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MFA 2015 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Turns out the first person I spoke to in admissions at vcu was looking at a checklist that had not been updated...spoke to grad admissions and I actually do have everything for vcu. Had such a frown for a good 45 minutes until they called me haha.

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So I've applied to do a printmaking MFA.  Still waiting to hear from RISD, any ideas on that?  I've interviewed with both UConn and MassArt.  Only applied to 3.  Good luck all!

201oldmill, When did you interview with UConn? I applied there but haven't heard. Do you know if they've completed interviews?

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Summers, I interviewed on Wednesday, was notified via email on 2/7.  They told me their last interview is 2/18 and decisions would be after that.  Sorry you haven't heard from them.  Maybe it's worth checking in with Judith Thorpe, do you have her email?

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So I called Columbia yesterday out of curiosity about when they plan to hold their New Media interviews, because I've been trying to make a snap decision whether to fly to NY for the Bard interview, or Skype. The Columbia person I spoke with said they will be reviewing New Media/Sculpture applications next week!! and interviews will be held the first week of March.  This might be helpful to any of us applicants of Columbia/ multiple NY schools--- in the magical event that one might land a Columbia interview, it sounds like it may coincide with other NY school interviews. This is just a postulation.

Edited by Marchy
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So I called Columbia yesterday out of curiosity about when they plan to hold their New Media interviews, because I've been trying to make a snap decision whether to fly to NY for the Bard interview, or Skype. The Columbia person I spoke with said they will be reviewing New Media/Sculpture applications next week!! and interviews will be held the first week of March. This might be helpful to any of us applicants of Columbia/ multiple NY schools--- in the magical event that one might land a Columbia interview, it sounds like it may coincide with other NY school interviews. This is just a postulation.

OMG thanks you!!!! Feels so good to finally have some sort of timeline!!! :)

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A friend of mine just emailed UCLA regarding whether or not they started sending out any information regarding their grad art programs.  I guess i'll post what happens when he gets back to me.

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Okay so my friend got back to me,  he said that the UCLA grad art department said they don't normally have in-person interviews, and will contact people who are under consideration.

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Okay so my friend got back to me, he said that the UCLA grad art department said they don't normally have in-person interviews, and will contact people who are under consideration.

Did they give him a timeline or is it random?

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received a graduate study catalog/lookbook in the mail today from RISD (like something you would get as a perspective student), but still no mention of interviews.  Isn't that a bit of a tease, like they just added all their applicants to their marketing list?!

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How are we supposed to find out if we have been rejected from Bard?

I called Bard today and they said sent emails today. I still haven't received one from sculpture but if you call they will confirm if you are on the interview list or not. Looks like there was a database issue with sculpture notices they are correcting...

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received a graduate study catalog/lookbook in the mail today from RISD (like something you would get as a perspective student), but still no mention of interviews.  Isn't that a bit of a tease, like they just added all their applicants to their marketing list?!

I got that too! I got a message from my mom that I got a letter from RISD a couple weeks ago so I drove forty five minutes to her house and then it was just a brochure!! Tears.

Yea, I think it is just to give you a little taste of what they're department is like.

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201oldmill - I received the same catalog from RISD and just had to laugh. How could they be so cruel?


jl10 - I'm still waiting on Bard for painting. We're supposed to find out via email this week, but this week is rapidly vanishing. Hopefully we'll find out soon!

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Did they give him a timeline or is it random?


he told me they said they were currently reviewing applications.  Made it seem like its not like a set in stone time period, and may be up to the department or something.  I guess that means between now and end of march hopefully everyone will know. haha back to where I started!

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I called Bard today and they said sent emails today. I still haven't received one from sculpture but if you call they will confirm if you are on the interview list or not. Looks like there was a database issue with sculpture notices they are correcting...

Thanks for letting me know! Not sure I have the balls to call and ask about my status haha...

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