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End of Semester DTs


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So, everything is done. All work completed and turned in, all student papers graded, grades calculated, and grades reported to the university as required. Office is cleaned out as requested. Library books returned.

I am still 100% absolutely certain that I forgot to write a 30 page paper that was due sometime last week and now I'm going to fail, and I'm going to get the disappointed face from my favorite profs, and my adviser is going to call me into his office and tell me that he had such high hopes for me, but he's gonna have to recommend that I see Starbucks for that barista job, even though I can't really see over the counter that well. I had the most horrific nightmare that I'd forgotten to give my students the final exam and they had to call me to find out why my students were asking where I was. And since the grades were already turned in.... Argh!

I hate detoxing from the semester; I feel like a walking, talking anxiety disorder.

My plan is to hide under a blanket near the air-conditioner and read bad fanfiction until I don't feel guilty about reading fanfiction instead of textbooks or journal articles.

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haha I always stress out the entire last week of the semester and count down minutes until the last final is over. Then without fail, I always walk out of the final, towards my car, thinking to myself "what the hell do I do know?" At this point, I am always in such crazy study mode that I end up going home and spending the entire day reading articles or doing research. It takes a few days for me to to be able to watch a TV show again or read for pleasure without feeling guilty.

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At the end of a semester I usually go into hibernation (literally) for about 24 hours, doing nothing but eating and sleeping, and then emerge from my blanket chrysalis as a newly refreshed butterfly. This is my favorite way to transition from an extremely heavy workload to an extremely light one ;)

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I currently have two papers to finish plus a take home final and my motivation is somewhere pretty far south of non-existent. The job question looms pretty large and has resulted in almost complete apathy now that I've finished my final qualifying exam. If only I could somehow enter a fugue-state and come out the other side with 15 pages written...

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