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It's gonna be the weekend from Hell!


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Knowing, or assuming, that not much will be coming out in the way of notifications on the weekend is enough to drive me mad. So close, yet so far..... Come on Monday!!

Thanks -- just had to vent. My family is getting sick of hearing about this. I do know that misery loves company, lol, so here I am!

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Welcome ! Got my first rejection today but honestly it kind of helped take some pressure off.

Do not worry, the wait will not be anything compared to the joy of your good news :)

Thanks for the welcome, Glamdoll. From your lips to the adcom's ears!!

At this point I would almost welcome(sorta)a rejection, lol!

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I got my first rejection mid-week last week (MSU). Not a good way to kick off the season, but hopefully there will be good news in the coming weeks. I normally get accepted at all places but one, but this year all my schools are of a higher caliber (MSU was the lowest), so who knows? 

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I got my first rejection mid-week last week (MSU). Not a good way to kick off the season, but hopefully there will be good news in the coming weeks. I normally get accepted at all places but one, but this year all my schools are of a higher caliber (MSU was the lowest), so who knows? 


I can't even count the number of times I've been told "it only takes one!" at this point.

Good luck.

You mentioned "normally." Is this your second round?

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I can't even count the number of times I've been told "it only takes one!" at this point.

Good luck.

You mentioned "normally." Is this your second round?

third, actually. in a way, fourth.


My first was for my MA (accepted at 3 out of 4 schools).


Second was for a PhD (2 out of 3), but it did not go well, and I left the program I had chosen, a decision I reached in late 2012.


Last winter, I managed a single app (to a Canadian U that already had most of my materials, that previously had accepted me for my MA), but that didn't pan out because they have cut most of their funding to non-Canadians. 


So this time, whether it counts as 3rd or 4th, we shall see. If my "all but one" luck holds, great. If not... I don't know if I will go anther cycle. This time, I opted not to settle, and chose only the best possible choices school-wise and supervisor-wise. Previously I had made certain concessions because I really wanted to stay in Canada and gain permanent residency, but almost all of the best people for my area are at schools I have issues with, and choosing people close to but not right in my area has had mixed results. 

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Last winter, I managed a single app (to a Canadian U that already had most of my materials, that previously had accepted me for my MA), but that didn't pan out because they have cut most of their funding to non-Canadians. 





Out of interest, which university are you talking about?

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Out of interest, which university are you talking about?

York, but a lot of Ontario Unis are in similar positions: Trent and McMaster off the top of my head. U of Toronto and maybe Queens are the only Ontario schools I might have applied to this season, in terms of programs, people in my field, and to possibly get adequate funding. But as I could only manage three apps, I trimmed them off my list.


York, I am told, only has one non-Canadian slot these days (not just History. other programs too), with preference given to those studying non-North American topics. Which is too bad, because my potential supervisor there would have been fab to work with.

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U of Toronto and maybe Queens are the only Ontario schools I might have applied to this season, in terms of programs, people in my field, and to possibly get adequate funding. 


And U of Toronto told me before I applied that they have a maximum of two slots for non-Canadians. Taken a gamble there. 

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York, but a lot of Ontario Unis are in similar positions: Trent and McMaster off the top of my head. U of Toronto and maybe Queens are the only Ontario schools I might have applied to this season, in terms of programs, people in my field, and to possibly get adequate funding. But as I could only manage three apps, I trimmed them off my list.


York, I am told, only has one non-Canadian slot these days (not just History. other programs too), with preference given to those studying non-North American topics. Which is too bad, because my potential supervisor there would have been fab to work with.




As far as slots are concerned, it seems that int'l students get only one or two in most places, if at all. I wish it were different since it would increase my chances, but I also understand that there's no way they'll give more than a fraction of available slots/funding to foreign students...

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oh, sure. depends on the school, their funding, and how much their funders are tightening down on them. Even the Ontario schools do not seem to want to be penalizing us, but the pressures they are under from the province require the buck to be passed somewhere. When I did my MA in Ontario a few years ago, it was not nearly as bad as it is now. 

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