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MFA Acting Applicants??


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Hello Kindred Spirits!


I called the office of Graduate Admissions at USD today. They said that they were told that they wouldn't have the names until next week... there's lots of ways to overanalyze that to be either good or bad. Thankfully, I got too busy at work to call the other numbers listed. I'm torn between hearing word naturally or taking action and getting it over with.


I'm sure this weekend, I'll have a few moments of wishing I'd called every number listed until I got a definitive answer. However, I'm going to spend most of this weekend simply embracing this ride. I have grateful moments and I have some pessimistic moments. It's a mixed bag of nuts and that's life. Right now, I'm feeling pretty darn chill, but I've had moments of hyper-focusing on it to the point that I spent time looking up previous notification dates to calculate the most likely day of the week they'd call: It's Wednesday. I'm sure some of you have done that too and if not, I'm going to have extra-long sessions with a therapist.


The bottom line-- is anything concrete? NO


Are we about to find out soon? YES!


If you think about it, this is the time to enjoy the excitement of NOT knowing. Now, don't start wishing to give me a "super wedgie" before thinking about all the fun you had looking forward to something as a kid. For me it was shaking the boxes under the Christmas tree and wondering what's inside. When I look back on it now, the feeling of anticipation was better than anything on the inside-- shoot, I sure don't have any of that stuff I got or even remember most of it for that matter. What I do have is the memory of feeling excited. So that's what I'm going to embrace this weekend.


I only applied to USD, which is why I'm sharing this with all of you. I'm sure if I'd applied to more schools I would have been fried from analyzing my chances and forgetting to enjoy the excitement that's part of this experience. Curlygirl, thank you for the advice-- Will, I say to hell with waiting and call USD on Monday... maybe :D. Right now, I'm glad we're sharing in this together and that if you still want to give me a wedgie-- that I can't feel the virtual kind!


Thanks for listening everyone!

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Hello Kindred Spirits!


I called the office of Graduate Admissions at USD today. They said that they were told that they wouldn't have the names until next week... there's lots of ways to overanalyze that to be either good or bad. Thankfully, I got too busy at work to call the other numbers listed. I'm torn between hearing word naturally or taking action and getting it over with.


I'm sure this weekend, I'll have a few moments of wishing I'd called every number listed until I got a definitive answer. However, I'm going to spend most of this weekend simply embracing this ride. I have grateful moments and I have some pessimistic moments. It's a mixed bag of nuts and that's life. Right now, I'm feeling pretty darn chill, but I've had moments of hyper-focusing on it to the point that I spent time looking up previous notification dates to calculate the most likely day of the week they'd call: It's Wednesday. I'm sure some of you have done that too and if not, I'm going to have extra-long sessions with a therapist.


The bottom line-- is anything concrete? NO


Are we about to find out soon? YES!


If you think about it, this is the time to enjoy the excitement of NOT knowing. Now, don't start wishing to give me a "super wedgie" before thinking about all the fun you had looking forward to something as a kid. For me it was shaking the boxes under the Christmas tree and wondering what's inside. When I look back on it now, the feeling of anticipation was better than anything on the inside-- shoot, I sure don't have any of that stuff I got or even remember most of it for that matter. What I do have is the memory of feeling excited. So that's what I'm going to embrace this weekend.


I only applied to USD, which is why I'm sharing this with all of you. I'm sure if I'd applied to more schools I would have been fried from analyzing my chances and forgetting to enjoy the excitement that's part of this experience. Curlygirl, thank you for the advice-- Will, I say to hell with waiting and call USD on Monday... maybe :D. Right now, I'm glad we're sharing in this together and that if you still want to give me a wedgie-- that I can't feel the virtual kind!


Thanks for listening everyone!




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Hi Pumpkinpie!


Just wanted to thank you for your last post. You are absolutely right. The not knowing is something to embrace and feel excited by rather than get all worked up and dark and twisty over - which is, admittedly, what I've been doing all week long. I, too, am torn between hearing naturally and yanking off the band-aid as it were. I know that as soon as I have my answer I can move on, but part of me wants to stay in this place of hope and the idea that anything's possible. I am still taking everything with a grain of salt (because how can any of us really know what's going on?), but your post helped me to look at the situation I am currently in in a more positive light - rather than focussing on the impending outcome. I so appreciate your positive outlook and I can't tell you how much I needed to hear just that at just this moment. So thank you, thank you! 

