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I did, for tomorrow!  I feel bad for anyone who has to interact with me over the next 24 hours, I'm going to be a wreck...


Did they say anything specific about what they wanted to talk to you about? For me it said specifically in the email that they wanted to talk about how my writing sample related to my research interests... Which could be something they said to everyone, or it could be because there's a bit of a mismatch (my writing sample was my undergraduate thesis, which looked at third language phonological acquisition, and I didn't say much about acquisition in my SOP).

Edited by skhaao
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I got a Google from Washington DC!!! I wonder if it's Maryland or the White House. >_>

Regardless, decent progress.


 Yeah! Good for you! I'm officially freaking out (and it is only January 15!!!)


No, it sounds fun though.

 It is!

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Hi there, Socioling buddy! I am getting pretty nervous, too. I just visited 2 schools this week because I was in the area and it's just making me anxious!

Ah! Which schools? Did you have to set up a formal tour, or did you just do your own thing?

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I did, for tomorrow!  I feel bad for anyone who has to interact with me over the next 24 hours, I'm going to be a wreck...


Did they say anything specific about what they wanted to talk to you about? For me it said specifically in the email that they wanted to talk about how my writing sample related to my research interests... Which could be something they said to everyone, or it could be because there's a bit of a mismatch (my writing sample was my undergraduate thesis, which looked at third language phonological acquisition, and I didn't say much about acquisition in my SOP).

I think it was a mass email because it wasn't addressed specifically to me and I had the writing sample question too. My writing sample is also a mismatch, so you're not alone :P

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Hmm, I didn't get any email from Berkeley :(


But the writing sample question wouldn't pertain to me though because I talked about that paper/project in my SOP and it's completely related to my main research interests.

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Hmm, I didn't get any email from Berkeley :(


But the writing sample question wouldn't pertain to me though because I talked about that paper/project in my SOP and it's completely related to my main research interests.

Yeah, I sort of suspect that these interviews might be aimed at clearing up questions of fit...

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Ah! Which schools? Did you have to set up a formal tour, or did you just do your own thing?

I visited Indiana U and U of Illinois. I just e-mailed the departments to set up a visit, but it was really just meeting a couple profs and some current students. Not really a formal interview kind of thing. :) I was in the area because my sister goes to IU (she's in a PhD program) and I went to visit her.


So, I'm applying to some of the same schools you are, but I only applied to 6 programs: Indiana (applying for Ling and French Ling departments), Illinois, Michigan, Pitt, and UPenn. Apart from my e-mail correspondence with potential advisors, I haven't heard a peep!

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Long time lurker, first time poster. 


Any tips for how to interview with a professor who does not share many research interests with you? And who works in a totally different subfield from the ones you said you wanted to study in your SOP?


Of course I'm going to familiarize myself with his work, think of questions about the program and about him to ask, and find some ways that our research interests are related but...... besides that? Any clues?

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I visited Indiana U and U of Illinois. I just e-mailed the departments to set up a visit, but it was really just meeting a couple profs and some current students. Not really a formal interview kind of thing. :) I was in the area because my sister goes to IU (she's in a PhD program) and I went to visit her.


So, I'm applying to some of the same schools you are, but I only applied to 6 programs: Indiana (applying for Ling and French Ling departments), Illinois, Michigan, Pitt, and UPenn. Apart from my e-mail correspondence with potential advisors, I haven't heard a peep!


That's exciting! Bloomington is supposed to have one of the most beautiful campuses in the country! How did it go? Get any good feedback from profs/grad students?


This is my third round applying for the PhD. Last year only to 7 depts (some duplicates) but I heard nothing at all and was rejected by each. Since then I've done a lot of research and whatnot so hopefully the third time will be a charm! Based on your schools, I'm assuming your pursuing more of a dialectology path? I'm primarily focused on language ideologies and identity (based on indexicality of linguistic features pertaining to style), but I'm also interested in endangered languages and less common dialects and how their use is perceived by other speakers.    

