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The Wait Listed in Anthro


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Hi all-


I thought i would start a new topic for those of us that have been wait listed. It can be stressful so come on here and let us know how you feel even if just to complain. But I am really looking foreword to keeping tabs on who is getting off wait lists in the coming weeks so that the rest of us may live vicariously through them….

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Thanks, mesoholic! 


As we all know by this point, this process is really, really tough. So, I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you for your ongoing support and generosity. At first, I was intimidated by this forum; but, over time, I have come to really appreciate the opportunities it has provided for me to connect with such a strong, passionate community of anthropologists. To everyone who has shown such empathy and grace these past few months: Thank you. Really, thank you: For sharing your experiences, your time, your successes, and even your disappointments.


One of the things that has most surprised me about this forum is its supportive nature. So, I hope you will understand that it is in of the spirit of camaraderie that I make the following request:


To those of you lucky enough to have multiple offers: I know how hard of a decision this must be; but I hope you also have the perspective to recognize how lucky you are to have choices. And, to be more direct, I hope you'll think of the rest of us, hanging out here in limbo, as you make important decisions as swiftly as possible!


Best wishes to all of you.

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You're right amerianthro,


I agree. It is a hard time for everyone as some make their important decisions, others wait in limbo, etc. I hope to hear from all the wait listers out there! Please keep us informed!

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I'm on the waitlist at Johns Hopkins for a PhD, which is my top choice.  But I have a 90% fully funded offer from UDenver for their MA program.  I'd go to Johns Hopkins if I got in, in a heartbeat.  What's the proper procedure for calling the dept to find out where you stand on the waitlst?  I don't want to delay the folks at DU who have asked me to let them know asap if I will accept, but I don't know where I am or how many are on the waitlist at JHU.  Any advice?

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When I got my waitlist email, I emailed the DGS expressing my extreme interest in the program and just asking where I stood on the waitlist. I also mentioned that I had a few other offers but said that my waitlist school was my top choice.

Edited by sweetpearl16
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When I got my waitlist email, I emailed the DGS expressing my extreme interest in the program and just asking where I stood on the waitlist. I also mentioned that I had a few other offers but said that my waitlist school was my top choice.


Ah, thank you!!

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I had to send an e-mail confirming that I wished to be kept on the wait list as my letter advised. About a week after I did that, I contacted my POI and let him know I was still interested and had told them to keep me on the wait list. He then offered some information about where I was on the wait list and prospective chances of getting accepted this year, which he thought were good considering several people have been known to turn down spots for other programs. 


I wonder if they will let us know as soon as they hear from the other students or if it is dragged out until April….

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I can't speak for all schools but by the DGS at my waitlist school (who is also my POI) that the school extended offers to the next person on the list as soon as an accepted person declined. I know the same is true at my current school as well. I would bet that schools that don't use ranked waitlists probably extend this process into April.

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I officially just filled out my form to decline my offer at UPenn sociocultural. I hope that someone is able to get off the waitlist and enjoy their very generous funding offer! Best of luck to everyone!!!!!!

Edited by PhDreams
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So, I emailed the program coordinator at JHU and received this response:


"Thank you for their inquiry, but our wait list is not ranked and we are obliged to give those to whom we have made offers until April 15. We will be in touch with you as soon as we can make a more definite announcement. Thank you for your patience and understanding."


Is anyone familiar with an unranked wait list or how that procedure works?

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Does anyone know if graduate admissions play any role in the actual process or are they just the vehicle for which we hear officially? It seems to me that wait listed people will still be re viewed by the actual departments, right?

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Hi! I have already posted this on the harvard and columbia thread but please bear with me!


Harvard has asked if I would like to be placed on the wait list. What would it mean to be placed on the wait list vis-a-vis other offers?

Does anyone no what are odds of getting off the wait list and onto the "main list" if u will!


Since I have to accept or reject other offers by April 15th and since the guys who got harvard acceptances also have until April 15th..how does this work?


What if I say yes to another place in April 15th and a little later harvard informs me that I have been accepted?


Any information will be highly appreciated!



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Hi kphd-


I think you can accept an offer and then decline it for another offer prior to the April 15th deadline. I would imagine most students will decide by the end of this month or into the first week of April. I think you would be ok as long as you do this before the deadline. Even after the deadline it is still possible although you have to get a written release from the school you have accepted. 

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I agree with Mesoholic.  It's fine before the deadline.  I'd add, it's not very nice to the program you decline to pull out after the deadline and leave them scrambling and potentially unable to fill your slot.  I'd let the other department know before the deadline if at all possible.


But then, you do have to do what is best for you.

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Once you have officially accepted some ramifications occur. 1. You could legally be required to pay for the first year tuition even if you do not attend however they rarely make you do this but it has happened. 2. Your reputation will forever be ruined. This is a small society so be careful. Profs know other profs and so on. Who knows what you will need in the future like maybe a job. Best thing to do is ask for extension. If hey decline either accept and plan on going or decline.plus why accept before deadline unless your going? April 15 is the most common deadline but only applies to schools that signed the letter for it. If they are not a member they can make their deadline whenever they want.

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Hey everyone!


Has anyone heard from the New School??


All the best


Hey - I was offered admission today via postmail with 25% tuition remission.  Still, it's pretty expensive, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet as I've been offered admission elsewhere.  Have you heard anything yet?  


Best of luck! 

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