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Very Rough Approximation of PhD Acceptance Probabilities


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Just a fun (read: very rough guesstimate) way to determine how likely you are to get into at least one PhD program.
How I suggest using this graph:
Use P(5%) if GPA < 3.00, felony on record, or academic probation etc.
Use P(10%) if applying to mostly difficult to get in schools, or lower stats (GPA < 3.3, GRE percentages <60%) and no papers
Use P(20%) if applying to mostly middle of the road schools, with average stats (GPA ~= 3.5, GRE percentages ~= 75%)
Use P(30%) if applying to mostly "safety" schools, or if you have high stats (GPA >3.8, GRE percentages >90%) and several papers
And remember, these suggestions are very loosely based in reality.  Those interested in how I made it, I used the Bernoulli distribution: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution)
Enjoy! :D
Edited by tcmazer
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