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Fall 2015 Applicants

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh



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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh


Yay!!! Congratulations! Are you the person who posted an acceptance by the University of Minnesota in the results search?

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh

Congratulations!!!*^^* You must be so proud, yay for happy news!!*^^*

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I haven't been on this place since last year when I was applying. I just want to drop by and say I hope you all get into where you want to attend. I remember how horrible this waiting period was for me. I wouldn't want to go through it again. So best wishes to you all and good luck!

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.

It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh

Congrats!!!! Woo!

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh


Wow, congratulations! I still have two more applications to submit so I really envy you. :-P

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh


MAJOR congrats, I'm so happy for you! That's a quick response for sure. Most humanities programs don't start reporting out until mid-February as far as I've been able to tell. Some people are getting responses right now, but I think they are mostly in the sciences. I am going to be sick with nerves over the next four weeks.

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh

Wow, congratulations! That's such amazing news!!! :D And I love that we're kicking off this part of the season with an acceptance!


Wow, congratulations! I still have two more applications to submit so I really envy you. :-P

Same here, but a week from now I'll be free to focus solely on the angsty waiting game!

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...so...I just got accepted into one of my programs today! I just wanted to let you all know (since you have all been part of this excruciating process), and I am super excited! I think the program is a great fit. Just FYI, I applied to both English and Am. Studies programs, so these programs notify at different times.


It's crazy, because I just submitted my last application 2 days ago...and have already heard back from the first program I applied to. Ahhh! I'm super excited!! I don't know what to do with myself now...gughhgsggdjh

Congrats!!! It's so nice to sense some good vibes during the endless waiting  :P

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Makes me kind of glad that this round I kind of gave myself a goal of not applying to any competitive metropolitan areas (barring one late addition to my list): LA sounds wonderful to me, as it must to literally everyone. 

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Makes me kind of glad that this round I kind of gave myself a goal of not applying to any competitive metropolitan areas (barring one late addition to my list): LA sounds wonderful to me, as it must to literally everyone. 


I would sacrifice a lot to live in the L.A. area again. I love California in general...whether it's San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, or Los Angeles (I lived in Riverside and Rancho Cucamonga for awhile too). However, as much as I wanted to apply to a bunch of L.A. schools, the "fit" wasn't there for most of them, and that, combined with my wife's general disinclination to move to California, prompted me to apply only to UC-Irvine, thanks to its strong poetics department, and a couple of excellent POIs in particular.


But yes...even though I've acclimated well to the East Coast, I'm a West Coaster at heart, and will endeavor to subtly sell my wife on the wonderfulness of California for years to come...

Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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I would sacrifice a lot to live in the L.A. area again. I love California in general...whether it's San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, or Los Angeles (I lived in Riverside and Rancho Cucamonga for awhile too). However, as much as I wanted to apply to a bunch of L.A. schools, the "fit" wasn't there for most of them, and combined with my wife's general disinclination to move to California, I wound up just applying to UC-Irvine, thanks to its strong poetics department, and a couple of excellent POIs in particular.


But yes...even though I've acclimated well to the East Coast, I'm a West Coaster at heart, and will endeavor to subtly sell my wife on the wonderfulness of California for years to come...

Ah another Irvine-hopeful! I applied to Irvine for much the same reason--the Poetics program, combined with the strength of its materialist theory group generally. 

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Ah another Irvine-hopeful! I applied to Irvine for much the same reason--the Poetics program, combined with the strength of its materialist theory group generally. 


Ah! Good luck to you! I've learned from a very reliable source that Irvine is actively striving to grow its poetics department. I had been on the fence about applying there until I discovered that, but I definitely want to go somewhere where poetics isn't a waning field. So fingers crossed for both of us!


By the way, if you haven't yet done so, you should check out The Lyric Theory Reader, co-edited by Virginia Jackson (with Yopie Prins of UMich). I haven't made my way through much of it yet, but what I have read of it is quite fantastic...and encouraging.

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Thanks! That looks interesting & a useful resource to dig into at some point when I'm not buried under thesis work. Have you read Jackson's work on Dickinson? It's not really my area (which is more 20th century American), but I thought her critique of the uh hegemony of the lyric-form in poetic criticism to be really enlightening. 

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Whoa... is the Urbana acceptance real? Anyone want to claim that? 


A big congratulations to whoever made it!


Looks like it really is time to dig out that acceptance thread!

Edited by Katla
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I have just been accepted to my top choice, University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. So incredibly excited!



Canterbury, you say? I'm sure you'll have lots of TALES to tell! :P



(Seriously though...congrats again! Thrilled for you!)

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Congratulations to the person who received acceptance to Urbana!

I have just been accepted to my top choice, University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. So incredibly excited!

Best of luck everyone! Soon the board will have lots of good news! :)


Congrats! How exciting!

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Thank you! I'm sure that if I end up going there (it is my first choice but of course waiting to hear back from a few more to compare funding offers), I will indeed have many a tale to tell - perhaps my tales will be even more exciting than Chaucer's. :)

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Judging by the results board it looks like Emory has also sent out interview invitations to Comp Lit students, congratulations to whoever it is.


I think this is the first Comp Lit notification of the season, reality is truly starting to hit.

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