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I haven't heard anything from Maryland or NYU. Maybe I should just give up. :(

On the other hand, I got like 10 Googles today. Pretty weird.

Yeah but if you look at Maryland it's all over the place in past years! Don't give up! I know less about NYU but I imagine it's similar. Linguistics programs in general seem not to send interview invites out all at once (if they do interviews at all).

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First of all, Tairy, congrats! I am SOOO envious! Can I ask you what are you interested in (meaning: syntax, sem, neuroL, SocioL, etc)?


I haven't heard anything from Maryland or NYU. Maybe I should just give up. :(


On the other hand, I got like 10 Googles today. Pretty weird.


So, Chiki I feel a lot like you.

I haven't heard anything from Maryland, NYU, or Yale.


Plus, no one checked me out on the web either.



I found so difficult to focus on my work/friends/LIFE this weeks. Every little mistake I did at work these days felt like a big failure (like " See? You can't do it! And you want to get into Yale?!"). But we have to try and learn how to cope. I truly believe that we are not defined by the success of this application season, and we should not let our anxiety define us, or speak for us (I don't really know if this is your case, but I'm saying this because it is mine - I tend to feel defined by the succes of the things I plan).


So, while I am freaking out and feeling kind of discomforted, let me second isilya reasonable advice.


Yeah but if you look at Maryland it's all over the place in past years! Don't give up! I know less about NYU but I imagine it's similar. Linguistics programs in general seem not to send interview invites out all at once (if they do interviews at all).

After all, for many of the programs we applied to this was the first week after the deadline (I am still wondering about CUNY and UPenn, but nonetheless :rolleyes: ). Let's try to breathe and wait until Friday of next week to REALLY freak out.  :D


 I know it is more easily said than done. 

Edited by Garyon
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First of all, Tairy, congrats! I am SOOO envious! Can I ask you what are you interested in (meaning: syntax, sem, neuroL, SocioL, etc)?




Thanks, syntax! I'm a little bit surprised, because I felt like my application for Yale was relatively weak. I think that goes to show how things are somewhat random and luck-based, unfortunately. But for that same reason, we shouldn't take any victory or failure too personally.

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Looks like Yale is getting going on admissions,  apparently I'm shortlisted and invited to their open house, yay/ack!


Congrats!!  I got an invitation too and I'm freaking out.  Do you have any idea what to expect from the open house?

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Oh hey, so anyone who has a Berkeley interview, I wouldn't worry too much about it. They only ask the questions mentioned in the initial email. They're also all really nice!! I don't know how much the interview helped my chances, but it was a great experience and I really liked the culture the program seems to have :)

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Congrats!!  I got an invitation too and I'm freaking out.  Do you have any idea what to expect from the open house?

Not really, but I'm pretty confident there are three main things that we or anyone needs to do in this context:


#1: Prove in person that we're not wackos in some way that perhaps our application didn't convey.

#2: Have at least a general knowledge of who in the department works on what to show that we give a shit.

#3: Be able to talk coherently (and ideally, enthusiastically) about our research interests in linguistics.


#1 should be a given, and #2-3 should be possible already since we've prepared for that in getting the applications written up in the first place. It sounds like the open house is for "shortlisted" people which as far as I know means that, if we can come off well in person, our chances for admission are pretty good.

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On my trip back to America today, it turns out that Lufthansa won't be able to give me my baggage until Tuesday. =_= no winter jacket, laptop or clothes for days.

Hope I can end this crappy day with some damn interview emails!!!

Also fuzzy, would you happen to know anyone who lives in Lowell, MA from MIT or Harvard? I've been getting a lot of views from there. You can PM me if you wish.

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Thanks fuzzy.


Apparently some Maryland people got interview emails very late January in the past, so it's not too late yet. I thought it was a really good fit for me so I'd honestly be surprised if I didn't at least get an interview.


Anyway, I'm at UMass now, if feel free ask any UMass questions!

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