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Hey ttvtsai

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get in. That's too bad to hear.

Did you apply to the MSW Advanced or MSW indigenous stream at uvic?

What kind of experience do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?? What kind of social work do you hope to do?


I have to say, this is my second time applying and while I am waaaaaaaay more chill about it than I was last year, I am starting to get really antsy again! I am just going to try and forget about program admissions and focus on CGS-M because I know those decisions come out April 1, no questions asked, I have a hard date that I will find out and that is easier =P


Though someone asked about a backup plan, I figure I will just keep doing what I am doing, working in the field (though right now all of my jobs are relief so I will continue looking for something full-time), I have an interview to volunteer with victim services Toronto, which I would try to continue to do even if I DO get in, and I am potentially picking up a second concert band to play in (not sure how I will juggle both if I get into grad school but I will cross that bridge when I come to it), so even if I don't get in this year, things are looking up!

Posted (edited)
  On 2/27/2015 at 9:39 PM, Prairiegirl2015 said:

I forget where else did you apply to? @ jjmr89

I only applied to UBC-Okanagan and U of T. I was accepted to UBC-Okanagan a couple weeks ago. I have to give them my answer by March 6. If I don't get into U of T I will be OK - academically I am really excited about UBCO's clinical orientation and I love Kelowna as a city. I still think I'd go to U of T if I had the privilege of choosing between the two, though.

Edited by jjmr89

Not sure if anyone saw but UofT reached a tentative agreement so no strike :) 

  On 2/25/2015 at 4:22 PM, baozaifan said:

 I applied for 2 year MSW at Windsor, my status online hasn't changed. Still waiting! 



  On 2/25/2015 at 3:59 PM, Social Work 93 said:

Anyone know when 2 year MSW for Windsor decisions are made/released? 


I was told that we would be notified mid to late April for the 2 year MSW.  Still got a bit of time to wait!

  On 2/27/2015 at 11:45 PM, b39 said:

Not sure if anyone saw but UofT reached a tentative agreement so no strike :)


Apparently the deal was rejected and there is a strike, my facebook is exploding with angry U of T-ers D:

  On 2/28/2015 at 2:34 AM, Prairiegirl2015 said:

i really dont think this deal affects the admissions decisions??


Yeah, I was wondering about that! 


Also, note to everyone: avoid looking at last year's post(i.e. all of the 68 pages), it will only make you feel really hopeless (and extremely impatient...) :( :( :(


I just want to clear something up about last year and UofT notifications.  Today is the 27th of February.  Last year NO notifications were sent out for UofT Advanced Standing MSW applications until March 3, at which point all of the letters were sent.  And this was actually early for them.  If you look at the questions section about applications they very clearly state that notifications for the Advanced Standing will go out mid-March.  Some people hearing this year in February is NOT the norm and it does not mean everyone else should have heard.  Clearly they are changing things up a little bit.  But I keep hearing people say that people had heard by this time last year and that is simply not true.  I should know because I was an applicant during that cycle.  My acceptance letter came March 6.  My acceptance in my signature line is a deferral from last year.  So it is totally and completely normal to not have heard from UofT by this point!  Mid-March is the time frame for Advanced Standing and people who are waiting for 2 years from UofT (or Laurier or other schools) - you are not going to hear until mid-April!  That is a very well known fact.  Like I said, it is February 27, people waiting on the 2 year MSW programs likely have at least 5-7 weeks to wait.  I understand being anxious but you need to understand the timeframe so you don't drive yourself crazy.


inableakvision - I was on that thread and the advanced standing MSW applicants did not get notifications until after March 3.   Most people got the letters between March 5-9.  And it was acknowledged that this was EARLY for UofT.  I'm not sure why that would make you feel hopeless and impatient when it is still February.  They clearly state on their website that notifications go out out mid-March.

  On 2/28/2015 at 1:10 AM, wishingonuoft said:

Apparently the deal was rejected and there is a strike, my facebook is exploding with angry U of T-ers D:


Oh my I just saw that :( I hope as prariegirl is right and that this in no way affects decisions being mailed out from what I saw it was TA's that rejected the offer. 

  On 2/28/2015 at 3:44 AM, smpalesh said:

inableakvision - I was on that thread and the advanced standing MSW applicants did not get notifications until after March 3.   Most people got the letters between March 5-9.  And it was acknowledged that this was EARLY for UofT.  I'm not sure why that would make you feel hopeless and impatient when it is still February.  They clearly state on their website that notifications go out out mid-March.