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You're absolutely right Pumpkinpie.  Thanks for giving me a smile.  I tend to be realistic (ok, pessimistic) sometimes, but there's no need to borrow that trouble.  Obviously if they've decided to accept people, they've almost certainly notified them (like that's the fun part right? wouldn't you tell them right away?) but maybe they haven't made the final cut. 


And omg yeah, I thought I was bad about obsessively checking... but figuring out what day of the week.  Heh.  Well let's just say I can relate, and no you're not crazy.




Oh, and I'm not giving up at all.  It's going to happen, it's a matter of when.  I mean, I was making a list yesterday of where I would apply for 2015 if I don't get in.  But it sure would be nice no to have to go through this again. 

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I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Button and IMUnaware, glad if I helped put it in a positive perspective. I feel really good about this whole process. I'm hoping for good news, but if I don't I'm definitely trying again next year. If I feel disappointed, I'm going to allow it with no guilt-- after all that's the business we're going into right?--feelings! However, I also understand that not getting what you think you want is sometimes the universes way of saying that it's not the path for you at this time :).


Hey, I was wondering for those of you that got on the "Wait list" or were "finalists" for USD, how did you find out? Did they mention that in the letter they sent you?



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I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Button and IMUnaware, glad if I helped put it in a positive perspective. I feel really good about this whole process. I'm hoping for good news, but if I don't I'm definitely trying again next year. If I feel disappointed, I'm going to allow it with no guilt-- after all that's the business we're going into right?--feelings! However, I also understand that not getting what you think you want is sometimes the universes way of saying that it's not the path for you at this time :).


Hey, I was wondering for those of you that got on the "Wait list" or were "finalists" for USD, how did you find out? Did they mention that in the letter they sent you?




I found out I was a finalist when I received my rejection letter last year. They apologized for taking so long to let me know, and they said it was because I was among their finalists. Who knows how many finalists there actually were. And I have no clue if that is the same thing as being wait listed.


Hope that helps. Had a lovely weekend, thank you. :)

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Hi all,


For those waiting to hear from USD, I just got my rejection letter in the mail stating although they were unable to offer me a position this year, I was among their finalists.  I had already accepted an offer from an URTA school because I thought USD was a long shot, but it's still nice to know I was being considered!  Good luck to everyone still waiting for offers...I think this will be the week for everyone. :)

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Hi all,


For those waiting to hear from USD, I just got my rejection letter in the mail stating although they were unable to offer me a position this year, I was among their finalists.  I had already accepted an offer from an URTA school because I thought USD was a long shot, but it's still nice to know I was being considered!  Good luck to everyone still waiting for offers...I think this will be the week for everyone. :)


Hey! Thanks for the update and congrats again on your acceptance!! I am curious to know if you've heard from UCLA? Still nothing over here...

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Thanks Awesomebird! No word from ucla. Their admissions office told me April 1st. And on the results page it looks like someone got a rejection on March 26th last year. So I'm guessing we will hear something this week. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

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Just checked the mail.  Still nothing, though I live on the East Coast so if I'm getting a thin envelope it will probably take another day or two to get here. I got TWO phone calls after 3:00 today (I assume that theater people aren't getting together to make any decisions before noon, so 3:00 my time).  My heart jumped both times.  But it wasn't USD. Heh.  

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EG326, when was your letter post marked, out of curiosity? And are you West Coast?


I'm in Las Vegas, and I didn't get my rejection letter today either. 

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Hey Button,


The USD letter was postmarked on the 21st and I live in So Cal....who knows....maybe they're still making phone calls?  It's not over til it's over!  Think positive thoughts!  Also, I would encourage everyone on this thread to post their acceptance/rejection results on the Submit Results page.  There were only a few posted from the past few years, and I found it very helpful to look at those results and at least get an idea of when I'd be hearing from schools.  This thread has picked up a lot of steam, by the way!  Thanks for starting it Awesomebird, it has definitely been a comfort to share information, as well as simply vent with one another!

