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Georgia Tech's Rude and Inappropriate Rejection Note


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Dear XXXX:

On behalf of the faculty, I want to thank you for your interest in the Computer Science Ph.D. Program at the College of Computing and for giving us the opportunity to consider your graduate application to this Program.

Your application and supporting documents have been carefully reviewed by the Ph.D. admissions committee in the College of Computing. For Fall 2009 we received large numbers of very qualified applicants. After careful review of all the applicants, I am sorry to report that we are unable to admit you this year.

After reviewing your application, the admissions committee concluded that you have insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in the program.

We wish you the best of luck in your future academic endeavors.

The hard copy original of this notification will follow via regular USPS mail.


Ellen Zegura

Professor and Chair

Computer Science

I can deal with the rejection. To say that I have insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in their program is appalling and demeaning.

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Dear XXXX:

On behalf of the faculty, I want to thank you for your interest in the Computer Science Ph.D. Program at the College of Computing and for giving us the opportunity to consider your graduate application to this Program.

Your application and supporting documents have been carefully reviewed by the Ph.D. admissions committee in the College of Computing. For Fall 2009 we received large numbers of very qualified applicants. After careful review of all the applicants, I am sorry to report that we are unable to admit you this year.

After reviewing your application, the admissions committee concluded that you have insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in the program.

We wish you the best of luck in your future academic endeavors.

The hard copy original of this notification will follow via regular USPS mail.


Ellen Zegura

Professor and Chair

Computer Science

I can deal with the rejection. To say that I have insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in their program is appalling and demeaning.

woow, that is surely rude.. I am kind of glad I haven't recieved that notification yet... The worst part is that the rejection mail is quite fine if you could just ignore that phrase in italics...

Can some of you share your profile? Just to compare how much "more academic qualifications" are the people who are still waiting like me... I am sure I must be one of the least qualified applicants in their program :cry:

I'll share mine: GRE: 800Q 540V 4.0A GRE-CS: 780 GPA: 3.66 at mosty unknown foreign college... TOEFL: 109 NO publications at all, couple of research experiences... that led to mostly nothing.. and like 9 months of working experience at a local gaming company... And still no notice... or rude letters what so ever from Georgia Tech...

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I got a rejection during the first wave 5 days ago:

Dear papado:

On behalf of the faculty, I want to thank you for your interest in the Computational Science and Engineering Ph.D. Program at the College of Computing and for giving us the opportunity to consider your graduate application to the program.

Admission to the graduate program is very competitive. While many of our applicants are qualified to pursue graduate study, we receive more applications than our resources permit us to accept. In evaluating applicant files, we consider many factors including previous academic achievement, GRE and TOEFL test scores, and the match between the proposed field of study and our openings in that field.

After careful review of your application, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission this year.

We wish you the best of luck and success in your future academic endeavors.

The hard copy original of this notification will follow via regular USPS mail.

I think the admissions comitee was in a better mood then :P

(Credentials: GRE Q750/V560, GPA: 7.5/10.0 from a good Greek University, 9 months of research experience in graphics, some research experience in systems, TAship for a CG Course during the Fall semester, no publications).

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I think the admissions comitee was in a better mood then :P

Loool they probably were... Maybe having so many applications in their hands have made them a bit cranky and they need it to focus they anger into someone... Kind of unfortunate for those who received such a horrible letter...

I took the liberty to post the letter in the "WORST rejection ever" thread in the "Waiting it out" forum... and someone that it seemed like an editing mistake in the letter, and that maybe the "insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in the program" was the motive they gave to people rejected a lot earlier in the admissions process....

If you read the letter, it seems, possible... however if it is a mistake, it was horrible... and if they did send rejection mail with that on purpose (even to early rejected applicants) it is still truly insensitive...

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I don't mind a letter which says the obvious things ( strong applicant pool... blah blah)

but this is downright rude!

Still waiting for my decision though

Is today their "take out trash day" . I haven't seen any admits before though ( I might be wrong about this)

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I don't mind a letter which says the obvious things ( strong applicant pool... blah blah)

but this is downright rude!

Still waiting for my decision though

Is today their "take out trash day" . I haven't seen any admits before though ( I might be wrong about this)

I hear people consistently mention that they want the reason behind their rejection. How else could it be phrased to be less rude? Telling someone that the admissions committee passed over their file because they didn't think the applicant was qualified is going to hurt no matter how they phrase it.

So it really comes down to... would you rather be told the reason for your lack of admission or not?

