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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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I just keep staring at my inbox, willing something to be there…


I'm going to assume that I'll hear something on or after the majority of past years' results dates. I really doubt it will be any sooner.

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Got an interview for BU and Accepted into UT- Austin today! I'll take it :) Good luck all!
First of all congratulations! I applied to three schools (UT Austin, Texas State University, Our Lady of the Lake University) so obviously I'm curious about your acceptance into UT Austin. Do you know of anyone else that has heard of acceptance or decline into that program because I don't know of anyone else! I hate to bombard you with questions but I have soooo many since you're the only one that I know of that has heard any news so far!
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First of all congratulations! I applied to three schools (UT Austin, Texas State University, Our Lady of the Lake University) so obviously I'm curious about your acceptance into UT Austin. Do you know of anyone else that has heard of acceptance or decline into that program because I don't know of anyone else! I hate to bombard you with questions but I have soooo many since you're the only one that I know of that has heard any news so far!

Hey! I haven't heard from anyone else. Someone else on the results page though.

Their website says they generally release decisions the friday before spring break so I was really surprised. I'm sure, then, you'll be getting good news soon!! :)

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Hey! I haven't heard from anyone else. Someone else on the results page though. Their website says they generally release decisions the friday before spring break so I was really surprised. I'm sure, then, you'll be getting good news soon!! :)
I can imagine your surprise!! Do you remember when you submitted your completed application? I'm so surprised (obviously!) that you heard back already! I'm being eaten alive by anxiety!! I'm really really really hoping for good news, but I've heard it is VERY hard to get into this program from my professors so my hopes are kind of low :(
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I'm going to assume that I'll hear something on or after the majority of past years' results dates. I really doubt it will be any sooner.


That's what I assume, too. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), people started hearing back from UNC-CH on February 9th last year. So now I feel like a decision is right around the corner!

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That's what I assume, too. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), people started hearing back from UNC-CH on February 9th last year. So now I feel like a decision is right around the corner!


It looks like there was only one acceptance posted on February 9th; it was probably related to a funding offer or another special circumstance. The end of February and beginning of March are when most of the notifications came in last year.

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I'm not sure if this is a far-fetched idea, but I think there's a trend with schools sending out their notifications on Fridays and Mondays.  Let's hope I'm right and that tomorrow brings good news to us all! ;)


Good luck everyone!

Edited by TalkItOut_9
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I'm not sure if this is a far-fetched idea, but I think there's a trend with schools sending out their notifications on Fridays and Mondays.  Let's hope I'm right and that tomorrow brings good news to us all! ;)


Good luck everyone!

Yes, i like this theory! Let's go with this! : D

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Does anyone know how schools typically deal with waitlists?


Do they typically take people off as openings arise, or wait until their April 15th deadline to revisit the waitlist and see who to admit?  Anyone know that of Wisconsin schools specifically?


I was waitlisted at my top choice and while I realize the chances of being taken off of it are extremely slim, I'm still so impatient!  I can't bear the thought of waiting until April for what is basically my delayed rejection...


I'm trying to take it as a sign that I'm just meant to see another area, as I did my undergrad there too as well.  I guess if anyone has questions about WI they can ask!

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I feel like this differs at every school. One of the schools I applied to waits to see who accepts, and then revisits all of the waitlisted applications at a later date. I think your best bet is to ask the department directly, so you know what to expect. 


Good luck!

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Thanks, maybe I will.  I mean in the end it doesn't matter too much, which is why I was hoping someone knew before I bothered the poor director (who is likely doing nothing with her day than answering nervous students...).  Maybe I will ask her.  The letter said that they would have everyone let them know by April 15th and then admit a few from the waitlist, but they've also said other things that they've done slightly differently. 



My poor nerves and this waiting game...my poor inbox.  My poor mailbox.  I'm glad my mail arrives while I'm normally in class or at work, otherwise the poor mailman would have to deal with me waiting for him at the mailbox each day! :P

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My poor nerves and this waiting game...my poor inbox.  My poor mailbox.  I'm glad my mail arrives while I'm normally in class or at work, otherwise the poor mailman would have to deal with me waiting for him at the mailbox each day! :P

Yep, that would be me too, if I wasn't at work. I think the postal service is talking about canceling Saturday delivery, so now I can't even stalk the post man on the one day I get off from work when mail used to come... Oh well! The waiting is hard, but I think every day that I have to keep waiting, it's a little easier to put it out of my mind and just trust that I will get the right letter from the right university at the right time. It gets easier every day. That, and I have decided that they are all rejections unless I hear otherwise. :-/

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^^^ like. I am glad that the Saturday delivery is going on at least for now. I heard a blip about that on the news and because I was mentally gone after the headline, I didn't wait to hear the particulars. Haha!

I checked the mailbox today, and nothing.... Not even a bill. I think that is something like cruel and unusual punishment!!

Today was the app deadline for two of my schools (Appalachian State and Western Carolina U) and the last app deadline to wait for. I double checked even yesterday (or maybe forty-checked?) that all my application materials for them said "complete." :-)

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I have noticed that there are not a lot of people who listed they applied at Iowa. Why is this, considering it is the top program?

For me, location and being out of field. Location mattered a lot for me. I only applied in NC and. SC. I considered Armstrong Atlantic U in Savannah (near SC), U of Georgia, and James Madison as well but after the apps i already have listed in my signature, I had spent enough money.

Edited by kcald716
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I have noticed that there are not a lot of people who listed they applied at Iowa. Why is this, considering it is the top program?


Because it is likely I wouldn't be accepted there. I did not want to move to Iowa, especially since I have a boyfriend who is coming with me (what exactly would he do in Iowa?). I did not want to be so far away from my family.


Plus, there are a lot of great programs that aren't "ranked" as #1. Ranking is important (kind of), but is it the deciding factor? Not for me.

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I have noticed that there are not a lot of people who listed they applied at Iowa. Why is this, considering it is the top program?

I doubt I'd get accepted, so I didn't want to waste the application fee/transcript fee/etc. Also, I am mainly interested in the clinical aspects (don't plan to pursue a PhD in the foreseeable future), so as long as I can get a variety of clinical experiences with good supervision, I'm happy! Most of my schools are in larger urban areas where there are plenty of hospitals, schools, SNFs, rehab facilities, etc to give me those experiences. I also wanted to try and be near family and/or friends :) 

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I agree with jmarti- rankings are not the deciding factor for me. They are for some people, but since my husband is moving with me, location become a bigger factor than prestige. I do want a PhD one day, so I do have an idea of which schools I prefer over others if offered the chance to choose.

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