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I live in SD fairly close to USD and the Old Globe. I just got home and checked my mail, but nothing yet... so it doesn't mean anything yet. Still, I'm going to keep on hoping and enjoying this while I can. It will be nice to see someone post an acceptance to that program soon, even if it's not me! :D

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Hi Button!


Thank you for your reply! Yes, it does help :). I would be honored to be told that I was a "finalist" or "waitlisted." I've heard from multiple sources beyond this thread that your chances are better of getting in and that they do take notice and remember those that reapply. In fact, I sort of blurted that out when they were asking me questions about what schools and why I was applying there... "Doesn't it usually take more than once to get in?" Of course, if they'd have me, I'm ready to go, but we all know the odds. Still I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of us! Wouldn't it be the coolest coincidence if several of us got in together?... might as well dream about it anyway :).


Thanks everyone for posting; I'm learning so much about the process. Let's all break legs!

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Hey Button,


The USD letter was postmarked on the 21st and I live in So Cal....who knows....maybe they're still making phone calls?  It's not over til it's over!  Think positive thoughts!  Also, I would encourage everyone on this thread to post their acceptance/rejection results on the Submit Results page.  There were only a few posted from the past few years, and I found it very helpful to look at those results and at least get an idea of when I'd be hearing from schools.  This thread has picked up a lot of steam, by the way!  Thanks for starting it Awesomebird, it has definitely been a comfort to share information, as well as simply vent with one another!


Yes! I was going to ask the same thing in regards to posting your acceptances/rejections. Make it maybe a little less stressful for those applying next year. I'm so glad this was a resource for everybody; thanks for keeping it going!

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Yeah, first year applying.  Waiting on USD, UNC/CH, UVA, FSU/ASOLO. I also applied to UCI and UCSD but no call back so I'm not really waiting on those.



BTW, Unaware, have you heard anything from UNC? I know you said they made offers... I think you said that? But have they contacted you in any way? I've actually tried to contact the department twice now... no response. From reading the results page and past posts it does seem like the university itself has a reputation for lack of communication with applicants.

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Still nothing in the mail and no phone call.  The waiting game continues...


BTW, Unaware, have you heard anything from UNC? I know you said they made offers... I think you said that? But have they contacted you in any way? I've actually tried to contact the department twice now... no response. From reading the results page and past posts it does seem like the university itself has a reputation for lack of communication with applicants.


No, I haven't heard from UNC.  I heard a rumor that they had sent offers but had not closed the class (i.e. not all offers had confirmed acceptance... maybe someone is waiting on USD, lol).  Now that was just a RUMOR.  I live near UNC, and I heard from a friend that they talked to "X" and X said that the offers had all been extended.  But that's just a rumor, so take it with a large grain of salt.  Either way I think my initial audition was great, but my call back was only so-so, so I am not super pumped about it. Also there's a guy currently there that probably is close to my "type" so I think that's working against me too.  Still, who knows?  


Oh, and I have been putting in my responses into the results section... I think most of the MFA Acting/Drama results from 2014 are mine... all rejections sadly.


(EDIT: Isn't it kind of odd that there's loads of PhD in drama/theatre logged but very few MFA?)

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Well friends. I just received my rejection letter in the mail today from USD. It was postmarked 3/21. This was my second year applying. Perhaps it'll take one or two more to break them down!! LOL 


Best of luck to the rest of you who are still waiting! Please post your results and keep us updated. Perhaps we'll meet up in a future MFA class...here's hoping, huh? :)

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Button, I'm so sorry, but remember we're all in this together! Unfortunately, many more of us will receive that letter than receive the phone call. We all know USD loves to see people try and try again, so don't give up! This  business is all about perseverance; let 'em know you're not going anywhere! Thank you so much for keeping us updated! 

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Sorry for that Button.  I'm pulling for you next year.  Nothing here but I'm east coast so the mail may take a while I imagine.  I have to say that USD is on my list of schools to apply to again.  The audition was really friendly and positive. Plus the program zomg.

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I love Shakespeare.  So much fun (yeah... USD/Old Globe ... sigh).  Right now I'm prepping for Theseus in Two Noble Kinsmen.  Anyone else working on something fun?

[oh, and one good thing about not getting in to grad school this year: local company is doing Coriolanus... that's a bucket list role for me]

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