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SLP Grad School: Fears, Focus, & Dreams Thread

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Hello Everyone,


I loved twinguy7's Hope, Dreams, Guesses thread that was posted a few months back. Now that many of us have been accepted into programs I would love to read about your graduate school fears, focus, and career dreams!


Please share =)

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I'll start =)


My FEAR is that I am not cut out for grad school and that I wont be able to manage the clinic hours + class expectations. I'm worried that I will not be able to pull myself together and get organized enough to make it through my program. Does anyone else feel like this?

My graduate school FOCUS will likely be in the realm of dysphagia. =) I am enamored with everything related to swallowing therapy. I'm already starting to consider doing a thesis on something related to the NICU & dysphagia. =D


My career DREAM (well obviously this might change as I am a newbie to speech pathology) but I like to think that I will eventually work towards a BRS-S. Assuming my interest in swallowing disorders does not fade I expect I will want to become a swallowing specialist. =)


What about you?

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I'll start =)


My FEAR is that I am not cut out for grad school and that I wont be able to manage the clinic hours + class expectations. I'm worried that I will not be able to pull myself together and get organized enough to make it through my program. Does anyone else feel like this?



GOSH, yes! I'm so, so nervous. I have been out of school for 3 years already, I hope I haven't forgotten everything!


My Focus will likely be cochlear implants, maybe cochlear implants and music perception. 


My Dream would be to work in a CI clinic, hopefully in BC. I don't really want to return to my home province (although the money is great there)! One day, maybe I will return and complete the Au.D. online and move to the US :)

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My FEAR is that I will not remember things I learned in Undergrad and need to study twice as hard.  Also that It will snow A LOT in Michigan and I will get in a car accident.


My graduate school FOCUS will be the older population with Dysphagia, TBI, Stroke, etc.  


My career DREAM would be working in a SNF and loving what I do.  I love listening and working with older people.  They have so much to say and pass on.  I think I would love going to work every day of my life!  :)

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Glad i'm not the only one with the FEAR of not remembering everything from undergraduate (been out for 2 years)


Focus: Dysphagia/Swalloing, TBI, Stroke, Head/Neck Cancer - unsure if I want to focus on Dysphagia with Adults or Infants. I love babies


Career Dream: Private practice one day, specializing in Dysphagia/Swallowing and Voice Disorders, or some type of clinic for Dysphagia/Swallowing with the capabilities to FEES,Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies, etc.without having to send patients to a hospital. Also would like to do mission work in the US and other countries for individuals who don't have enough financial assistance to have help provided.

Edited by lgwslp
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My FEAR is that I will not remember things I learned in Undergrad and need to study twice as hard.  Also that It will snow A LOT in Michigan and I will get in a car accident.


My graduate school FOCUS will be the older population with Dysphagia, TBI, Stroke, etc.  


My career DREAM would be working in a SNF and loving what I do.  I love listening and working with older people.  They have so much to say and pass on.  I think I would love going to work every day of my life!   :)



The snow is bad but you will be ok! Just remember this: Pump your brakes, don't slam them. Have some faith in yourself, all of us northerners have had to learn how to drive in the snow with experience, and now it's your turn! :) 

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