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Acceptance Thread


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I received an offer from them in the last week of January, which I declined earlier this week. No idea about the wait list though, sorry!

May I ask what your AOIs are? I have applied there and have yet to hear anything - not sure if I have been outright rejected or just wait-listed.

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That's great news!

Thanks! I'll be honest, it's one of the MAs, but still I would be extremely excited to attend there.

Also I know UVA probably hasn't sent out waitlists yet, as I know a bit about the department (my undergrad and theirs are a bit close) they send out Jefferson fellowship students first, then regular admits, then wait-lists, and then rejections. Normally they make it into the wait-lists a bit. So far we've only seen Jefferson from them, so I would except the rest to come by the end of February.

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Did CMU (Logic program) send acceptances?


Well, I am only certain of 1. Perhaps the rest will come within the next few days or so.


Also, it seems that the particular program doesn't matter for our purposes:


"Please note that admissions decisions for the Ph.D. programs are all made simultaneously, and graduate students can easily change between Ph.D. degrees (for the first two years). Your choice of Ph.D. program(s) in this application is used only as a guide about your likely research interests and career trajectory; it is not a binding choice."

Edited by Vardan_Mkhitaryan
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If I get an offer tomorrow, I will buy a drink for everyone here. If you don't drink, I'll buy you a grape juice. If you hate grate juice, you're out of luck. 


Offer only valid for the next 24 hours. Conditions may apply. See store for details.

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If I get an offer tomorrow, I will buy a drink for everyone here. If you don't drink, I'll buy you a grape juice. If you hate grate juice, you're out of luck. 


Offer only valid for the next 24 hours. Conditions may apply. See store for details.


I absolutely LOVE grape juice! I sure hope you get an offer! 

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What is the protocol for contacting departments after they have wait listed you? I was wait listed at Arizona and don't know whether I should respond (to say thanks) or not to say anything at all until I accept or refect the offer (provided I get off the wait list eventually).

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What is the protocol for contacting departments after they have wait listed you? I was wait listed at Arizona and don't know whether I should respond (to say thanks) or not to say anything at all until I accept or refect the offer (provided I get off the wait list eventually).


I would reply and at least thank them for the notification. I don't know if adcoms weigh how interested a waitlistee seems to be in their program when making 2nd round admission decisions, but it may behoove you to demonstrate somehow your continued interest in their program. Perhaps ask to be put in contact with a current student or professor. Since some waitlistees are invited to visiting days this does not seem presumptuous.

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I would reply and at least thank them for the notification. I don't know if adcoms weigh how interested a waitlistee seems to be in their program when making 2nd round admission decisions, but it may behoove you to demonstrate somehow your continued interest in their program. Perhaps ask to be put in contact with a current student or professor. Since some waitlistees are invited to visiting days this does not seem presumptuous.


Good advice. Will do.

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May I ask what your AOIs are? I have applied there and have yet to hear anything - not sure if I have

been outright rejected or just wait-listed.

Yep, I'm interested in phil of cognitive science/mind/language.

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That's what I have read about UCSD...any idea if all the offers have gone out?


No idea. Hope not. I also don't understand how it's possible to conduct admissions without a wait list. If there are a bunch of offers declined, does UCSD just cope with an incoming cohort that's smaller than desired? I assume not. It probably has an "internal wait list" but doesn't notify anyone on the list until it is possible to offer him/her admission due to an accepted student's decision to decline a previous offer. That's gotta be how it works.

Edited by DHumeDominates
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No idea. Hope not. I also don't understand how it's possible to conduct admissions without a wait list. If there are a bunch of offers declined, does UCSD just cope with an incoming cohort that's smaller than desired? I assume not. It probably has an "internal wait list" but doesn't notify anyone on the list until it is possible to offer him/her admission due to an accepted student's decision to decline a previous offer. That's gotta be how it works.


U Chicago has no wait list, they just take whatever students accept. So there is precedent for that method. I don't know if UCSD has a wait list or not, though.

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Seems like lack of contact from Toronto is officially an rejection at this point. This once cuts me deeply; I've known a fair few who have gone through that program and generally am accepted as their equal. Not to mention a great personal desire to attend, and live in, Toronto.


I'm finding rejections hit harder this time with an acceptance in hand than they did prior years. Interesting...


Not necessarily; the first round only just went out today. I've received acceptances from schools a few days later than the average. Perhaps you're up for a fellowship, or perhaps they haven't sent out their complete first round, or perhaps they'll dip beyond their initial wait list. Nothing is official until you hear from the school. How silly would you feel if you wasted today moping and then got a call tomorrow? 


I understand that this is a difficult and stressful process, but it might also be easier if you don't take the rejections so personally. Every year is different, and different for every school. The applicant pool is different. It could be that your ideal set of advisors already have too many students. It could be that a ton of people applied in your specialty this year, or last year. A rejection doesn't mean that you're not qualified, or not as good as students who are already in the program. Doctoral programs have to reject plenty of students who are well-qualified and could be very successful if accepted. Cutting down to the final few is a difficult decision and a lot of factors go into it, not least of which is balance in the incoming cohort. They probably don't want to take 6 guys from Stanford that do modal logic, even if they all have published writing samples, stellar letters, perfect GREs, and 4.0 GPAs. Realize that much of this is beyond your control, because you have no control over the applicant pool. If that post on Leiter is any indication, this is an especially tough year. 


You have the most important piece of information already: you get to go on in philosophy! Someone is actually going to pay you to do philosophy for the next few years. So...congratulations on your acceptance!


Keep calm and carry on...

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Oh, I am well aware of all that and more, and am not taking things hard nor personally. I guess I should have used more neutral language, sorry, but I promise the post was at most a bit of a vent.


Separately, I think Toronto has done more than just the first round. I could have sworn someone posted in this very thread about getting on the wait list.

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We’ve had four quiet days in terms of notifications.  But this certainly isn’t unprecedented.  February 8 through February 12, 2012, were five, very quiet days.  Then, on February 13 and 14, 2012, five schools released results.  I think something similar will happen this week.

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U Chicago has no wait list, they just take whatever students accept. So there is precedent for that method. I don't know if UCSD has a wait list or not, though.


UCSD does not:


"It is also worth pointing out that UCSD Philosophy does not operate with a waitlist (as do some other programs); this makes our acceptance rate appear slightly higher than programs that do."

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UCSD does not:


"It is also worth pointing out that UCSD Philosophy does not operate with a waitlist (as do some other programs); this makes our acceptance rate appear slightly higher than programs that do."

Actually, they did use a short wait-list last year, despite the same notice being up on their webpage. That said, they should also send out rejections fairly soon, so things will be clearer at that point.

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