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MFA Acting Applicants??


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Theseus, beautiful! I have zero going on right now, well, I'm doing a staged reading next week, but I'm so terrible I don't even remember what play. It's for a local theatre; a friend just asked me last minute. That's how consumed I've been with this grad school process... I had no problem maintaining (TOO) busy during application/audition time, but this waiting thing makes me want to just stare at my email/phone 20 hours a day and do nothing else. I did Our Town a couple months ago (Emily) and then Trouble in Pantoland (Snow White :) ) after. Do you get a lot/any film work down there? It seems there has been a lot picking up in that area in terms of film/TV... whenever I get into a conversation with someone in the business about relocating (to LA, typically) , that area and "the south" in general always come up. I always feel, though, that in terms of location filmimg, they cast in LA (or NY) for the primaries and then have day players/extras/reccurring roles cast locally.

Edited by AwesomeBird
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Yeah, I think that's about right.  I really just do theatre, but I'd love to do TV work.  There's some in Charlotte (about 3 hrs west) and some in Wilmington (about 2.5 hrs east). It's hard to tell what's bull crap from what is a real audition etc without an agent, but I need to get off my butt and really figure that out.  I don't think it's really the kind of place you'd go to launch your movie career.  I think most of the work you get booked for here is still very extra/day player stuff, which doesn't really build a resume, but even that would be fun.  


I have a full time job though, so theatre is much more geared to my schedule.  Nothing here pays (at least no enough to have it be a primary source of income) so theatre rehearsal schedules are after work/weekend hours.    

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Well guys, got my final rejection email from UCLA today.  I had a feeling that would be the case since I didn't hear from them after the URTA auditions.  I'm okay with that though, I'm really happy with my decision to go to ASU and I think I'm going to have a very well-rounded experience there!  And for those of you who didn't do the URTA auditions this year, I would highly recommend you participate next year!  It really opened my eyes to a lot of excellent programs that are out there (with lots of funding!) that I may not have considered had it not been for URTA.  As amazing as programs are like UCSD, Yale, etc, they are NOT the only schools that can offer you a great MFA training program.  I have friends that went to USD and Yale and they may have had a slight advantage post-grad school, but in reality, the pedigree of the school you went to isn't what books you a job.  And that's my two cents.  Good luck guys.  I think you're all amazing :)

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I also got my UCLA rejection today, along with my USD rejection. UNC is doing this thing where it acts like a frat boy pretending he never liked me... so I have to assume that is a rejection as well. Sad, yes, but I'll keep moving onward. This means it is time to pack up my bulldog, whatever else I can fit in my car and head west. I know I'll be seeing some of you out there and to everyone else, break 'em! Don't let them break you...

Edited by AwesomeBird
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  • 4 months later...

Figured I would post here for any applicants for next year looking for answers like I was just a few months ago. UNC offered me a spot in their program. Two days ago. A week before the start of the semester. No, they didn't give me anybody else's spot. I made an initial impression, I kept in contact, and remained enthusiastic about the program and receptive to any communication. They made room for me when there was none. Now, I am officially an acting MFA student. Well.... when I repack my bulldog and whatever else I can fit in my car and make it back East I will be... ~deep breath~.



Anyway. Keep the faith. Hold on to your hope, even when there's only enough to fit between your pointer and your thumb. When you least expect it, He shines his light. 

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  • 3 months later...

WOW! That's Awesome Awesome Bird! :-)

I'm prepping for the 2015 auditions and I logged in to see the thread from last year... and I saw this.  So cool! Glad to hear it. I'm in the area. Maybe I'll see you around. I'd love to chat and meet your bulldog. I really like some of the folks at UNC. Ray Dooley is just a magician on stage, and Katheryn Hunter-Williams - never seen her give a bad performance. Aces. 


I'll be heading to NYC again in January. Wish me luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Button,


Went pretty well. The only school I directly applied to was USD. I focused more on URTAs this year. 


Got a good amount of interest. Got follow up interviews from Temple, Indiana, WVU, UGA, Catholic University of America. I also dropped in on Case Western's auditions (no audition fee, walk-ins welcome. They didn't call me back after the URTA satellites, but I'd auditioned for them already so I assume that means they already saw me and didn't need to (though it might be a bad sign?? who knows). 


I don't think my USD audition went particularly well (thought it went better last year) but lots of interest from URTAs gives me hope something will pan out that I actually am interested in. 


Now I just wait...

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