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International Development Applicants 2014/15 for SOAS, IHEID, LSE or Sciences Po?


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Any news? They should be sending out acceptance letters today. It's Friday in Geneva. O_O

In that sense, they should have been sending out letters since Monday (3rd March) but anyway!

Edited by k_angie
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Haha. They have been sending out letters since Monday. Just not to the MDev applicants. And they're sending acceptances to those people who haven't applied for a scholarship. Anywaay. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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Haha. They have been sending out letters since Monday. Just not to the MDev applicants. And they're sending acceptances to those people who haven't applied for a scholarship. Anywaay. Let's keep our fingers crossed.


Are you sure? If I am not mistaken, a MDev candidate in this thread seemed to be offered a scholarship and he received the acceptance letter a few days back. 

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Are you sure? If I am not mistaken, a MDev candidate in this thread seemed to be offered a scholarship and he received the acceptance letter a few days back. 


 You're right. The_Freak was admitted to MDEV with a scholarship 2 days ago:



I got the result on the online form first, which was followed by three emails indicating the amount of scholarship, further instructions etc.

Thanks. But I m actually even more confused now. I thought waiting was toughest part but turns out decision making is tougher than waiting.

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Haha. They have been sending out letters since Monday. Just not to the MDev applicants. And they're sending acceptances to those people who haven't applied for a scholarship. Anywaay. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I applied for MIA track and I havent heard anything from IHEID...I was the least productive worker in this entire universe this week which will continue next week as well !!!! Any MIA candidate here ?

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I applied for MIA track and I havent heard anything from IHEID...I was the least productive worker in this entire universe this week which will continue next week as well !!!! Any MIA candidate here ?


Hey Curious_Grad - I hear you... Same situ, and have no idea how I'm going to be able to catch up on everything I should have done this week over the weekend! On the upside, the workload should at least keep my mind occupied elsewhere...silver linings, and all that...

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It's morning here and I'm quite surprised that NO ONE has heard anything from IHEID whether it is MIA or MDev. What about Phd applicants? Any news...? I just want to know who the heck they are notifying this week. Or maybe they focused on rejections this week and saving the best for last :D  *wishful thinking*

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It's morning here and I'm quite surprised that NO ONE has heard anything from IHEID whether it is MIA or MDev. What about Phd applicants? Any news...? I just want to know who the heck they are notifying this week. Or maybe they focused on rejections this week and saving the best for last :D  *wishful thinking*


Not someone I know personally, but there is someone who was accepted to MDEV last night (I say last night, but that's according to my time zone. Based on her/his profile s/he seems to be in Cali).


S/he seemingly found out via the online portal as well.



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Not someone I know personally, but there is someone who was accepted to MDEV last night (I say last night, but that's according to my time zone. Based on her/his profile s/he seems to be in Cali).


S/he seemingly found out via the online portal as well.



Ah thanks Mych good to know! I even got to read the message sent to admitted students... at least I will know what an admission message looks like if I get the other version <_<

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Ah thanks Mych good to know! I even got to read the message sent to admitted students... at least I will know what an admission message looks like if I get the other version <_<

Hahaha! "If I get the other version" , that actually made me laugh. :D

Anyway so acceptances are coming in, when will we hear?

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Hi everyone - I've applied for MDev at Graduate Institute and got a mail by 18:09 starting with "We are pleased to inform you that the Admission Committee of the Graduate Institute, Geneva has decided to offer you admission to one of our programmes in light of your excellent academic credentials ..." and tells me to check the admission module for more information. In the admission module I'm still set to "under consideration", so this is confusing me a bit - maybe they didn't have time to change the status online before the weekend? On the other hand, they mentioned that only the e-mail information is binding, so I just hope it is really true...

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Hi everyone - I've applied for MDev at Graduate Institute and got a mail by 18:09 starting with "We are pleased to inform you that the Admission Committee of the Graduate Institute, Geneva has decided to offer you admission to one of our programmes in light of your excellent academic credentials ..." and tells me to check the admission module for more information. In the admission module I'm still set to "under consideration", so this is confusing me a bit - maybe they didn't have time to change the status online before the weekend? On the other hand, they mentioned that only the e-mail information is binding, so I just hope it is really true...


I got an identical email!

In my case, my status on the admission module was changed BEFORE I received an email from the admissions office.

And I was actually worried b/c only an official email from the office is binding, so I was nervous that the change on the module was a mistake D:


But this was first good news from this admissions cycle, and I'm def psyched!




Also for those still waiting, for reference, the email I received looked like this:


"We are pleased to inform you that the Admission Committee of the Graduate Institute, Geneva has decided to offer you admission to one of our programmes in light of your excellent academic credentials. In order to learn more about this decision, we invite you to return to the online admission module (https://campus.iheid...&ww_c_langue=en) through which you submitted your application.

If you wish to learn more about confirming our admission offer and the different enrolment steps, our admission officers will be available weekly to answer your questions on the admission and enrolment procedure, during our online information sessions for admitted students (http://graduateinsti...n-sessions.html).

The Institute's student association has created a "Meet our Current Students" initiative, which will enable you to get in touch with current students via Facebook or Email to ask them any question you may have on student life in Geneva. http://mygisa.ch/meet-students/"

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Hi everyone - I've applied for MDev at Graduate Institute and got a mail by 18:09 starting with "We are pleased to inform you that the Admission Committee of the Graduate Institute, Geneva has decided to offer you admission to one of our programmes in light of your excellent academic credentials ..." and tells me to check the admission module for more information. In the admission module I'm still set to "under consideration", so this is confusing me a bit - maybe they didn't have time to change the status online before the weekend? On the other hand, they mentioned that only the e-mail information is binding, so I just hope it is really true...

