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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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When is the absolute earliest we will hear back from schools with December 1 deadlines? I am looking for Emory in particular. Emory was a long shot, and admittedly a pipe dream fantasy, but maybe there's a sparkle in the twilight ahead ;)


Emory invites semi-finalists to their interview weekend, which tends to take place around the first weekend of feb. then, as far as i know, notifications are sent out almost immediately after. in another thread someone mentioned a results posting for an interview as early as the 10th of jan (aka tomorrow). so i guess if you are in the lucky bunch, then you can expect to hear from them pretty soon about interviews but not about finalization.

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They don't invite internationals to the school right? Is there such a thing?

Everyday I keep telling myself that I will shut down until at least February but then again I find myself here.

I'm not sure. I'm gonna guess they'd have to really really really like you for them to pay for a trip to the states. but it's not unheard of.

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Everyday I keep telling myself that I will shut down until at least February but then again I find myself here.


Me, too. And neurotically checking email, seeing my POI logged in to google... Gah!

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I just believe that everything boils down to luck and fit. I've seen people with bad Toefl and Gre scores even GPAs get into Ivy league, even a friend of mine sent me his statement and it was full of mistakes but no one cared (since the POI wanted him to work there).

If the fate and the POI wants you there then you should not worry that much, that is my belief.

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Hey All,


I just got an email from Michigan saying that the review process has begun and inviting me to apply for a FLAS (which I'm already doing). They say decisions announcements will be made mid to late february.


It's all officially starting!

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Hey All,

I just got an email from Michigan saying that the review process has begun and inviting me to apply for a FLAS (which I'm already doing). They say decisions announcements will be made mid to late february.

It's all officially starting!

Thank you daykid! I needed this news. I was concerned about the weather out there, but glad to hear things are rolling along.

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I feel kind of dumb here but...I don't really understand FLAS.  Do you have to be specializing in or majoring in a foreign language to get it?  Do they favor certain languages over others? 

well i'll attempt to answer part of this. FLAS or the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship is given out by different schools that have been approved by the government to recieve Title VI funding under the Higher Education Act. each school tends to apply for funding from the federal government for certain regional areas. so, for example, i am applying to a lot of schools that get regional funding for east asia, because I want to do research and get funding for korean.


the list of the different regions approved for different schools are listed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Resource_Center      

not every school has every region of the world approved. so in that sense, certain languages are favored, because different schools are only allowed to give out FLAS fellowships if you applied for a language in a area that they were approved to grant grants for based on federal approval (phew! long sentence).


and yes, you do have to specialize in one language or regional studies area to get the FLAS (again based on if the school you are applying to has that region approved).


hope that answers some questions.

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Adding to what monfemme said, basically you can apply for FLAS funding through a university if you are studying a region for which they receive FLAS funding from the US government. Each university has some flexibility in the eligibly requirements for the funding.


I've noticed that for students applying to receive funding for language study, there are some languages that you can apply to as a beginner and some where it is recommended that applicants have previous training. Often the languages that you can apply to as a beginner are ones that are less commonly offered in American programs, so they don't expect many student to have had the opportunity to learn these (e.g. Uzbek, Yucatec Mayan, or Wolof). Others that are offered more widely at universities, generally require/recommend some previous study of that language (e.g. Russian).

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I feel like I am late to this thread and signing up for an account. Especially since I creep on the forums and results search so often. I'm currently finishing my MA in anthropology and applying to PhD programs. My focus is medical/cultural depending on the department.

I have applied to 12 schools. Which sounds like a crazy amount. I don't believe I know anyone else with so many apps out. I have had a lot of good feed back from POIs. Including one phone conversation which ended with encouragement to apply and one email making sure my rec letters would be in on time with a note saying I would likely here soon after the committee meets. I also have an application into my current program.

I feel like I should be more confident. After the first of my apps were in I felt fine, but now that the final app is submitted I am starting to panic.

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I feel like I am late to this thread and signing up for an account. Especially since I creep on the forums and results search so often. I'm currently finishing my MA in anthropology and applying to PhD programs. My focus is medical/cultural depending on the department.

I have applied to 12 schools. Which sounds like a crazy amount.

Hi Jump!  I'm also medical/cultural.  Do you mind me asking where you applied?

I don't think 12 is a lot at all!  I originally had 15 on my list, but due to both fit and geographical concerns, I ended up with 7.  I don't think 7 is enough, so maybe the more the merrier? 

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Thanks for the reassurance!

Also I have friends that applied to 4 or less. That is scary. I only applied to 3 for my MA and it was terrifying.

Noway- I don't mind. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke, Yale, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Connecticut, Oregon State University, University of Iowa, University of South Carolina, Syracuse University, University of Virginia, University of Pennsylvania, and University of California San Francisco.

I feel like I have a lot of reach schools but I figured I had to try!

What about your schools?

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I did! I have a friend in the HASTS program. I asked her to read my SoP and she suggested I apply there. Wasn't even on my radar. So I contacted a few profs she suggested and was encouraged to apply. The program looks awesome.

But then again I'd be happy to be anywhere with funding.

Also, Noway you have applied to some really great schools. What's your top choice?

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We were talking about weather and whether it may affect the committee meetings etc. So what happened? Is it still the same in the East Coast?


Any other ideas about these meetings, progress etc?


Being international is adding more to the waiting as I feel like I am cut off from all that's happening there.

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We were talking about weather and whether it may affect the committee meetings etc. So what happened? Is it still the same in the East Coast?


Any other ideas about these meetings, progress etc?


Being international is adding more to the waiting as I feel like I am cut off from all that's happening there.


I have to assume many schools like Yale, NYU, Columbia are making up for a day or two lost, but even so, we aren't historically going to hear until later. The last couple years on the results page have the bulk of notifications going out in mid-February until mid-March, so it is still quite early. Interview requests usually don't go out until, earliest, late-January, and that was really just Emory and Duke last year...


Not that I have been looking this stuff up.  I totally have other stuff to do.

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I got an email last week that the Michigan selection process has started. Before the storm, UPenn said they wouldn't make any announcements until February. Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything concrete from any other of the weather affected schools.

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