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I remember dfindley

PhD applicant

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ROFL :lol:  I'm out of upvotes... like findley would ever edit his work of perfection

"Hegel had shitty grammar, so I does too" ~ Dfindley (probably) 

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For those of you who PM'd me your mailing address, I hit a snag with the iron-on stuff, but they are in the mail now. :D

I still have some copies if anyone else wants. see pic below

Okay, so I feel like the biggest dork right now because I went and did this today...

But on the plus side, I did something more than just check my email over and over.


I have copies, PM me your mailing address if you want them and I will send...


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he rated his own book, and he gave it three stars

My thoughts as I was going through the preview:

"And I tell you the greatest thing this country could ever do is go into the Middle East and wipe out their ignorance with an iron fist."

- Okay...what the fuck is going on here? Is he quoting himself? This is some borderline racist shit.

"Blah blah blah a bunch of Pre-Socratics...representative of the initial boom of the human mind."

- Alright...let's just ignore the other half of the world and their philosophical traditions which began either prior to or concurrent with the Pre-Socratics. So much for being sensitive to Eastern thought.

- What the hell is going on with the capitalization in this book?

"Neither Man nor his culture may be reasonably considered exclusive from his Nature."

- Wat? Also, what is this, the 17th century? Pretty sure we don't refer to the entirety of humanity as "Man" and "his nature" anymore.

- And who the hell rates their own book? Even more confusing is the fact that he gave it three stars. Why would you publish it if it was only worth three stars? This guy, I swear.

Edited by bar_scene_gambler
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My thoughts as I was going through the preview:

"And I tell you the greatest thing this country could ever do is go into the Middle East and wipe out their ignorance with an iron fist."

- Okay...what the fuck is going on here? Is he quoting himself? This is some borderline racist shit.

"Blah blah blah a bunch of Pre-Socratics...representative of the initial boom of the human mind."

- Alright...let's just ignore the other half of the world and their philosophical traditions which began either prior to or concurrent with the Pre-Socratics. So much for being sensitive to Eastern thought.

- What the hell is going on with the capitalization in this book?

"Neither Man nor his culture may be reasonably considered exclusive from his Nature."

- Wat? Also, what is this, the 17th century? Pretty sure we don't refer to the entirety of humanity as "Man" and "his nature" anymore.

- And who the hell rates their own book? Even more confusing is the fact that he gave it three stars. Why would you publish it if it was only worth three stars? This guy, I swear.


The really sad part is...

and I was just thinking about this today-

When people are all young and cocky like that, they really are capable of coming up with some really good ideas, but they lack the discipline to give them proper presentation. So let's say dfindley's book/s contain some of the most brilliant things ever said for the first time ever in human history. The fact that he won't hear criticism without using profanity in return will prevent him from learning to edit and distill down his **potentially** good ideas into what is proper writing and proper argumentative format. I feel strongly that striking while the iron is hot (so to speak) is valuable, but needs to be guided and nurtured properly. I think he wasn't given the proper lead by some compassionate and helpful faculty the way some of us have been. Either that, or he allowed his ego to prevent him from learning to control what could have potentially been real talent. I say this only because I have a lot of respect for people who can sit down and finish something that large (volume-wise). I know people who write books - badly written books that will never be 'published' - but I still respect their ability to finish something, because I know how hard it is for me to write something that long. At the same time I feel pity because I know my ability to craft with language is better than theirs. So it seems to me there was some great neglect done at some point to someone who really has the drive to contribute something and the ability to produce it faster than I could. I have a lot of respect for the passion, but I think control and discipline are much harder to learn. I just hope people like that don't give up over time because we all have so much fun making fun of them. I hope you see this dfindley; you've been a great punching bag, but I don't mean to imply that you should stop trying.

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I was told in the instructions to take a picture of my patch engaging in leisurely activity. I thus snapped a quick picture while it was "chilling" out.





WHAT?! Haha, this is awesome. How do I know you aren't dfindley and going to send me a copy of your book for review?


Can confirm. Sender is dfindley. I received a copy of both books with a request to send in a review for both works to Philosophical Review. Just kidding.


Thanks for the patches, PhD Applicant!

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I would have received my patches, but it seems that they've been sent back to Mars.

Just kidding. I'll take a picture soon. Still trying to figure out what to sew them to.

Only I know what that means. :)

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My thoughts as I was going through the preview:

"And I tell you the greatest thing this country could ever do is go into the Middle East and wipe out their ignorance with an iron fist."

- Okay...what the fuck is going on here? Is he quoting himself? This is some borderline racist shit.




David Findley should write under his anagram name: Davy D. Infidel.

Edited by gr8pumpkin
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I'm jealous. You guys, as members of the TGC Philosophy Forum for the 2014 app season, will forever be bound to one another by this amazing experience with dfindley. Not a lot of people on Earth have that I tell you.

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