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Fulbright 2014-2015


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I've heard some UK ones do, but idk. I think it varies (LIKE EVERYTHING WITH THIS AWESOME AWARD). I feel so weird with it. I'm not nervous, but that is because I have until April. And I feel confident my interview went well. I'm just excited to have gotten this far. 

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^^I got an email from my affiliation letter writer saying that he "heard informally that my interview went well," but he'd like to know what I thought of it. Not sure how to interpret that. ..


Oh my! That sounds great, actually!

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That should be an official Fulbright rule - not sending any emails of any kind unless it's an actual update on your application. Other than that, it's just torture lol. Someone should hear SOMETHING this week... hopefully. They seem to be running a bit behind this year. Even the preliminary notifications came out much later than last year. I wonder why....?

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Is anyone else really hoping their POI will just happen to let it slip that they got it? Like, I'd still hold out until official letters and such, but yeah. It'd be a nice: well, in theory, sorta deal. 


YES!!!! My affiliate is closely related to the Fulbright board making the decision...I got a mysterious email about a book I need to purchase in preparation of my fulbright project, then in parentheses (I am simply assuming you will be selected).


I obviously can't read a single thing into that until I see an email with confirmation, but geez!!! did that ignite my anxiety or what?!?!


The biggest thing is that I need to start making plans....

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I never got this survey (checked my spam and alternate email address, too). Maybe this is a bad sign for me.... 


Don't worry, I think we're all just reminiscing about that survey that went out just prior to getting emails about recommendation back in January.  The wait is clearly bringing us to new lows in terms of what qualifies as worthy of nostalgia.  

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That should be an official Fulbright rule - not sending any emails of any kind unless it's an actual update on your application. Other than that, it's just torture lol. Someone should hear SOMETHING this week... hopefully. They seem to be running a bit behind this year. Even the preliminary notifications came out much later than last year. I wonder why....?


Yeah I don't think it was ever made clear whether the countries were notified before us or at the same time. I hope it was before us or else we might as well tag on another 2 weeks to the typical notification date.

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I never got this survey (checked my spam and alternate email address, too). Maybe this is a bad sign for me.... 


Yeah, don't worry about it. If you got your recommendation status email, that's all that matters.

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I didn't get an email with a survey. I'm officially freaking out now. Is this bad news?



I never got this survey (checked my spam and alternate email address, too). Maybe this is a bad sign for me.... 


Noooooooooo, the survey we're referring to is from January like raymondnorth said. The email I got a few days ago was from IIE but it was an alumni newsletter (though I thought it might be....THE FINAL NOTIFICATION ...dun dun dun!!!) lol But unless you've gotten your final notification, you have nothing to worry about :)

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I never got this survey (checked my spam and alternate email address, too). Maybe this is a bad sign for me.... 



I didn't get an email with a survey. I'm officially freaking out now. Is this bad news?


 Gah I didn't mean to cause panic >_< This is a survey from back in January, not related at all on your status.

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People are starting to crack under pressure...and somewhere, Fulbright commissions are just laughing at us haha Or maybe it's stressful on their end too? :huh:  The way I see it, if it's taking some countries longer than usual to make some decisions, the competition must be really fierce this year. 

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People are starting to crack under pressure...and somewhere, Fulbright commissions are just laughing at us haha Or maybe it's stressful on their end too? :huh:  The way I see it, if it's taking some countries longer than usual to make some decisions, the competition must be really fierce this year. 

Thanks for the clarification, everyone! Whoooo (exhales sigh of relief).


In other news, did anyone apply to a country with an academic year different from ours? For example, I applied to Brazil, and my grant wouldn't start until late February 2015, ending in November 2015. This makes it a little difficult when trying to plan long-term (i.e. what would I do after I graduate in April until February, deferring law school two years instead of one, etc.)


Anyone else in the same boat?

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Thanks for the clarification, everyone! Whoooo (exhales sigh of relief).


In other news, did anyone apply to a country with an academic year different from ours? For example, I applied to Brazil, and my grant wouldn't start until late February 2015, ending in November 2015. This makes it a little difficult when trying to plan long-term (i.e. what would I do after I graduate in April until February, deferring law school two years instead of one, etc.)


Anyone else in the same boat?


Mine isn't that extreme, but I have to start grad school in September but my grant ends October. So I'll have to see about that...

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Hi fellow SK ETA hopeful. When you say that you "read" that we should hear back around late March, did you actually find some literature out there that stated we should find out in that window, or are you basing that (as I have) off of the data that someone else from this forum collected and elegantly organized in the spreadsheets? (Sorry if that sounds abrasive - just trying to figure out if there is extra info that might help us alleviate some uncertainty here that I haven't come across in my obsessive googling about this yet) 



I so very desperately wish I could find actual academic literature on this--actually that is not true since it's probably just make me more nervous. 


Also, I just saw the post that said that based on the spreadsheets the SK ETA tend to hear back starting March 12, aka. TOMORROW.



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I so very desperately wish I could find actual academic literature on this--actually that is not true since it's probably just make me more nervous. 


Also, I just saw the post that said that based on the spreadsheets the SK ETA tend to hear back starting March 12, aka. TOMORROW.



Hahaha, yeah, truth. I'm going to save the major freaking out until closer to the end of the month, but yeah, waiting is getting increasingly brutal. My current job contract ends in May, and while I should almost certainly be making back up plans, it's just ridiculously hard to get emotionally invested in a job search with this looming uncertainty...


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I need to get off these spreadsheets. They are torture! 


Actually, it's kinda funny. I looked over the one for last year and for some reason decided to Ctrl F for my school and the one result I got I knew exactly who it was!

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Whoa whoa whoa~~~ people! I just looked at the spread sheet again and noticed someone got news from the European union yesterday (Mar. 10). Sad to see another rejection on the list but good to see that some notifications are being sent out! Hoping for the best for everyone on here~! 


Korea hopefuls~~~ Mar 12th to Apr. 17th is fair game for our notifications; especially the last week of March! Let's go! Aja! Aja! 

Edited by ginagoestokorea
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