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Sigh...I am really at wits end. I am so sick of waiting. First, I find out that school A is having their meet-n-greet this weekend (and I have heard nothing from them).

Then, I find out someone was accepted to school B the day after I contacted them to inquire about my app status.

And there's school C...my first choice. The only perceivable chance left at going straight to PhD after UG.

Grr. Is anyone else just tired of it?


I should edit what I meant here...I heard from School C. I Interviewed there...now it's just a matter of waiting.

I keep like checking my phone, email, etc. every 5 seconds!! It's getting draining but I was mostly venting and wondering if anyone else is getting impatient like me.

I should edit what I meant here...I heard from School C. I Interviewed there...now it's just a matter of waiting.

I keep like checking my phone, email, etc. every 5 seconds!! It's getting draining but I was mostly venting and wondering if anyone else is getting impatient like me.

I'm getting impatient, too! I am very, very close to breaking down and e-mailing the last school that has yet to reject me.

I should edit what I meant here...I heard from School C. I Interviewed there...now it's just a matter of waiting.

I keep like checking my phone, email, etc. every 5 seconds!! It's getting draining but I was mostly venting and wondering if anyone else is getting impatient like me.

I'm so impatient I'm practically to the point where I might call my remaining schools and tell them "eff you, I'm not interested anymore", just to end the process and get on with my life. :D


I've been waistlisted at a third school now and get the happy pleasure of being in waiting limbo for probably five extra weeks. One school left to hear from, which I am now certain is going to a rejection or a waitlist.

Oh, someone take me out of my misery.


I am definitely in agreement. I am SO tired of waiting... checking my inbox every 10 seconds, checking the results page, hoping that no one has posted any responses from my remaining three schools, but yet I am checking it. I feel like I am checking the list of dead or something just waiting for bad news. How agonizing. I look forward to when this will all be over and I can pick up where my life left off mid December.

... I look forward to when this will all be over and I can pick up where my life left off mid December.

this reminds me of that song:

"well it's been a, lo-oong december..."

The happy part is that line ends saying maybe this year will be better than the last. One can hope. =)


I applied to only three programs: 2 for Physics, 1 for App Math; none of them has gotten back to me. Now, I'm wishing I was smart enough to apply to more schools and not depend on 'connections' (from conferences and internships) to get me into the program of my choice.

App: U Illinois Urbana Campaign, UMich, Lehigh

Accep: ???

Rejected: ???

Status: variations of 'you are still in the game, but pray hard and cross your fingers' (all 3)

I applied to only three programs: 2 for Physics, 1 for App Math; none of them has gotten back to me. Now, I'm wishing I was smart enough to apply to more schools and not depend on 'connections' (from conferences and internships) to get me into the program of my choice.

App: U Illinois Urbana Campaign, UMich, Lehigh

Accep: ???

Rejected: ???

Status: variations of 'you are still in the game, but pray hard and cross your fingers' (all 3)

best of luck to you, fellow physics-math department hopper. =)

Sigh...I am really at wits end. I am so sick of waiting. First, I find out that school A is having their meet-n-greet this weekend (and I have heard nothing from them).

Then, I find out someone was accepted to school B the day after I contacted them to inquire about my app status.

And there's school C...my first choice. The only perceivable chance left at going straight to PhD after UG.

Grr. Is anyone else just tired of it?

I am sooo freaking tired of the waiting game. I heard from Duke that I got rejected way back about a month ago and have been waiting since then to hear from UNC. I emailed them last week and was informed that they emailed out all the notification letters last Friday. Four mail days later and still nothing in my mail box. And it's only about a 4 hour drive from here to there....

I just want to know so I can go back to living my life

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