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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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nutella 14 - I agree completely. I'm sure as you can tell from my previous posts, sometimes I'm super confident and other times I feel like there is no chance I'll get in. Although I absolutely love my personal statement for Carleton I'm afraid that's not what they are looking for. I focused primarily on the development of sexual assault policies for university and college campus across Canada and the hopes of ending the perpetuation of rape culture and instead creating a consent culture on campuses as well. Gah, I'm so conflicted. 

 Wow. That sounds like an amazing plan and a freaking awesome admissions statement! Just wanted to say that :)

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For anyone applying to the UofT advanced standing MSW, I think we are all overthinking things. It seems that this year some admission offers went out on February 11, however I do not think that ALL offers will be sent out on the same date this year. Last year all letters went out on March 3, so there is no reason why the admissions committee wouldn't have sent out rejection and waitlist letters on Feburary 11 as well if all their decisions were made. February 11 was just about 2 weeks ago, so I think it is safe to say that if you live in Canada, and have not received anything yet, that it is probably because there was nothing to receive (meaning it was not mailed out on February 11). Having said that, we were first told mid-March for decisions. Perhaps they are just mailing them out as they are processed, as opposed to waiting for all to be complete. Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that there are many logical explanations why some have not heard back yet. Unless you have received a letter that says you were not admitted, I don't think there is any reason to believe so at this point; after all, they are still well ahead of schedule.

Personally, I don't think comparing to last year (for UofT at least) is very meaningful at this point, and we should just continue to remain positive. The fact that any letters were mailed in February confirms that the admissions committee is doing things differently this year. Had it not been for reading some posts, none of us would be expecting a letter from UofT this early. I think we should give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and take it one week at a time until mid-March.

Thanks for saying this. I think it is so easy to jump into the trap of "mind-reading", and it is driving us all nuts. We need to relax, breathe, and acknowledge that until we hear something official then the answer is still uncertain.

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Yes, I will be attending the program at UofT.  I don't really have a choice, I have to finish and start working.  I know many people would be thrilled to attend UofT, but I am afraid I won't be able to handle the commute or that I won't be able to find a placement in my home community.  And of course Laurier has been dream program for years.

I wish they would email rejections too. This is torture.  For a few minutes after I saw that you guys had been accepted I thought "Maybe they are still sending emails!  Maybe I will still be accepted!" but I know that is stupid because you guys heard before 9:30am and if I was going to I would have by now.


Heart broken.

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I just spoke with Angela (UofT) and asked if all admission decisions for the advanced standing MSW had been made yet, to which she replied "absolutely not." She also said that they have been closed for the past week due to flooding, and hoping to make all decisions by mid-March. 


As I said earlier, there are many logical explanations why some might have heard earlier than others. No news is not a form of rejection, wait-listing, etc; it is simply no news. Let's all take deep breaths (or do whatever it is that you do   :rolleyes:) and continue to stay positive.


You are a saint for looking into this! Definitely helping to keep me grounded right now :)

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Impatientlywaiting!  - I WANT TO BUY YOU A CUPCAKE FOR THIS!! Thank you!!



Yes, I will be attending the program at UofT.  I don't really have a choice, I have to finish and start working.  I know many people would be thrilled to attend UofT, but I am afraid I won't be able to handle the commute or that I won't be able to find a placement in my home community.  And of course Laurier has been dream program for years.

I wish they would email rejections too. This is torture.  For a few minutes after I saw that you guys had been accepted I thought "Maybe they are still sending emails!  Maybe I will still be accepted!" but I know that is stupid because you guys heard before 9:30am and if I was going to I would have by now.


Heart broken.

Why don't you call them and ask them? <3 Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way. I hope you get good news, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would all be heartbroken for you!

Edited by selis
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Yes, I will be attending the program at UofT.  I don't really have a choice, I have to finish and start working.  I know many people would be thrilled to attend UofT, but I am afraid I won't be able to handle the commute or that I won't be able to find a placement in my home community.  And of course Laurier has been dream program for years.

I wish they would email rejections too. This is torture.  For a few minutes after I saw that you guys had been accepted I thought "Maybe they are still sending emails!  Maybe I will still be accepted!" but I know that is stupid because you guys heard before 9:30am and if I was going to I would have by now.


Heart broken.

I am so sorry to hear this. I wish it was better news for you, because commuting to grad school with children and a chronic illness will not be easy. Do whatever self-care you think you need today :)

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Damn. I think you have a really good chance of getting in. I feel really nervous now - you have extremely better credentials than I do. I wouldn't worry too much! Carleton can be pretty picky though, I do know that but you seem to have a lot of hours of experience, which is what they look for. Good luck!

I'm seriously getting antsy over this! I also had an -A in undergrad overall 4 years... -A in my Masters... 4500+ hours and ongoing... Overseas experience ... I focused my statement on issues surrounding violence against women and children ... The structural school at carleton seems like a good fit for me since my masters thesis examined the VAW issues on a multi-level basis... But who knows... Ugh I'm just squirming over here! I'm getting more obsessive lol I'm afraid how my state on mind will be if I need to wait until Friday!!

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Your credentials are amazing! 