Oh no, I know! I was only referring to people's credentials!! I meant it as "oh gosh, I don't think my credentials compare to theirs. Now I'm even more worried,"


Gahhhh. Sorry for the confusion :/

  On 2/27/2015 at 8:34 PM, sdp732 said:

Apparently they are very strict with the two year rule. My friend applied and had amazing experience. He only had a year and a half including like 6-8 months in a management position and he got rejected. He was pissed

Posted (edited)

Sdp 732: Is that right? Good to know. I asked them for feedback and sure it was the experience that dragged me down. I will try again next year. Thanks!

Edited by ttvtsai
  On 2/27/2015 at 9:38 PM, nutella14 said:

Hey ttvtsai

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get in. That's too bad to hear.

Did you apply to the MSW Advanced or MSW indigenous stream at uvic?

What kind of experience do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?? What kind of social work do you hope to do?

Posted (edited)

Nutella 14 : I

applied for MSW Advanced. I worked mostly community work in the past few years...ie, neighborhood house, transition worker, crisis Centre, etc and I have been holding a position as a support and education coordinator for a year. I want to get into health care sector as a medical Social worker or clinical social work. My current job is very closely related to health care field thought but not in a hospital setting.

Edited by ttvtsai
  On 2/28/2015 at 6:26 AM, ttvtsai said:

Is that right? Good to know. I asked them for feedback and sure it was the experience that dragged me down. I will try again next year. Thanks!


It's officially March! For us 2 year applicants that means we've only got a month left!

...alright, fine, we may not hear till mid or (gah!) late April. But I also had a school (St. Thomas) tell me I could hear by end of March, so I'm averaging it out.


York likely to go on strike this week as well. JSYK. Not sure how that might disrupt any other administrative matters. 

Posted (edited)

From what I understand, the only way these strikes will affect admissions decisions is if the administrative or admissions committee people don't want to cross the picket lines, since it is the TAs and/or contract faculty who are or would be on strike, not the administrative people or the tenured profs who would be on admissions committees.


Though I think these strikes are... I don't want to say ridiculous, because they're not, but if you look at what the TAs want, why they want it, and how graduate funding actually works, they aren't fighting over a labour issue at all- this is an access to education issue way more than it is a labour issue, but the labour unions are the only avenue they actually have to fight it out. So. I don't know how this is going to go.

Edited by lightning1129
Posted (edited)
  On 3/1/2015 at 6:55 PM, lightning1129 said:

From what I understand, the only way these strikes will affect admissions decisions is if the administrative or admissions committee people don't want to cross the picket lines, since it is the TAs and/or contract faculty who are or would be on strike, not the administrative people or the tenured profs who would be on admissions committees.


Though I think these strikes are... I don't want to say ridiculous, because they're not, but if you look at what the TAs want, why they want it, and how graduate funding actually works, they aren't fighting over a labour issue at all- this is an access to education issue way more than it is a labour issue, but the labour unions are the only avenue they actually have to fight it out. So. I don't know how this is going to go.


I hope you are right lightning1129, it seems like the strike has nothing to do with the decisions. Has anyone contacted Angela or anyone at York to find out if this will impact when the decisions are being mailed out?


I'm assuming that it won't have an impact because they would probably let the advanced standing students know at least in an e-mail by now if decisions are getting delayed since people have to start making choices and selections. 


magfish, I woke up this morning and was actually excited to see March 1 on the calendar it seems so much more real and plausible to start getting responses now that we are officially in March! Last year the first few 2 year students from York found out on March 31 I really hope that they start sending out responses that soon this year too :)



Edited by b39
  On 3/1/2015 at 8:35 PM, b39 said:

I hope you are right lightning1129, it seems like the strike has nothing to do with the decisions. Has anyone contacted Angela or anyone at York to find out if this will impact when the decisions are being mailed out?


I'm assuming that it won't have an impact because they would probably let the advanced standing students know at least in an e-mail by now if decisions are getting delayed since people have to start making choices and selections. 


magfish, I woke up this morning and was actually excited to see March 1 on the calendar it seems so much more real and plausible to start getting responses now that we are officially in March! Last year the first few 2 year students from York found out on March 31 I really hope that they start sending out responses that soon this year too :)




I emailed Angela last week to send an updated CV and inquired about the strike, no response so I am guessing they're just busy with admission decisions, the flood, dealing with the strike (even if it doesn't affect us, it surely must be causing some extra work for them) etc.. I woke up thinking tomorrow was March 1st, but once i realized the date definitely started counting the days and weeks until I could expect some kind of response haha

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