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Fulbright 2014-2015


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I applied for an ETA grant to Thailand. How much do you love living there? How are the people? Food? Weather? Scenery? Sorry for all of the questions lol

My general advice for anyone moving to a new place is to expect positives and negatives. My experience has taught me that these are determined by multiple factors, such as one's mentality towards the experience. I can tell you it is very hot in Thailand. Many describe Thailand as having three seasons: hot, hotter and hottest!

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Anyone know if it's possible to apply to USTA after having completed a Fulbright year, or if it's a one-or-the-other situation?

I'm pretty sure I read on the USTA FAQ page that they're separate programs, so it's possible to apply for both. I don't know if they'd give it to you, but it's possible to apply. (https://www.usta-austria.at/site/programdescription/faq)

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Hi olioliwoo, your project sounds fascinating!  What country are you applying to? Yes, back in the late 1980's - early 1990's no one had ever heard of Asperger's. By chance reading that article in Good Housekeeping (I think at the dentist office), I practically jumped up and down screaming because the mom who wrote the article pin-pointed Joey's behavior EXACTLY and told how hard it was for them to get a diagnosis. He also has ADD which made it even trickier. I'm so glad people actually TALK about this stuff now. I'd be really interested in reading your project and the results of it.


Thank you ^_^ I am applying to France. Hopefully I'll go to Accepted so I can carry it out.

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Hey all! Just found out that I was not selected for the Spain ETA. I'm still sort of letting it sink in....but that's life, I guess! There's always the future. More chances to apply, other things to apply for...we'll see! Best of luck to everyone who is still in the running! 






Also just received the email- selected for ETA to Spain! Now for you other Spain ETAers, when/how do we find out if we're going to Madrid or Cantabria?

japaniia, kp_jabalí, and yeloquehay--congrats to all of you for putting yourselves out there in this difficult process!! to japaniia and kp, how exciting to have been awarded a grant, and yeloquehay--it is an honor to be recommended to the final selection :) 


what will you guys be doing as your side projects??? 

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I created a Facebook group called "Fulbright Germany 2014-2015 (ETAs and Full Grants)", if any of the other Germany recipients want to join.


And by the way, CONGRATULATIONS!


Hmm...I just searched for this in Facebook and nothing came up.

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 


What time do you have to tell them on Monday? If you can wait until late afternoon, maybe (just maybe!) you'll hear from Fulbright. You can also call your program manager -- they're very nice on the phone.

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...and another day of waiting is upon us. Let's hope for lots of notifications today, folks! :-) Best of luck to all!

Indeed. Go team Australia and of course to everyone else as well! Fingers crossed that today is the day!

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FingersCrossed_118 At least you have more than one option. I envy you actually haha I really suggest that you go for what you Have and not what you possibly will get. Fulbright might not happen until May... i would hate to see anyone miss out on an opportunity when the other isn't guaranteed :-/

Edited by ginagoestokorea
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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 



I am also waiting to hear from Brazil ETA and I thought I would be in the same predicament but fortunately the other fellowship to which I applied has also been delayed in notifying applicants. When I discussed the timing issue with my mentor a few months back, she advised me to accept the other fellowship. Worst case scenario, you'll get Fulbright and break your contract. It sucks to have to do that, but people break contracts all the time. I'm sure the other fellowship has alternates; you won't be screwing them over or stripping another applicant of the opportunity. If you turn it down and then don't get Fulbright (God forbid! I'm crossing my fingers that you do get it!), you'll be without any fellowships! I thought this sounded a little selfish and dishonest but you have to look out for yourself. I've also realized that this is fairly common. I just learned of a girl at my school who signed a contract with TFA and left during the middle of summer training when she was accepted as a Fulbright alternate. TFA understood--Fulbright is really prestigious and a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity--and they renewed her contract when she returned from Turkey the following year.


I agree with tieloran, though; I would wait until the last possible moment on Monday before letting them know. And I would try calling the Brazil program manager. I emailed her last year week and haven't heard back but maybe she'd be more responsive via phone.

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 


I'm a little confused on your options. Would you be doing the fellowship AND the full-time job potentially or is it a one or the other type of deal?

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 


First, congratulations on getting the other fellowship.  That is awesome!  


I really sympathize with your situation.  You have to compare a sure thing (your other fellowship) and the possibility of being accepted as a Brazil ETA.   Is there any chance that you would be able to delay letting the other fellowship know?  Would any type of extension be possible? I don't know about that fellowship, yet would it hurt to ask them about it?  


I started to think what I would do if I was in your situation. First, I realized that I would be soo panicked about the decision (You definitely deserve ice cream or chocolate or something to help with this...:).  I really do not know what I would do.  At first I was like, wait for Fulbright.  Take the risk, because it would be better to know that you gave it your all. 


