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Media/Film Studies 2014


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Right on, congratulations on the good news!

& please keep on posting for everyone's sake :)


Programs I'm waiting to hear from:



UT Austin


IU Bloomington


Good luck everyone!

Edited by flip-a
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So many views, yet so little posts! Okay I'll stop lurking in the hopes that more people might start sharing what they've been hearing...


I've applied to UCSB, UCLA, USC, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, Northwestern, Brown, NYU, Indiana and Concordia. Like others here, I was shortlisted for admission by Irvine and had a Skype interview. I am told that they will be notifying admits at the beginning of March. I also received a rejection from UCSB by email yesterday.


Good luck all!

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Thanks for the update, jennnnn. I don't have anything else to share other than to say I've heard the English track of Pitt's film studies program will announce before February 10th. Otherwise, all quiet on the front.

Edited by billthekid
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I also received a rejection from UCSB myself (their film&media studies program). Otherwise, no news! I'm so eager just to know one way or the other, or to get an interview.

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Speaking of interviews - does anyone know which schools typically do interviews before admission?

I've heard that Northwestern does it (Irvine too apparently), and that USC doesn't.


Would love to know about the other programs!


How do you guys feel about the interviews? And, to the people who already had some - how did they go?


Personally I'm not too fond of the idea... (on account of shyness) but I am of course as eager as anyone to get one.

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Personally I'm not too fond of the idea... (on account of shyness) but I am of course as eager as anyone to get one.


This is how I feel about interviews as well.


I know that NYU conducts interviews and I'm pretty sure that Wisconsin-Madison does too. I'm not sure whether they ask waitlisted students for interviews.

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My Irvine interview went horribly... I did not prepare enough at all and found myself going off on intellectual tangents completely unrelated to what I want to do in grad school. On the plus side, I realized retrospectively that Irvine is not a great fit for my interests, and I think that subconsciously affected how I prepared. Other than Irvine, I had an interview for Duke Lit and it was pretty evident from the very beginning that Duke is a much better fit for me. The difference in how easily I could converse with the interviewers, the intellectual rapport we had, etc., was stark. 


So my professors were right in that these conversations can help you as much as it helps the program. 

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Well, I've been invited to Northwestern's on-campus interview weekend! I applied to the Screen Cultures program... I'm certainly freaking out now...

Congratulations! I've been waiting to hear back from this program, but no word yet. Good luck!

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Congratulations! I've been waiting to hear back from this program, but no word yet. Good luck!


Thank you! Good luck to you as well. I don't see any other results posted on the results page, so perhaps they're sending out invitations sporadically.

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Congrats to those who've secured interviews from some of their programs.


Looks like Indiana has started to roll out acceptances, if the post in the results page from a day or two ago is any indication.

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I know that NYU conducts interviews and I'm pretty sure that Wisconsin-Madison does too. I'm not sure whether they ask waitlisted students for interviews.


In the past, UW has typically interviewed people (via phone) not for admission but to help decide who among the tentative admits to nominate for university-wide fellowships. It's possible that "feeler" calls play some role in admissions decisions, though.

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In the past, UW has typically interviewed people (via phone) not for admission but to help decide who among the tentative admits to nominate for university-wide fellowships. It's possible that "feeler" calls play some role in admissions decisions, though.

Does this mean, by chance, that it is possible to be accepted to Wisconsin-Madison without having been interviewed...? As in, they may only be interviewing folks who they were either uncertain about OR they may want to reward with additional funding?

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Nice going on the interview with NYU, jennnnn. Huzzah!


Anyone have anything else to share?


I am fairly certain of a rejection from Pittsburgh. Should come in the mail any day now. (He says reaching for the vodka.)

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Thanks billthekid! I ended up on the waitlist, but at least NYU had a fast turnaround, and it doesn't totally mean a rejection (even though it really does sting like one).


So I just discovered the "Search Results" page on this website--that's where everyone's getting their information! According to this database, of the schools I've applied to, people have heard back from UCSB, UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley, Indiana (got a rejection today), and Brown...

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Did Brown (Modern Culture and Media) sent out any admission decisions yet?

Someone posted an acceptance for Brown's MCM program earlier today. He/she was notified by email. No GRE stats, GPA, or additional information was provided regarding his/her profile.

No rejections have been posted for this season yet, though-- just this one acceptance.

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