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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Landed an apartment. Moving up from 1BR to 3BR for essentially the same rent. Goodbye, Boston housing market, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


Going to Brown? (Congrats!)

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Hello, guys!  We've been in NYC for a little over two weeks now. We leased at an apartment and are waiting for the movers to bring our stuff, which could take a while. I can't decide if I want the fall semester to hurry up and get here or if I want the summer to last forever.

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My two new first-year grad student roommates are arriving in just three weeks! I am going to make the apartment so clean and nice and pretty for them when they get here, I hope they like it ;) I would have loved to have someone waiting for me with a nice lovely place all ready for me to move in to, so I hope I can pay it forward and make their move enjoyable.

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Heres an exclusive extract of Harper Lee's book, "Go Set A Watchman": http://www.theguardian.com/books/ng-interactive/2015/jul/10/go-set-a-watchman-read-the-first-chapter

Narrated by Reese Witherspoon  :P


Im hoping Amazon will deliver the book on release day. 

Edited by LeventeL
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Absolutely ****ing terrified and also can't wait. Not looking forward to the rent though, my SO will be earning, but only a teacher's salary and bedrooms in Cambridge can go for £1k a month. 

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My house looks like it threw up boxes everywhere. Packing blows. Less than 2 weeks til D-Day for me, guys! I hope your packing adventures are going more smoothly than mine.

I'm starting from scratch, so I'm still buying furniture. It has been a very expensive process, but the Lord and my family has truly been there with me providing great support.

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I know how the packin, shipping, and settling in sucks too. I had to switch to HI driver' license, HI state plate for my car, and then goin lots of places to get furniture and stationery. But they all worth doin for me to start the program though :)

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11 days for me ... and I haven't really started packing yet *horror music*


I'm also still deciding if I should bring my doggie with me  :unsure:

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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11 days for me ... and I haven't really started packing yet *horror music*


I'm also still deciding if I should bring my doggie with me  :unsure:

Decisions, decisions, decisions.


Probably the hardest decision was leaving my dog with my mom while I was at IU, but we were both better for it. I was gone nearly all of the time with my GAship, classes, doing work at various locations, and generally hanging with my cohort. 


You really have to think what's best for you and your pup. 

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To prep for grad school, has anyone been reading any assigned readings for the coming semester or reading other texts to prep for the coming semester?

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I emailed my profs asking for the reading lists so I can buy the books. I get books used online so sometimes it takes awhile for them to arrive. Other than that I've been catching up on newsmagazines and rereading books I won't have a chance to read when I'm knee-deep in the PhD program. I'm working on Isabel Hull's Absolute Destruction now, then on to Walter Johnson's Soul by Soul and William Cronon's Nature's Metropolis, my 3 favorite books.

I've also been gathering primary sources for a potential second-year research project. I found a wealth of material that I'm excited to start poring over once I move. I'll have about 1.5 months before classes start to do that :)

I'm not doing any specific reading to prep for grad school...I feel my MA gave me enough of an introduction that I won't die the first week of class. I have been editing papers for friends to keep my writing skills sharp and will probably start reading course materials when I get the reading list. My motto right now is not to stress much about what's to come before I have reason to. I know I'm qualified, prepared and work my butt off. I have to say, this is a much better frame of mind than when I started the MA!

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I have already ordered a few books, but I haven't skimmed through them and probably won't either. I don't know if my undergrad has prepped me well enough, and will not know until the semester starts. I am have been reading a couple of history texts, but reading academically and leisurely are totally two different things, and right now I'm reading leisurely. I'm tired of stressing myself out about starting grad school, and just want my mind to relax. Due to stressing I have started to see a few gray hairs. Not cool for someone my age.

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