I'm seriously getting antsy over this! I also had an -A in undergrad overall 4 years... -A in my Masters... 4500+ hours and ongoing... Overseas experience ... I focused my statement on issues surrounding violence against women and children ... The structural school at carleton seems like a good fit for me since my masters thesis examined the VAW issues on a multi-level basis... But who knows... Ugh I'm just squirming over here! I'm getting more obsessive lol I'm afraid how my state on mind will be if I need to wait until Friday!!

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I completely agree with you! I am just happy that we can keep our sanity by seeing that other people are going through what we are going through.


As for my preference for Laurier, I want to go there mainly for the CPPO program it offers. Although I want to focus on gerontology, I want to learn more about the social problems and how I am able to create change in the governing policies. Although U of T is an incredible school, I have just always been drawn to the CPPO program at Laurier and I feel that it would really prepare me for my choice of career.

But either way I would be happy to get into both schools. Windsor on the other hand is 4 hours away from my house and my "back up" school. I would still be excited to enter the program but the thought of living 4 hours away from my home is stressful in itself. 



Also, I just read your post about having faculty who share the same interests as you. This is one reason that U of T is attracting me because there is a faculty member who shares the same research focus as me. (Elder abuse and prevention/response interventions). So another reason why deciding schools is that much more difficult... I mean I guess I should wait until I find out if I get in before I drive myself crazy deciding between the schools lol  :)


Very true, not to mention as much as I can my boyfriend's ear off about this entire process it helps to have other people who are in the same position. I was recently told by a student who will be graduating from the program this year that Laurier might be combining the curriculum for CPPO and IFG, again I am not sure when this will take place but have you heard anything about this? 


Also I find your research interest and goals very interesting, hopefully you'll have the opportunity to pursue them in the Fall :) 

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Just got the email from Carleton 2 year...

Accepted with 4k funding! Conditional offer / original transcripts need to be sent.


CONGRATULATIONS!! Perhaps I'll be seeing you in Ottawa!


@purplegrey fingers crossed for you!

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cheekss and Socialworkerr - do you mind my asking what your qualifications are?  I'm just trying to figure out what they are looking for that I clearly don't have.


I did a BA in psychology, then I worked in the field for 4 years. I did a mix of full and part-time jobs including:


-fundraising for a non-profit

-residential care for youth

-counselling at an addiction treatment centre

-crisis work at a community mental health agency


During these years I also volunteered on a distress line and as a support group facilitator for men who survived childhood sexual abuse. 


I began a certificate in addiction studies a few years back, but it is not yet complete. I returned to school almost full time last year to complete prerequisite courses for the HBSW I was interested in. This year I am doing the one-year HBSW. My placement involves work with eating disorders. I am also volunteering as a research assistant.


My grades in undergrad were very inconsistent.. probably B average at best. However, last year my average was an A- and this year so far it is an A.


I know you are heart broken. I'm sure that once it settles you will find a way to make things work and life will feel more comfortable. All the best to you!  

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I did a BA in psychology, then I worked in the field for 4 years. I did a mix of full and part-time jobs including:


-fundraising for a non-profit

-residential care for youth

-counselling at an addiction treatment centre

-crisis work at a community mental health agency


During these years I also volunteered on a distress line and as a support group facilitator for men who survived childhood sexual abuse. 


I began a certificate in addiction studies a few years back, but it is not yet complete. I returned to school almost full time last year to complete prerequisite courses for the HBSW I was interested in. This year I am doing the one-year HBSW. My placement involves work with eating disorders. I am also volunteering as a research assistant.


My grades in undergrad were very inconsistent.. probably B average at best. However, last year my average was an A- and this year so far it is an A.


I know you are heart broken. I'm sure that once it settles you will find a way to make things work and life will feel more comfortable. All the best to you!  



Hi cheekss


I've been losing track of everyone now that so many people are on the forum (which is a good thing) so I can't recall -- were you one of the people who applied multiple times to the MSW, then did the HBSW??

I know it's impossible to know, but do you think the HBSW was the tipping point to getting accepted this year?

(Was this the key difference to your application, or did you gain significant experience hours as well?)

Thanks :)

Are you at Orillia or TBay?

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So, I'm assuming lunch hour is now over and they are getting back to work (if that's how the admissions committee works). I hope there's another round of emails that are sent this afternoon.

This is exactly what I'm hoping for! I'm too obsessed with all of this :P

And congrats to those accepted to Laurier!

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Hi cheekss


I've been losing track of everyone now that so many people are on the forum (which is a good thing) so I can't recall -- were you one of the people who applied multiple times to the MSW, then did the HBSW??

I know it's impossible to know, but do you think the HBSW was the tipping point to getting accepted this year?

(Was this the key difference to your application, or did you gain significant experience hours as well?)

Thanks :)

Are you at Orillia or TBay?


Hey nutella!


Yes - I applied to 2-year MSW programs (Laurier and UofT) 3 times and was always rejected.


I think that doing the HBSW could have been the tipping point for me, but is likely related to my improved grades in the HBSW. My grades in undergrad were not nearly as strong so the HBSW gave me an opportunity to prove myself academically. I think that my statements were also a lot stronger this year because I have a much better understanding of my research and population interests. 


I am doing the HSBW at Renison, University of Waterloo. 

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