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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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I know at least one other person here who's waiting for Montclair, and it looks like many of the NJ/NY schools notify extremely late.   Not cool.   Have you visited Syracuse?
Haven't visited Syracuse yet. I went to college in Rochester so I am accustomed to the cold winters. I always passed through Syracuse on my way to Rochester from NJ, so I am somewhat familiar with the area at least. I have a few friends who have/are attending Syracuse's other graduate programs so hopefully they can give me some advice about the school. They're having an open house April 5th for accepted students and I'm contemplating attending, but I'm really hoping I get into a more local school. They need a confirmation if you're accepting their offer by April 15th and a $450 deposit by April 22nd. It's so frustrating because I may not have back from Montclair by April 15th! NJ/NY schools have to get their butt in gear!
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FINALLY heard from the last school on my app list- UNC Greensboro. I was told I was wait listed at first, but then logged on today and was officially rejected. I am guessing they have filled up their class, or have made all the offers they are going to make this year. Not a big deal, Haha! I am so excited about where I am going this fall and had planned to turn UNCG down if accepted once I got into my top choice, ECU!!! ;-)

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I called Montclair a week or so ago asking about when they would notify and the office told me to expect decisions around mid april. and i too am getting anxious waiting on a couple of schools especially since they are my last hopes.


Mid April?? Oh man....seems like I'll be paying the deposit for NYU either way now.

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I just found out that the University of West Georgia did not even consider my application because one of my transcripts was never received (or sent by the university????).  I feel completely slapped in the face.  I have been worrying so much about my admissions, and I was never even considered.  What a waste of time, money, and effort. 

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I am also frustrated by Montclair's late application deadline/notification! The deposit to Seton Hall is apparently due April 5th so I'm hesitant to put that down before hearing from Montclair and a couple others. Did you hear from them that they would notify in Mid April or is that what you're guessing based on their March 1st deadline?

I see you applied to Monmouth? I didn't realize they had a speech pathology program. I just looked it up and it says they're in the process of accreditation. Just out of curiosity, do you know anything else about the program?

Edited by BlarneyStone87
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Waitlist number two confirmed today. And dealing with an individual who doesn't want to understand why on earth I would want to keep my name on a waitlist. why yes, let me just throw away a possible opportunity to further my education...jeez. Ok rant over :-)

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I just found out that the University of West Georgia did not even consider my application because one of my transcripts was never received (or sent by the university????). I feel completely slapped in the face. I have been worrying so much about my admissions, and I was never even considered. What a waste of time, money, and effort.

That is SO silly. Unbelievable.

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I see you applied to Monmouth? I didn't realize they had a speech pathology program. I just looked it up and it says they're in the process of accreditation. Just out of curiosity, do you know anything else about the program?
Yea I would really like to stay in NJ. Monmouth's program is new and its original start date was in May, however with the accreditation status they had to push it back. Their program director said that ASHA will meet in July about their accreditation status and they are still optimistic about starting their program in the fall. She also said they're having an open house on April 13th. Hope this helps!
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I just found out that the University of West Georgia did not even consider my application because one of my transcripts was never received (or sent by the university????).  I feel completely slapped in the face.  I have been worrying so much about my admissions, and I was never even considered.  What a waste of time, money, and effort. 

That is just awful, so sorry :(

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Waitlist number two confirmed today. And dealing with an individual who doesn't want to understand why on earth I would want to keep my name on a waitlist. why yes, let me just throw away a possible opportunity to further my education...jeez. Ok rant over :-)

Nothing hurts more than a rejection...waitlist status is just keeping some hope alive. Some fortunate few get picked up off the waitlist so it ain't over til it's over! Hang in there :D

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Yea I would really like to stay in NJ. Monmouth's program is new and its original start date was in May, however with the accreditation status they had to push it back. Their program director said that ASHA will meet in July about their accreditation status and they are still optimistic about starting their program in the fall. She also said they're having an open house on April 13th. Hope this helps!
Hmm, that's really interesting, thanks so much! I wonder what it would be like to be the first class of the program. I guess I can't help but be a little hesitant about new programs that are under accreditation review like Stockton and Monmouth, but I think it's a great thing that NJ speech grad programs are growing. We definitely need more! TCNJ and Rutgers used to offer it, but no longer do. I wish they would bring their programs back because of popular demand!
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I just found out that the University of West Georgia did not even consider my application because one of my transcripts was never received (or sent by the university????).  I feel completely slapped in the face.  I have been worrying so much about my admissions, and I was never even considered.  What a waste of time, money, and effort. 


I kind of know how you feel. I am applying to three year leveling programs this year and I was rejected from SIU-C because they say they do not have a leveling program. Their website clearly states on the graduate program page that if you do not have a bachelors degree you can still enter the program and take a year of pre-reqs and finish the degree in three years. They say nothing about applying as an undergrad, taking the pre-reqs and then applying again for the graduate program. I know I shouldn't really complain because I have already been accepted to two programs, but I spent over a hundred dollars in the application fee, sending my gre scores and transcripts to them that could have gone to applying to another program that would have at least looked at my application. It's just frustrating when schools are not clear with their information. 

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Hello!  To anyone inquiring about St. Cloud State University.. I called the department and was told that admission decisions should be forwarded to the graduate department soon..  hopefully by tomorrow.  The graduate department will send out the letters. 


Apparently the admissions committee had a "late start" according to the administrative assistant.  She also said that there were some "complications" this year. I'm not sure what that means.  


Thank you for the update!  I've been patiently waiting - slow-burn anxiety, but better than going crazy.


I still don't have my hopes up, as I wasn't invited to the interview day, but I'm not letting it die out completely until I get that rejection letter.


Here's hoping we'll know by this time next week!

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rpatty---  I have visted Univ of Tulsa, so I can give you some insight since you said you don't know too much about it yet.  Have you ever been to Tulsa?  I grew up in Tulsa, so I know it quite well.  TU's program is a great program, very well respected here in Oklahoma.  The people I met with there were extremely kind, helpful, and welcoming.  The campus is small, but beautiful.  The program is pretty small as well, I think they aim to have about 12-15 students in each class.  The clinic itself is a little small (but I haven't visited anywhere else yet so I don't have anything to compare it to), but they make very good use of every bit of space they have.  As for Tulsa, if you've never been here, let me know and I can give you some info on the city too! :)  Good luck making a decision, I know I am completely lost right now!  (But extremely happy & grateful to have wonderful choices)

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Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! I am so incredibly nervous (seeing as now I KNOW the info will be relayed tomorrow), but I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. 



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Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! I am so incredibly nervous (seeing as now I KNOW the info will be relayed tomorrow), but I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed. 





Which school is it you will hear from tomorrow?  I missed that part, sorry!

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Which school is it you will hear from tomorrow?  I missed that part, sorry!


It's not school-related, unfortunately. It's a wonderful summer internship opportunity (SLP related, too!) that is an EXCELLENT experience. It's super competitive, and I was told today that we would know tomorrow. :)

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It's not school-related, unfortunately. It's a wonderful summer internship opportunity (SLP related, too!) that is an EXCELLENT experience. It's super competitive, and I was told today that we would know tomorrow. :)


Very exciting!!  Fingers crossed for you!  I hope you get it!!

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