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Chemistry Applications Fall 2014


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I think it varies by state and your nationality. Different country students pay different amount of taxes due to treaties with US govt.

Chemisto is right, but federal income tax does not vary, different states do have different state taxes, Texas for example, have no state income tax. Different nations have different treaties with the US, which determine how much tax return you will receive, but once you become a resident for tax purpose, you will pay taxes like every one else.

I am a Chinese national, and I received all my taxes back for my first year, including the taxes for my fellowship. But second year on, I paid full taxes.

Your stipend is probably in the range of 20K-30K, so individual tax probably 15% so you should do the calculation yourself. I know nothing about your state income tax but you can find that information on web easily. To calculate your taxes check out the wiki page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_tax_in_the_United_States

Chances are, your net income will be similar because some areas have high living costs. Such as Boston, you pay a lot for rent so it is normal that you receive a bit more offer. As opposed to Texas, may be your stipend seems low, but considering the cheap gas and low rent, you would probably ended up having a couple more bucks in your pocket, but don't make decisions based on stipend unless you have a family to support. The quality of your ph.D. degree is worth so much more.

Edited by Chemcki
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Ok y'all. I have some news from CalTech.

I know adcom is meeting today to discuss the last remaining spots for the physical chemistry students. I dont know if they're meeting about other subsections. From what I heard, they are accepting 2 pchemists today, out of 4, and I know I'm one of the four. Wish me luck!

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Ok y'all. I have some news from CalTech.

I know adcom is meeting today to discuss the last remaining spots for the physical chemistry students. I dont know if they're meeting about other subsections. From what I heard, they are accepting 2 pchemists today, out of 4, and I know I'm one of the four. Wish me luck!

Oh bless you! Thanks so much for the information. Do you know when they'll send out the letters? I need to accept/reject an offer from a really awesome place before the Feb 3. 


But again, thanks so much for the info. 

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Caltech will make decisions as late as April


outside of extreme circumstances, all acceptances are sent out by mid february. the first visiting weekend is a little over a month away and planning can't really happen unless all accepted students have been a) notified and b ) given enough time to rsvp

Edited by synorg
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First post so sorry if formatting gets super messed up. I am an undergrad at UW but am really close to multiple people on different admission committees as well as helping out the graduate coordinators. It is a rolling admission and it depends on which program you are applying to. My PI and another professor I am close with are on the admissions committee for inorganic and still have many more applications to sort through. Materials is also not super far along. That being said analytical, organic, and physical are fairly far along or have decided already. I would say don't be nervous but considering my anticipation to hear from the schools I haven't yet (especially given my rejection from northwestern today) I know this advice would not be listened to =). Hope this information helps.


Would you happen to know anything about the chemical biology program? Thanks.

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Thanks! Boulder is my top choice school, but unfortunately one of my LOR was submitted a day late. I think this put my application on the bottom of the stack. :/

Shouldn't be a problem if they're interested & your application was on time. They emailed one of my profs & cc'd me early January for a missing LOR. Still waiting on the decision! Good luck :D

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Shouldn't be a problem if they're interested & your application was on time. They emailed one of my profs & cc'd me early January for a missing LOR. Still waiting on the decision! Good luck :D


One of my recomenders was so late I actually got accepted to two schools before he submitted his letter XD. They understand profs are busy people, and totally don't hold it against you if your letters are late. That being said it was stressful as all get out waiting for him haha. Also I wouldn't recommend anyone intentionally trying to replicate my results...

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Shouldn't be a problem if they're interested & your application was on time. They emailed one of my profs & cc'd me early January for a missing LOR. Still waiting on the decision! Good luck :D

Thanks! You too! I emailed their admissions and asked about late applications. They told me that they still review them as they come, but it affects when you hear about their decision.

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Thanks! You too! I emailed their admissions and asked about late applications. They told me that they still review them as they come, but it affects when you hear about their decision.

By Kansas, did you mean to say University of Kansas or Kansas state University?? I applied to the University of Kansas. And I have not heard back from them. Please be kind to share your stats here if it is University of Kansas. Also, are u an American applicant? Thanks for prompt response.

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By Kansas, did you mean to say University of Kansas or Kansas state University?? I applied to the University of Kansas. And I have not heard back from them. Please be kind to share your stats here if it is University of Kansas. Also, are u an American applicant? Thanks for prompt response.

University of Kansas, I heard back from them like 1.5 weeks ago.

I'm a chemistry/physics double major with a GPA 3.94 GRE 156V/162Q

I did 2 summers of research at my university and participated in one REU this past summer. I also have a lot of "teaching experience" from tutoring and lab TAing.

And, yes, I am an American applicant.

Since their deadline was January 15th, I can imagine they are still in the process of reviewing the applications. If it helps, the visit weekend is March 7-8. I wish you the best of luck! :)

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University of Kansas, I heard back from them like 1.5 weeks ago.

I'm a chemistry/physics double major with a GPA 3.94 GRE 156V/162Q

I did 2 summers of research at my university and participated in one REU this past summer. I also have a lot of "teaching experience" from tutoring and lab TAing.

And, yes, I am an American applicant.

Since their deadline was January 15th, I can imagine they are still in the process of reviewing the applications. If it helps, the visit weekend is March 7-8. I wish you the best of luck! :)

That is quite helpful. I spoke with the Graduate recruitment secretary last Friday and he told me they are just concluding the review process for the domestic applicant and they will start reviewing international applicants by Monday. Guess I should hear back say Friday this week. By the way, what division are you doing? I am doing Organic. If you don't mind however, I will plead with you to make your decision as to accepting or denying the offer early enought in order to give a cuance to your brother from another mother who is just looking for one admit. It sounds funny right? Please don't laugh, I am serious. Thanks brother!

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I'm doing physical chemistry. I'm planning on going to their visit weekend to get a feel for what the school has to offer, but I will make my decision as soon as possible!

That's fine... Best of luck to us all.

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I'm doing physical chemistry. I'm planning on going to their visit weekend to get a feel for what the school has to offer, but I will make my decision as soon as possible!

I'm doing pchem too, and I'm waiting on Berkeley. Any news from there?

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That is weird. On Monday I got my official letter in the mail with funding information and stuff. I'd email them if I were you.


On another note, I was just accepted to NYU. Seems like its coming down to MIT and Harvard. Losing hope on getting those acceptances. 

 Is this NYU or NYU Poly?

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