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MFA 2015 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Anyone know if we need to bring our portfolios to PennDesign interviews? I'm going in person on Wednesday afternoon

It's never a bad idea to bring your portfolio.

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dryheat -- I lived in HP for my last year of professional school at the U of C and really lucked out with an apartment search service, but I can't remember which one. Lots of the HP inventory is cyclical, as you'd expect.


I lived in the South Loop for a couple of years and commuted on public transportation to the U of C. It wasn't terrible, but I'm not sure what the rents are like now. Agreed with Derp that Pilsen and Bridgeport are good places to be, but you would need a car.

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Good luck to everyone this week. The interviews, the waiting and the nerves. Thus begins the start to the BIG finish. These next 2 to 3 weeks are important. To all that try and might not pull off that brass ring, know that we learned a lot through the process and can always try again. Salute!


Yes, I think/hope this will be the week we start to get some (good ;) ) results!  Good luck everyone; I hope we all get in somewhere we afford/with funding!

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Oh man. Dream school interview went terrible. I was so nervous and blubbered so much. 

Don't necessarily worry. I thought I blew it at National Portfolio Day with one school, then got a very positive email from them later.  I think they appreciate someone who is genuine rather stilted and rehearsed. Which is your top choice?

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My columbia slide room app says new genres mfa now...but I applied for sculpture. Anyone else?

...Okay now it just changed to sculpture mfa :)

Edited by jl10
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My columbia slide room app says new genres mfa now...but I applied for sculpture. Anyone else?

...Okay now it just changed to sculpture mfa :)


me too!


Oh wait now its back to sculpture.

Edited by tunamindmelt
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Mine just says 2015 Visual Arts MFA instead of anything with sculpture.... Always has said 2015 Visual Arts MFA too.

I think they're talking about their slideroom apps.

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So my slideroom for Columbia changed from "Sculpture" to "New Genres MFA." Did other sculpture applicants have the same change?


Oh haha thanks! Yep. Mine says 2015 Sculpture MFA... So exciting!


Just checked and they added the MFA onto my New Genres also…I just about upchucked my heart…Whew. Good luck!



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Has anyone else applied to the University of Delaware or know anything about their timeline?


I looked at UD and it looked good in both Art Studio and History. The issue for me is funding and the cost is much higher for out of state.

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I see that one person heard back from Columbia for painting. I applied for New Genres there though, so I hope we hear back soon. My Slideroom also had MFA added to it.

Has anyone heard back from Hunter or Tyler (Temple) yet? I applied to Combined Media at the former and Sculpture at the latter. I'm like freaking out from this radio silence from all three universities, and I see that many people have heard back about interviews or have already had them for other college. Bleeeeeeeegh I'm like freaking out. 

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Anyone know if we need to bring our portfolios to PennDesign interviews? I'm going in person on Wednesday afternoon

I asked the admissions coordinator, and she said they we did not need to bring work to the interview. I have an inperson interview as well on Wednesday afternoon

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What does the slideroom name change mean? My Hunter college slideroom was changed to MFA 2015 - Painting. Does it just indicate that your work is being looked at?

If you look at last years forum posts, the consensus regarding Columbia's slideroom was that when it changes from say "2015 Painting" to "2015 Painting MFA" it means that your work is being looked at. But when it changes back from "2015 Painting MFA" to "2015 Painting" then you can assume rejection. But this was only seen with Columbia's applications.


Also, this is only based on a few peoples applications so it could very well be a myth. As of now, mine has changed to 2015 Painting MFA. I'll update on what slideroom says when I find out if I got in or not.

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What does the slideroom name change mean? My Hunter college slideroom was changed to MFA 2015 - Painting. Does it just indicate that your work is being looked at?

Yeah, I just noticed that my app for Hunter changed to that as well. The general consensus that I've seen from previous posts on here seems to be that little change means that they are probably looking at it?

So you are a Hunter applicant too? I'm assuming this means that you haven't heard anything back yet either? I'm so nervous about all of this...

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Yeah, I just noticed that my app for Hunter changed to that as well. The general consensus that I've seen from previous posts on here seems to be that little change means that they are probably looking at it?

So you are a Hunter applicant too? I'm assuming this means that you haven't heard anything back yet either? I'm so nervous about all of this...

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Yeah, I just noticed that my app for Hunter changed to that as well. The general consensus that I've seen from previous posts on here seems to be that little change means that they are probably looking at it?

So you are a Hunter applicant too? I'm assuming this means that you haven't heard anything back yet either? I'm so nervous about all of this...

Mine says MFA 2015 - Painting too... What did it say before? 


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Mine says MFA 2015 - Painting too... What did it say before? 


I applied for Combined Media, but I'm pretty sure it just said MFA Combined Media before? I don't remember the 2015 being a part of it, but I could totally be wrong. It definitely changed for my Columbia app though.

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Hang in there! This is my first time around, applied to 5 schools and havent heard a peep from one.

I would imagine this is a hectic and chaotic time on their end too, that they deal with every year. (So they surely aren't as eager as we are) :)

Best of luck!

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