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Typical After-Interview Wait?


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Hi All,


I interviewed on 1/17 for a Ph.D. position in a school of ed.  It was a quick turnaround, as the apps were due on 1/15 (I was contacted the next day).  The adcom was meeting the day AFTER my interview (1/18, a Friday) and continuing on into last week. 


I recognize it's been a short time, but is there a typical post-interview waiting period to hear back one way or another?  If it helps any, the interview went well, and I was told my POI would be in contact with 'hard' dates when he could.


Waiting sucks, but I'm curious if anyone has a rough idea from experience/multiple experiences.  This is my first interview. 


(Monday mornings are awesome until the only email I get is spam.  And then it's just...Monday). 


Thanks, and good luck to all who are in the waiting period!



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Hello. I recently finished my first interview experience, and my school moved fairly quickly. Apps were due on the 1st of December, and I was invited for an interview just 13 days later. After the interview, I received a decision just 6 days later. Obviously every school and program is a bit different, but this had been my experience. Good luck to you!

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Hello. I recently finished my first interview experience, and my school moved fairly quickly. Apps were due on the 1st of December, and I was invited for an interview just 13 days later. After the interview, I received a decision just 6 days later. Obviously every school and program is a bit different, but this had been my experience. Good luck to you!


Thanks for the feedback.  I have a feeling my department will move rather quickly as well, though I understand how different programs are.  Namely, that you've gone past Physics and Bio 101 ;)  It sounds like you've gotten in somewhere (Penn?)...great school, congratulations!  I wish you the best, and thanks for your well wishes!



Good afternoon,


Today I attended my first interview. They told me I should be hearing back in about two weeks. 


My expectation is pretty similar.  Good luck to you, and I hope the results turn out well. 

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Hope you hear back sooner than me. I interviewed for one school on the 4th and am still waiting. There is an issue with one of my LOR arriving very late, though, so that may be holding it up.

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i had an interview about six days ago that I thought went awful. yesterday, i was admitted. i had an interview over a week ago, wherein I was told i was at the top of the stack of applicants, and haven't heard back. additionally, in regards to the interview over a week ago, i saw someone else was admitted to the program via grad cafe a few days ago. "top of the stack" my foot.


but maybe i speak too soon--who knows what delays decisions. they could be interviewing for new hires, running a school-wide conference, arguing for more funding, nominating for fellowships. there are a number of factors that can contribute to a delay

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I've been wondering the same thing. Had two interviews on 1/21, was invited to interview weekend for one of them just a few days later. Was told during the interview for the other school that if I was invited I'd hear by "the end of the week or early next week". So by my estimation that means.. now. :( I hate the waiting!!

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I heard a member of the adcom at one of my schools is going on vacation. Time to stop checking on that application every day.
Unless there's a substitute member or they can make decisions without her/him. Please proceed with obsession. B)
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