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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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It's not no page found when I click on the program link.  That is for the online form, which I've since found out is NOT where I am supposed to be clicking.  When I click on the program name it just takes me to my references.  And if people have been getting acceptance since yesterday then that seems like a pretty clear answer.

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Smapalesh, remember that there were 120 applicants last year. That must take some time to input into the computer. Further, maybe some candidates are without a doubt admissions because their scores are perfect, and others need to be debated by the committee. Maybe you and I are so awesome that we need further debate to just talk about how awesome we are.

(Look how much more rational I am In normal hours!)

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I'm wondering if the page has a glitch? Laurier had a lot of problems back in the very beginning with applications and their online database. I can no longer access the page that says I was rejected and I get an error message. Maybe there is still hope? I still haven't received the official rejection e-mail so who knows!

Stay positive! 

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smpalesh, I am assuming it took you to reference because your decision has not been input into the system yet for you to check. That likely explains why when I clicked on mine, it did not take me to references, but rather to the decision made. Again, I was rejected, and it was on there. So nothing on there does not automatically mean rejected. I assume it means they haven't put yours up yet. These things take time, I'm sure they can't release them all at once, but rather input as they go.

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smpalesh, people have also been getting rejections, not just acceptances, through that link; I would guess that the Page Not Found error would mean that they are still updating accounts now, and yours is one of the ones currently being updated with your result - don't lose hope yet!

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Does anyone know of anyone receiving an acceptance email?  Someone mentioned they know of two people who were accepted - did they also get the official acceptance email?  I know that the official acceptances usually go out in an email.  If those have all gone out then hope is definitely gone.


I am trying to convince myself that maybe there is still a chance.  That maybe they are inputting the results into the system in alphabetical order or something and they haven't gotten to me (last name P).  I am just grasping at straws here!


My kids school had a "cold" day today (-30 and the teachers seemed to say forget it lol) so they are all home and I am just going to be sitting and obsessing all day!

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smpalesh, people have also been getting rejections, not just acceptances, through that link; I would guess that the Page Not Found error would mean that they are still updating accounts now, and yours is one of the ones currently being updated with your result - don't lose hope yet!


Do you think they could be changing mine from rejected to accepted?!  :blink:

LOL this is stressful!!! Laurier is taking us on a roller coaster of an adventure. I want to call them and ask: WHAT DO YOU MEAN????

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I do not personally know the other people who I were told got in, but I was told that that's how they checked - was through the site. My last name starts with an A, so you're perhaps correct that it could be alphabetical.


In the original confirmation email received when I submitted the online application, it said emails would go at the END of February, so there is still time for that. I have not received a rejection email, just saw it on LORIS.



****UPDATE: I logged back into LORIS and when I click on my program, it gives me an error page as well now. Therefore, this is obviously a technical glitch in the system right now.


Deep breaths everyone :)

Edited by kourterr
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I've only applied to Carleton 2 year... So I'm hoping to get lucky and get an offer! I already hold an MA in Conflict Studies from Ottawa U and currently work at Ottawa CAS... But need that MSW to be a CPW! Waiting is killing me... And this weather is NOT helping!!

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Still checking mine, still just going to the reference page.  For anyone else this is happening to could you please update when you are able to get through?  This is terrible because it is Friday so unless it magically starts working I will have to be in limbo all weekend and that is so upsetting.  I don't understand how they can have updated some people's info but not others.  If they've been doing it since yesterday you'd think they would have everyone's done by now.  And if some people's are saying accepted then I think it is safe to assume that the acceptance emails have gone out already.  I just want this to be over. :(

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Still checking mine, still just going to the reference page.  For anyone else this is happening to could you please update when you are able to get through?  This is terrible because it is Friday so unless it magically starts working I will have to be in limbo all weekend and that is so upsetting.  I don't understand how they can have updated some people's info but not others.  If they've been doing it since yesterday you'd think they would have everyone's done by now.  And if some people's are saying accepted then I think it is safe to assume that the acceptance emails have gone out already.  I just want this to be over. :(



Hey smpalesh

Would you be willing to call Laurier to ask for clarification?

As you say, it's Friday and waiting over the weekend would be difficult and likely pretty stressful for you.

I just wouldn't want someone to agonize for 48+ hours until Monday morning. Maybe a quick call could set your mind at ease... better to get information straight from the source rather than relying on assumptions and guesses.

Hang in there!

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Very true! I'm in favour of altering my obsessive behaviour over ROSI and Loris to finding Ryan Gosling meme's instead, it's a lot easier on the mind..and eyes haha

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nutella14 - I emailed them at 10:44am this morning, but I doubt they will respond. 



