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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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My graduation's not until Thursday, but I just picked up my wizard's robes! If you're going to charge me $80 to rent them for a week, you're damned sure I'm going to wear them every day.


Remember to return them on time! Its $600 if you don't.

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I'm covering in a survey summer course, so I get to lecture on a HUGE amount, from the Great Depression to LBJ. Gotta love survey courses. Luckily it's my wheelhouse!

Congrats on finding a place! Now we all need to move to our respective cities and start our programs. So exciting! Let's make sure and stay in touch throughout, I'd love to hear about everyone's classes and projects as they progress :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And 41 days until my move =D! 


I already get super excited when IU emails me. Today, they sent me information about orientation, and after reading it, I did a little jump for joy. Hopefully, no one saw cause I was walking my dog at the time.

Edited by LeventeL
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