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Acceptance Thread


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I haven't commented on here yet because I'm largely applying for theology programs, but I did apply to two philosophy programs. I saw that so far there has been one rejection and two waitlists from Kentucky. I haven't heard anything from them yet. Do any of the people who received waitlist notifications know anything about how Kentucky notifies people? I'm trying to figure out if I've been unofficially waitlisted under the people who received official notifications or if they're just procrastinating in sending out rejections.

I'd like to know if anyone has info on this too.

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Congratulations to everyone who has been admitted this afternoon. I'm having trouble keeping up with the news! Notre Dame accepts, wait-lists. MIT accepts. Syracuse accepts, though let's watch this one-- I see only one post. 


Expect very soon: MIT wait-lists.

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I have declined an offer from Indiana Bloomington. I hope this helps somebody out!


Thanks for updating us, I didn't know they were sending out offers already! Can you give any more details, e.g., was it a personalized email, phone call, etc.?

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Congratulations to everyone who has been admitted this afternoon. I'm having trouble keeping up with the news! Notre Dame accepts, wait-lists. MIT accepts. Syracuse accepts, though let's watch this one-- I see only one post. 


Expect very soon: MIT wait-lists.


I am claiming the Syracuse acceptance in case it looks suspicious standing alone. I was really thrilled.

Also claiming one of Notre Dame accepts.

Congrats to MIT admits and other Notre Dame admits/wait-lists!

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Is it fair to assume that those who haven't heard from ND yet will be the late-rejects? 


I'd appreciate the ND accepts and wait-lists chiming in on this (especially if they are privy to any details about the wait-list). 

 I'm afraid it won't be particularly helpful to you, but here's the email I got:


Dear [First name] (if I may),

I write briefly on behalf of the philosophy department at Notre Dame to offer you admission to our PhD program in philosophy. I'm hoping that we can talk on the phone, to discuss particulars of the support package and the possibility of a campus visit; could you please send me a number at which I can reach you, as well as a sense of when it might be convenient to call? (I'm afraid I am traveling; I will try to get hold of you this week, though it may not be until early next week.)

In any case I hope this message finds you well; I look forward to talking to you soon.



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Is it fair to assume that those who haven't heard from ND yet will be the late-rejects? 


I'd appreciate the ND accepts and wait-lists chiming in on this (especially if they are privy to any details about the wait-list). 

I am a waitlistee and have no info about the wait-list other than it is ontologically real and that they informed us that we have a shot at getting in and off the waitlist. :) Also, does anyone know if ND ranks the waitlist (assuming they do)??


Also, thank you all for your congrats! It's a good day, though it means I'll be waiting with you all till the bitter end! :)

Edited by philosophia14
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