It's probably a busy time for them, and sometimes (in my experience at least) they will comment more in depth on the phone, rather than in writing. Do you think a quick call could (possibly) be helpful? Or would you rather just wait it out? I am just thinking that if you call, they might say that they're updating rejections first. Or that there has been a glitch in the system (kourterr was getting the error page as well, right?). I can't remember what school is doing that but some other school (Carleton??) is sending out rejection emails first.. Useful information! There's a few more hours in the day, before they close.

Anyway either way, all the best with the wait!

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Okay I have information for everyone applying for Laurier Advanced Standing MSW.  I received a response from Laurier regarding people viewing their status on Loris. 


"No decisions for the MSW programs have yet to be released.  If you have names of other applicants that can see their decisions I'd like to know about them so that I can investigate what they might be seeing."


So according to Laurier they have NOT released any decisions.  So I am not sure what other people are seeing or if it is a glitch and they accidentally released some.  Or whether the whole thing is wrong.  Either way she said that no decisions have been released for any MSW programs.

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Does anyone know what UofT is doing in terms of acceptance letters? Perhaps they are staggering the letters this year as opposed to sending them all out on the same date? This would make sense (to me at least) because this way there could be more frequent updates for people who they wait-list. I know I previously read from mid-February to mid-April, however when I last spoke with Angela about my application she said that I should know anywhere from the next couple of weeks (which was a couple of weeks ago) to mid-March, but she did not mention April. I'm starting to wonder if they already have it predetermined whose letters will be going out on which dates, and why.

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Has anyone heard from Ryerson's Advanced standing?


Nope but I am waiting as well! I called yesterday and the Graduate Admissions Department said that letters could be sent out anytime between the end of February and early April. I called the Social Work Department itself to see if they could give me anymore information, but they told me I needed to call the Graduate Admissions office..


Do you know much about the Ryerson program? I applied because the curriculum really appeals to me.. but I'd love to know a bit more about placement opportunities.

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Does anyone know what UofT is doing in terms of acceptance letters? Perhaps they are staggering the letters this year as opposed to sending them all out on the same date? This would make sense (to me at least) because this way there could be more frequent updates for people who they wait-list. I know I previously read from mid-February to mid-April, however when I last spoke with Angela about my application she said that I should know anywhere from the next couple of weeks (which was a couple of weeks ago) to mid-March, but she did not mention April. I'm starting to wonder if they already have it predetermined whose letters will be going out on which dates, and why.


The 2-year MSW is released in April.

I asked her about the timeline and I got a generic template response that also said mid-February to mid-April.

Honestly I am assuming they are swamped with emails at this time and they send one response out to anyone -- rather than sending different responses to 1 year and 2 year.

When you spoke to her, she would have known that you were 1-year and given you a more precise answer.

Last year 2-years found out on April 7th and in 2013 they found out on April 15th. So for us, it's still mid-April. And for you, it's still late Feb - mid March.

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The 2-year MSW is released in April.

I asked her about the timeline and I got a generic template response that also said mid-February to mid-April.

Honestly I am assuming they are swamped with emails at this time and they send one response out to anyone -- rather than sending different responses to 1 year and 2 year.

When you spoke to her, she would have known that you were 1-year and given you a more precise answer.

Last year 2-years found out on April 7th and in 2013 they found out on April 15th. So for us, it's still mid-April. And for you, it's still late Feb - mid March.


Yea that's what I figured, it's just I'm seeing postings about admission letters dated February 11, and I haven't received anything yet. Last year I'm pretty sure they sent all letters on the same date (March 3) whether they were offers of admission or not. Curious...

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Okay I have information for everyone applying for Laurier Advanced Standing MSW.  I received a response from Laurier regarding people viewing their status on Loris. 


"No decisions for the MSW programs have yet to be released.  If you have names of other applicants that can see their decisions I'd like to know about them so that I can investigate what they might be seeing."


So according to Laurier they have NOT released any decisions.  So I am not sure what other people are seeing or if it is a glitch and they accidentally released some.  Or whether the whole thing is wrong.  Either way she said that no decisions have been released for any MSW programs.

Good job!! Thanks for saving all of sanities.

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I've sadly come to terms with the fact that I likely won't be hearing back from Waterloo or Western today so I'm hoping Monday...I hope my sanity stays intact over the weekend.

Some people who applied to Waterloo (one I personally know and someone one here) said they've been admitted but my status still says no decision has been made. So am I wait listed?! :/

I just wish I knew what was going on. I tried calling Waterloo today but the office is closed today... :(

Monday please come quickly.

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