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anyone else in the "hanging on by a thread" club?


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in which the "thread" is most likely a post-april 15th decision on whether or not you'll get off the waitlist and into the program, and you have no other acceptances at this point?

i've got 5 schools i still haven't been given a decision from. although its possible that i've already been rejected by a few of them at this point since i havent been told anything. but a couple of them i know i'm on the waitlist for.

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I only did 4 applications, and right now the only prospect is moving off the waiting list at Austin. So my thread is thinner than yours.

I pretty much want Austin or else a year off from grad school. I hope I bounce back quickly if I get rejected because I still have to finish my MA thesis with due diligence. :/

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I am definitely hanging on by less than a thread i think. I applied to 7 prgrograms and have been rejected by 5. I don't know what is going on with my last two since I have not been notified of any waitlist situation. So I don't really think there's any chance, but I can't fully give up hope until I get these last two rejections. AHHHH!

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I don't know what is going on with my last two since I have not been notified of any waitlist situation.

Have you searched the results page for any posts about the programs you applied to? Sometimes that can give an idea? If they have sent out letters and haven't contacted you still, there's definitely hope that you are being considered for admission.

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yes I'm waitlisted at two, the two I applied to.. which is now making me wonder whether or not I should have applied to AT LEAST one safety. I have no idea where my mind was when I was applying to schools in the top 10 of my field.

so I know the feeling! let's hope we hear something after april 15th (and by hear something I mean, something good) :D

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I have no idea where my mind was when I was applying to schools in the top 10 of my field.

so I know the feeling!

Totally! I really should have done more research about programs more compatable with my qualifications. But I guess I am taking MANY valuable lessons like that away from this experience! HA!

And, tistre, I have checked the results page and people were notified a looooong time ago for one of the schools I am waiting to hear back from. The other one doesn't really have many results posted. SO WHO KNOWS!!!

I emailed both of them today, even though I didn't really want to, but i think I need to know so I can start to move on.

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Hi frankdux,

Just for moral support--yes, I'm in the club with you. I applied to 7, was rejected from 6, and waitlisted by 1. Trying to stay positive. I would think it might take a couple of days for the admissions committee to meet or communicate again and make decisions, even if the waitlist is ranked. Of course this theory is based on nothing but idle speculation!

Best of luck to you in the coming days!

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I really appreciate your post. It helps to know that I'm not the only one in this situation. I applied to 4 schools - accepted to one I can't afford, and waiting to hear back from 1 other. There aren't many schools offering the track I need. If I don't get into the school I'm waiting to hear back from, I may just have to reapply for Fall 2010. Pretty scared that next year's application process will be even worse than this year, though...

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I got 10 rejections, and 1 waitlist

I am waiting to be accepted off the waitlist at this last 1 program

I don't expect to hear back by tomorrow, however

sometimes people get acceptances at the end of april, even May

It's not over til it's over

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I'm about to go batsh*t crazy, and I already know I'm waiting on a rejection!! I'm just irked that the school has taken this long to send any information out, because it could have screwed up other offers/acceptances if I had applied to other schools! :(

I'm tempted to email the graduate secretary again just to ask when to expect ANY correspondence about their program.

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Everyone! I just heard back from one of my schools this morning saying that I've been accepted off the wait list- I didn't think I'd hear anything back until after today, but I did! So don't give up! Especially those waiting only on schools that wait listed you. :)

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Everyone! I just heard back from one of my schools this morning saying that I've been accepted off the wait list- I didn't think I'd hear anything back until after today, but I did! So don't give up! Especially those waiting only on schools that wait listed you. :)

Nice work! Congratulations!

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I am a little ignorant of what happens after April 15th. If you haven't already heard from a university, can you still get admission along with funding after April 15th? Also, why the hoopla around April 15th then.

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I am a little ignorant of what happens after April 15th. If you haven't already heard from a university, can you still get admission along with funding after April 15th? Also, why the hoopla around April 15th then.

Yes, you still can after April 15th. It's been known to happen quite late in the game sometimes, even as late as August. But for international students that's probably not realistic.

The big deal around the date is that it is a sort of deadline for when first round admissions become confirmed. Those offered admissions will either accept or deny by this date. Some might get extensions and such, others might accept more than one school and then drop one of them later, so you can't really know what's happening. That's why things keep changing till the very end.

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Waitlisted to one school, waiting to hear back from two (likely rejections).

But the best thing to do, and the only thing I can do (as well as the rest of you), is remain hopeful.

In the darkest times, a glimpse of light can always serves as the greatest source of hope, no?

Good luck buddies!

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