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The Wait Listed in Anthro


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hmmm i feel like saying which wait lists people got off of might really clearly identify them, but i recently got off two waitlists, so it is possible!  i will be declining both, so two people are going to get off waitlists very soon :) 

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hmmm i feel like saying which wait lists people got off of might really clearly identify them, but i recently got off two waitlists, so it is possible!  i will be declining both, so two people are going to get off waitlists very soon :)

Thanks for sharing!


if you are going to decline I don't think you can be identified. even for the others, the departments do not reveal who got in via waitlists and who the first picks were!

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Thanks for sharing!


if you are going to decline I don't think you can be identified. even for the others, the departments do not reveal who got in via waitlists and who the first picks were!


haha you are right.  my fear was much more paranoid and unlikely: that depts themselves would see the posts and be able to identify you O.o  not likely at all that they care at all about gcafe, but how awful would it be if that happened!? 

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sweetpearl16, would you accept the school you're waiting on? I think I would, but I don't know for sure.


One thing I haven't done is talk with other grad students at this school, in part because I don't know whether I'll get in. But the longer I wait, the more I feel like I should go ahead and contact some students. I do know faculty at the school, which is obviously very helpful, but hearing from other students would be as well. 

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If offered admission, I would immediately accept. This is my top choice school. I've been on the waitlist there for nearly two months now, so its been very difficult. It's also frustrating because even though I've been accepted into two other schools, this is my only viable option (one school I got into doesn't fund incoming first year archaeology PhD students and the other school turned out not to be good fit and I've been discouraged from going there). I'm hoping to get an answer in the next two weeks. If I end up getting rejected, I will be disappointed, but then I will spend the next year publishing my MA, presenting at conferences  gaining my experience, and trying to make myself a better candidate. A year off would probably be good for me too, since I went straight from my BA to my MA. I would definitely reapply to this school next year. There is a POI that I really want to work with, whose interests really align with mine (he did not have priority in choosing students this year, which is why I am waitlisted). I really want to attend but I have come to terms with the idea of taking a year off, I just want to know whether or not I will be accepted. The waiting is killing me, and the longer I wait the worse it gets. I swear being on a waitlist is like a slow death. 

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sweetpearl16, I am really sorry. That sounds very frustrating. I'm in quite a different position--I feel pressure to go ahead and start because I've been out of school a while--but I absolutely agree that the waiting is crazy making. I've also been on this waitlist for two months. But I guess it will be over sooner rather than later at this point!

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I'm still on a waitlist as well and would definitely accept if an offer comes through. The waiting is excruciating. Best of luck to us waitlisters out there! Hopefully we hear back soon. It really depends on how fast other students make their decisions. 

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I'm still on wait list and I don't know if they will contact me by email this time at least! The last time it was by post and it reached a good twenty days after postmarked date..

But it is not very bad for me, I have an excellent acceptance. 

But it is a little frustrating for me too and I can only imagine what some of you guys are going through.


All the best,

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Thanks kphd,


Yeah, the waiting at this point is becoming difficult. I'm wait listed at two really good schools and it looks like they will take until the 15th. Anyone else hear anything as far as wait lists are concerned?

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I haven't heard anything yet. It looks like my school will probably take until the 15th as well. This waiting is really putting me on edge and testing the limits of my patience. If you don't mind me asking mesoholic, where are you waitlisted? I know that you are the waitlist at Yale, but what is the second school?

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I'm still waiting. I heard from a professor today that some people simply wait until April 15. That is very discouraging. In my situation, I am keeping one school waiting while I wait to hear from another. I'm sure that's common for many. However, there must be people somewhere who have heard from all their schools and just need to make a decision. I had just assumed people would not put off these decisions so long!


Good luck to all who are still waiting! 

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I'm still waiting. My POI yesterday told me he was cautiously optimistic.  I know some of my current professors are worried that I will burn out and at least one of the suggested that if I do get in that I spend most of the summer doing nothing related to archaeology or academia. As I said before, I think a year off could probably do me some good. It will give me some time time to get away from academia and make sure I really do want to become a professor. Also I think I could write a better SOP next year, since it wasn't until late in the application season that my interests really became clear. It would also allow me apply to more schools that really fit my interests. So while I really want to go to this school, but it will not be the end of the world for me to take a year off. However things turn out though, I really need for this wait to be over. This whole admissions season has really taken a lot out of me emotionally and left me somewhat bitter for reasons I cannot fully go into.

Edited by sweetpearl16
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It's been quiet on here the past week. Any wait list news anyone would like to share? I'm still trying to maneuver through the wait list limbo. I thought I would have heard something by now but I'm starting to assume that maybe I won't hear anything until after Monday.  

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I've been waitlisted for Berkeley, it's killing me!!!


I know they told me as soon as they heard from whoever is in front of me then they'd let me know, but it just means I have to wait and my other offer keeps pestering me to make a decision, I have the sneaking feeling I'm going to be sorting this out on the afternoon of the fifteenth.

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It's been quiet on here the past week. Any wait list news anyone would like to share? I'm still trying to maneuver through the wait list limbo. I thought I would have heard something by now but I'm starting to assume that maybe I won't hear anything until after Monday.  

I got in off my waitlist yesterday evening. I am still completely shocked and not quite sure that I'm not dreaming. I've reread the acceptance letter so many times just to make myself believe I really got in. I was honestly expecting to wait it out until the end and ultimately be rejected. Hang in there everyone and good luck!

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plain font alone couldn't capture my excitement for you alone, so obviously, i had to include a silly picture and ridiculous font.

but seriously, i'm so excited for you! you must feel awesome! :)

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Congrats Sweetpearl! That is awesome and I am sooooooooo jazzed for you. How did you find out?


I received an email yesterday evening from the department.  I randomly checked my email to see if someone had responded to an important email I had sent, and there was acceptance email sitting in my inbox. I was on a train in the quiet car at the time, and it was all could do not scream in excitement. 

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