Congralutations Unicorn!

It certainly means you were offered admission!

As another poster said it is their first year using the automated process so everything is a bit buggy still I'm sure that probably explains the painfully slow time it takes for them to notify everyone.

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For those LSE and UCL applicants:


How long did you wait for the decision after your application became complete?


I received an email from LSE on 01/29 "Further Documentation Received", so does that mean my application only became "complete" on that date, and decision will take max. of 8 weeks from that date?

For UCL, that date was 01/20, and the Portico says 6 weeks from the date the application becomes complete (so the decision should have come already or must come in the next few days...)


Did anyone receive a decision before the est. time?

And was the decision posted on LSE for You/Portico, or did you guys get an email? 

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For those LSE and UCL applicants:


How long did you wait for the decision after your application became complete?


I received an email from LSE on 01/29 "Further Documentation Received", so does that mean my application only became "complete" on that date, and decision will take max. of 8 weeks from that date?

For UCL, that date was 01/20, and the Portico says 6 weeks from the date the application becomes complete (so the decision should have come already or must come in the next few days...)


Did anyone receive a decision before the est. time?

And was the decision posted on LSE for You/Portico, or did you guys get an email? 

Congrats on IHEID!


For UCL I applied pretty early and I heard back so fast it took like 3 weeks. I assume right now is busier so it might take longer to get a decision. I did not get an email from UCL just logged into Portico and there was my offer. I received a letter offer in the mail much later but it was pretty much the printout of the online offer.


For LSE it felt like it took forever! You can start counting 8 weeks from the time you receive their 4th email after you have submitted your application where they tell you how to track your status and all that. It took longer than that for me (include holiday/new year break) . I received an email from LSE as soon as a decision was available no need to frantically check the LSE for you tracker.


Hope that helps,


Good luck!

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Thanks for the info!


The suspense of waiting for the decision is killing me.... D:

Should've applied earlier to avoid the Jan/Feb application season.


But at least these European schools give a decision fairly quickly... I submitted my application for NYU at the end of Nov last year, and they still haven't notified me haha.

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Hey everyone.

First of all, I want to congratulate those who got accepted by IHEID !

Second of all, I got the admission result from ScienecsPo. POSITIVE. Scholarship pending.

Third of all, dear our most beloved and hated IHEID, I want to know the result NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratularions!!! I'm still waiting for my response and I'm going crazyyy!!! When did you submitted your application??

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Gah. It's so great to see so many people hearing back from MDev applications. I applied to the MA in International Law program. No word yet. x_x Congrats to everyone who has heard back!


I might have missed this, but have people heard back about scholarship/funding with their acceptance? Or have they been told that will be forwarded with an official letter (as many other schools do it this way)...

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Hi everyone - I've applied for MDev at Graduate Institute and got a mail by 18:09 starting with "We are pleased to inform you that the Admission Committee of the Graduate Institute, Geneva has decided to offer you admission to one of our programmes in light of your excellent academic credentials ..." and tells me to check the admission module for more information. In the admission module I'm still set to "under consideration", so this is confusing me a bit - maybe they didn't have time to change the status online before the weekend? On the other hand, they mentioned that only the e-mail information is binding, so I just hope it is really true...



I got an identical email!

In my case, my status on the admission module was changed BEFORE I received an email from the admissions office.

And I was actually worried b/c only an official email from the office is binding, so I was nervous that the change on the module was a mistake D:


But this was first good news from this admissions cycle, and I'm def psyched!




Also for those still waiting, for reference, the email I received looked like this:


Congrats to you all!!! Good to know at least some people are getting back positive responses and IHEID isn't sitting on their hands doing nothing lol

For those LSE and UCL applicants:


How long did you wait for the decision after your application became complete?


I received an email from LSE on 01/29 "Further Documentation Received", so does that mean my application only became "complete" on that date, and decision will take max. of 8 weeks from that date?

For UCL, that date was 01/20, and the Portico says 6 weeks from the date the application becomes complete (so the decision should have come already or must come in the next few days...)


Did anyone receive a decision before the est. time?

And was the decision posted on LSE for You/Portico, or did you guys get an email? 

I heard back from LSE around 8-9 weeks after I got the fourth email - the process seems to be taking a bit longer now though, my friend who applied a couple of weeks after me still has yet to hear back and it's been around 10 weeks for her.

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I hate to speculate like this but I wonder if IHEID is sending out the acceptances first and then the rejections later this time around..ah well, at least we won't have to refresh our emails every 2 minutes (or is that just me) over the weekend since there won't be any updates!

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I haven't posting as I didn't apply to IHEID, but I feel your pain. I was suppose to hear from three programs this week and NADA. I am happy it is the weekend just so I can stop refreshing my email. 


Paris is looking more attractive everyday. I'd like to hear from some more students who have actually gone there though. 

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I haven't posting as I didn't apply to IHEID, but I feel your pain. I was suppose to hear from three programs this week and NADA. I am happy it is the weekend just so I can stop refreshing my email. 


Paris is looking more attractive everyday. I'd like to hear from some more students who have actually gone there though. 

So Brandeis didn't give you a decision yet? Man that sucks I hate when they give you a specific timeframe and don't abide by it. Hang in there! This is going to be a loooong weekend.

It's weird to wish that the weekend go by faster but that's exactly how I feel! I want to be next week already.

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