However, then I thought about it in a different way... I think that we often look at Fulbright as the goal/ the ending point.  We have this incredible, inspiring, and life-changing year, and then I think that we/I fail to look beyond it often.  Fulbright is not the ending point, it is just a step along the way to your final goals.  It is a way to help you get to where you want to go.  I know that we all wrote about this in our statements about how it would help us in our life goals, yet I think finally it is setting in.  


Therefore, if I was you, I would take the other fellowship if the other fellowship would help you in your life goals.  Fulbright is not the only path or way to get where you want to go.  I would take the sure thing, be happy, and never think about it.  You can always apply again to Fulbright in the future as a scholar or research or ETA.


Good luck with your decision. I know that these decisions can be quite stressful and hard.  During the past two years especially (probably like most of the people here), I have had to make some terribly hard decisions.  I would stay up late and make pro/co lists and try to rationalize my way through everything.  But, then at the last moment, I would decide (usually the opposite to what the rational choice was...).  I have been quite happy with those choices thus far.  So, I would say, as cheezy as it sounds, go with your heart.

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 


I'm sure most ppl answered this but: if the fellowship would be what the Fulbright is, take it. If you get the Fulbright, you can always say you were awarded it but declined, which still looks good on a resume and then you could apply again if it is still something you want. Don't give up a sure thing for a maybe.

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 


Hi Fingers Crossed,  I agree with Cafeconleche on this one. 


The first thing you should do is email the people in charge of the fellowship and ask for an extension. I would also call the Fulbright program and explain your situation. If that's not possible, wait until the last possible minute and then accept the fellowship. Once you get the Fulbright, you can actually choose between the two programs. This kind of thing happens at my school ALL THE TIME!  Like Cafeconleche said, they have alternates for this exact reason. 


It sounds like you are an amazing candidate for Fulbright. Based on what you mentioned above, I really do think that you will be accepted. But, you never know what can happen. So I would advice you to accept the other fellowship and make a final decision about the two later on. 


PS: Congrats!! :)

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Hi jrk2115 and Maliyazi! yay, now there's three of us on here. I haven't emailed anyone because traditionally, according to the excel spreadsheet, results come somewhere between April 15 and the end of April. jrk2115, you and I are both study/research grants, and Maliyazi is applying for ETA. It would be pretty cool if we could somehow meet up while we're there--maybe in Johannesburg, only about a 1 hr flight from Lusaka. At least maybe we could start a SubSaharan Africa facebook page or something. I truly wish the both of you good luck! 


This is quite exciting! I am also recommended for Sub-Saharan Africa.  I applied for a Full Research Grant to Ghana!!! 


There are a few more of us to SSA, I believe.  If you look at the spreadsheet, you can see everyone that is applying to countries in SSA.


Zambia looks like an amazing place.  I am doing research in Malawi for around 2 months this summer, and I was debating a short trip to Victoria Falls via Zambia.  Have you been to Zambia before?

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April is definitely our month! I am applying ETA Taiwan. :-) Last year, people were notified April 2...tomorrow is April second but I have also heard some talk from Fulbright about two-three weeks from now. Oye!

Hey! I'm a finalist for the Taiwan eta. I was wondering where/from whom you heard about not getting responses for 2-3 more weeks. Also, are you referring just to Taiwan or other East Asian countries too?

Since last years response was April 2, I'm really hoping we will find out next week...

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I dare an Australia applicant to call... :-)

I did call Jonathan Akeley...they said they had no idea as to when the notifications would come. Also, the woman I spoke with said she was getting 'hundreds' of calls. She did not, however, seem irritated with me. She was very sympathetic:/

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Hi everyone, 


Seeing as how you all have been such a great support system throughout this process, I really need advice. I feel like my life is in shambles and moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I just got another fellowship that I applied for, but I only have until Monday to accept/reject it. I also am awaiting to get a formal full-time job offer (probably late today) that would enable me to work but then still leave for Brazil for the Fulbright if I get it. I'm really frustrated that I haven't heard about Fulbright ETA Brazil yet (as I'm sure all of you are). I need to know what to do - the other fellowship I was offered is amazing and I would definitely love to do it, but Fulbright is my very first choice. I feel like it's such a gamble and I the wait for Fulbright has been exhausting but I want the Fulbright soooo badly. I don't know if I should accept this other fellowship offer or not. 


Any advice/ideas/ANYTHING would be helpful! My head is spinning. 

Hi Fingers Crossed _118, just to throw my two cents in, I agree with the person who said to accept it at the last possible moment, and then if you get the Fulbright you can back out of the other fellowship if you want to at that point. They would give the fellowship (or the Fulbright, for that matter) to someone else. You can always apply for either fellowship in the future. I don't know your family or financial situation, but for me as a single woman whose kids are all grown up, I'd give up the salary for a fellowship and figure I could always get another good work opportunity in the future. But ultimately, YOU are the one who has to decide. Follow your heart, but use your head too.

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