaeology.

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screencheck: if you're considering applying to an ivy, you may want to look into harvard; the peabody is an awesome resource, and there are a few faculty members whose interests may overlap with yours. ditto penn.

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