Everyone always says on this board they want to know the reason and then the one time a school actually writes a reason in their letter everyone complains that the school is being rude. So what do you want? It is exceptionally difficult to write a letter like this and it's hard to blame them for coming off a little bit more brisk than they should have. Or do you just not want them to tell anyone the reasons behind their rejection and would you prefer all schools just sent generic rejection notes for all their applicants?

I understand that reading a note like this is not fun at all, (I've read quite a few rejection letters myself) but I'm not convinced that's their fault and I'm not convinced it rises to the level of either rude or inappropriate.

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well i don't believe this letter to give any reason, and excuse me if I think that someone saying I have "insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in the program." seems rude to me... If you notice they are saying that my profile is such that they don't think I am going to be successful in their program...

I don't care if I was the least qualified applicant to their program and that is the reason behind my rejection, however, I don't think anyone could predict the success of a person in a program with just the submitted application materials... I believe success in a graduate program is found mostly in the effort you give in your respective program, and your intellectual capabilities.... And I don't think they can say I have intellectual capabilities or that I lack effort, from my materials... They CAN ideed say that there are applicants better prepared for their program that I am, which is probably the plain truth! and I will be fine with that, because I know I have little work experience, I have no published work even when I have done research, and I know many people out there applying to their program probably has way more work experience, plenty of published papers, and have done way more research than me ... however... saying that "I have insufficient academic qualifications to succeed in the program" is kind of insulting, to me, and let me say, also to the programs who have indeed accepted me...

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belowthree - I've spent probably more time and energy thinking about than I should - especially trying to see their viewpoint. What bothers me most is that it's an implied rejection that you as an individual just are not good enough for us. Other rejection letters than I've received have more the message of - you're good, but there were better applicants ...

Here's the rough profile for me: GRE: 800Q 600V 5.0A GPA: 3.23 undergrad in mathematics at a top 20 US school, 3.8 M.S. at a top 20-25 school, taught 1 class while getting my MS along with a semester of TA. 15 years work experience.

Why I think I've been rejected from Georgia Tech

- No research / publishing experience

- No letters of recommendation from academia.

Couple of factors in the above items:

1) It was unheard at the school I went to for my master's for the MS students to do research. The faculty didn't believe it was worthwhile at the time and highly discouraged the thesis option. From looking at the current landscape, this has very much changed - and even with more undergraduate level research as well.

2) I don't paid by my employees to publish. I get paid to build solutions that help the company make money.

3) I'm choosing to leave because I'm sick of the grind and I really don't want to be doing the current type of work for the next 20-25 years of my professional life. I love teaaching, studying, solving difficult problems... [this entire line was not expressed in the application at all]. I'm definitely not doing this for the pay - I'm sure there's no way I'd ever make up for the lost income for at least 4 years of additional schooling.

4) It's been 15 years since I've left grad school. Although I did touch base with a few professors from my graduate school, I did not feel it was appropriate to ask for a reference letter so far removed.

Best wishes to all of you -

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"Insufficient academic qualifications" is in no way an explanation for why your app was rejected.

"Low GRE scores" is. "Inadequate CS background" is too. "No research experience/publications" serves as well.

"Insufficient academic qualification to succeed in the program" is a rude way to say "You are not good enough for us", and on top of it all

there is NO way they can tell whether your credentials are good enough for you to SUCCEED in a program.

A slightly better worded reply would have been "Insufficient academic qualification to warrant admission to the program".

In any case, I really hope this was a mistake on part of the admission commitee (and considering that the early rejects were far better worded, I think it is).

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Last night, I received this too :D (for the ACO program)

Oh well.. I was pretty well prepared though.

I am sorry you had to go through that letter.... However we are all on the same boat... They don't know what they are missing :twisted:

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What bothers me most is that it's an implied rejection that you as an individual just are not good enough for us.

So what if you aren't?

They didn't say you wouldn't be a success at all; they just said they don't think you'd be a success at their particular program.

This whole thing is a crap shoot and you can be rejected for the dumbest of reasons. QTIP, my friend. Quit Taking it Personally.

My rejection letters were pretty nice compared to what some of you all got, but more than anything they are a serious source of motivation for me. In fact, I'm probably going to frame them and hang them up in my future corner office with a great view of whatever city I happen to settle in. Right next to the Master's Degree I do earn.

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I didn't receive any reply with such contents because i didn't apply to Georgia Tech (nor rejected by any school). I just was wondering why professor, who contact applicants once admitted and offer RAships, get angry when a student turn their offers down? Doesn't the student has the full right to decide on the better offer for him?

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