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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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I am feeling so down.

:( Try and keep your spirits up! On Monday I was feeling awful after receiving my second rejection (and to a school I thought I had a really good shot at!), but then I got an interview with another school almost immediately after. There is still hope! And judging by the interview I'd had, they are most concerned about your research interests lining up with what their department is doing. You never know, one of the places you applied to might think you're a good fit!!!

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Hi there:


This looks like a good group of people to comiserate with. I have been lurking and enjoying your posts. Nice to know I am not the only one going through this maddening process. Good luck to everyone. I think tomorrow might be a big day for notifications, but I have been telling myself that for the past two weeks!

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Hi there:


This looks like a good group of people to comiserate with. I have been lurking and enjoying your posts. Nice to know I am not the only one going through this maddening process. Good luck to everyone. I think tomorrow might be a big day for notifications, but I have been telling myself that for the past two weeks!


Welcome and good luck! Hope you hear some good news soon :)

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Hi there:


This looks like a good group of people to comiserate with. I have been lurking and enjoying your posts. Nice to know I am not the only one going through this maddening process. Good luck to everyone. I think tomorrow might be a big day for notifications, but I have been telling myself that for the past two weeks!

You and me both, dude. I really do feel like tomorrow is the day, though. Monday's a holiday, so it makes more sense to be tomorrow. 


(Also what up PNW)

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You and me both, dude. I really do feel like tomorrow is the day, though. Monday's a holiday, so it makes more sense to be tomorrow.

(Also what up PNW)

Oh, I totally forgot about the holiday on Monday! All the more reason for tomorrow to be a big day (?). I have this little dream that tomorrow is like the top of the bell curve for acceptance notices. But again, I have been a nutter about thinking each day is *the one* so I m not really in a position to trust my intuition.

Vive le Cascadia!

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You and me both, dude. I really do feel like tomorrow is the day, though. Monday's a holiday, so it makes more sense to be tomorrow. 


(Also what up PNW)

Yeah the notorious full moon is coming tonight so better be. See how I gave up all logical hopes and became superstitious now.

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For those of you (especially linguistic folks) going mad with waiting -- this game is so much fun! http://greatlanguagegame.com/ 

It asks you to guess a language according to a short audio file. I had never heard of some of the languages! Anyway, just thought I'd share it seeing as I've just lost half an hour on it. It *may* be just fun enough to put your mind off applications for a few minutes. :)

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I'm having a million paranoid thoughts now about why I haven't heard back from my POI since the interview. 

I'm worrying because my POI asked to see a paper that I presented at a conference. So I sent it, forgetting that between submitting the abstract and actually writing the paper, I had totally changed the paper title. So if you look at the conference abstracts, the paper I have listed there appears to be a different paper than the one I sent my POI. I hope he doesn't think I'm lying or something. I totally forgot about it and I didn't say anything about it to him... :(

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Dana- I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think he would assume you were lying without at least sending a quick email to ask about it. It is really common to change a paper title at the last minute, so he likely just figured that or something. More likely they're just still figuring out things or something. Anthropology/archaeology profs are not well known for being timely with this sort of thing.

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And, remember, conference title/abstract lists can have mistakes - so if your POI spots a difference, I don't think they'd assume it's something on your end, especially not something deceitful. I have presented at a local GIS conference for several years, and one year they put in the title and abstract from the year before, instead of the current one! I didn't even realize it until the people who showed up for my talk were confused about whether they were in the right room or not, so then I ended up incorporating some of the stuff from the year before into the talk! 

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I will ask them for sure but still... moving to another country for yet another Master's at 30 with dependents without a tangible funding and without the guarantee for PhD...ummm.. lots of factors :)

I'm on the same boat. I'm an international applicant. I've got MSS and reaching my late 20's. If I don't get funding for a PhD I can't move to another country. :-(

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Yeah I lost all hope already.

Please don't! You still have schools to hear from, any one of those could be a yes! And if it doesn't work out this year, you can always try again. Ask around, many of us have applied before. Keep that chin up!!

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Yeah I lost all hope already.

Don't lose hope--you've still got a few to hear from yet!


Edit: But to be honest, my hope is dwindling as well, haha. Cheers to doubt!

Edited by johnreggae
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yep 4th rejection. i emailed my poi and he confirmed it. 3 remaining and they won't happen because these are the least related ones. i did apply before this is my last time on earth.


I'm sorry to hear about that colorless. *Hugs*

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yep 4th rejection. i emailed my poi and he confirmed it. 3 remaining and they won't happen because these are the least related ones. i did apply before this is my last time on earth.

Last time on earth? Don't go too overboard! Rejection sucks, but it is just school--it doesn't reflect on how you are as a person, or is not indicative of your self worth. From what I have gathered in my time lurking through all of these posts, the entire process is a game of chance.

And who knows, those entirely unrelated schools might just give you a shot. Keep the faith!

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I'm on the same boat. I'm an international applicant. I've got MSS and reaching my late 20's. If I don't get funding for a PhD I can't move to another country. :-(

Me too...I am in my late 20s and I have a MS in another field, so I know my chances are slim but I just went for it...I also applied for a few master program though, just think it as a way for you to get closer to your ultimate goal...if I don't get funding I'll probably apply for a loan in my country


Yeah I lost all hope already.

I am so sorry to hear that, and I do know it's hard but you can't give up just yet after everything


I am still waiting to hear form UF, it's been FOREVER, seems like A LOT of people have gotten their admission/rejection but I heard NOTHING

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someone was saying something about upenn? any news? i know i won't get admitted but at least i want to learn it fast. now.


I'm sorry to hear your bad news... Have you thought about applying in the UK next year (or even this year -- a lot of schools have rolling admissions)? Funding is harder to come by (but it's by no means impossible) and from my experience they tend to be more opened to student with international qualifications. I don't know if your heart was set on the US for any particular reason, but getting a PhD in the UK might be an option to consider! Don't loose all hope just yet. 

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